
From OpenGeofiction
Revision as of 05:01, 28 August 2021 by Alessa (talk | contribs) (Moving rules elsewhere for clarity)

Template:About OpenGeofiction

OpenGeofiction (OGF) is a collaborative platform for creating fictional maps. It is based on the OpenStreetMap software platform, which means that all map editors and other tools suitable for OpenStreetMap can be used to build this fictional world. The world is set in modern times, with an emphasis on realism. The planet doesn't have orcs or elves. Rather, it features power plants, motorways, and housing projects contrasted with picturesque old towns, beautiful national parks, and lonely beaches.


If you'd like to help create this world:

  1. Create an account, agree to the terms of use and contributor terms, and verify your email.
  2. Start mapping in one of the █ blue territories on our overview map (thumbnail at right, click for explanation of other colors). These territories are free for all users to edit. Look at various towns and cities and try building one yourself.
  3. Stick to the rules! They are listed below.

Moving on from "Blue" territories:

  1. You may request to own an █ available territory (shown in light green on the overview map) by following the territory assignment procedure.
  2. You may request to participate in a █ collaborative territory (shown in purple on the overview map) by contacting its coordinator.
  3. You are also free to choose both of these options, and of course you may continue editing in blue territories as well. When requesting a territory of your own, please remember that such requests are always subject to admin approval, so please wait for confirmation before making any edits in the territory.

How to sign up

Click here.

Official OGF Documentation
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