
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Airannia Kingdom of Airannia
Égnácy Aerágnynn (Aeránanue)
Capital: Vorácy
Population: x (2021)
Motto: Sollé foinvevia gabher aetay nilliáms biday.
Anthem: Votte, Aeráyer

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Airannia (Aeránanue: Aerágny [ɑɪʀaːɲi], Valonian: Aërange, Hmala: Ayragni [ɑɪɹɑɳiː]) is a country in Tarephia, located in the Straight of Lyc. It comprises the majority of the island of Cabelia and smaller surrounding islands, and borders directly with the republic of Cabelia, while having a connection via bridge with TA320. The country was formed on July 1st 1967 following the union of two former states, being Parzhinia and the Southern Cabelian States; both of which were states ruled by peoples of Haera culture. While the capital of Parzhinia was Vilvéque, the capital was moved to the largest city of the nation, Vorácy, at this time. Since 1999, the head of state in the monarchy has been King Dhéme IV, while the prime minister is Frédrique Hravonge of the nation's ruling party XCA. While in other constitutional monarchies, the role of the monarch is typically ceremonial, the Airannian king's role as protector of the people is taken very seriously, and is rather visible even in modern day politics. Historically, the lands of Airannia were settled by a native population known as Haera, which, in various tribes, settled the lands here. With Valonian colonization of the island of Cabelia, the cultures and language of specifically the Pira people were spread through the majority of the island, as Parzhinia, and during the time period of the Rivages, this language was standardized to comply with several other Haera languages along the Gulf of Cabelia. With the collapse of the Rivages, the Cabelian holdings were at the centre of the remaining territories; while the southern Haera kingdoms, which were never fully integrated into the Rivagien empire split, and formed the Southern Cabelian States, the heartland now known as Parzhinia formed a joint Valonian-Parzhinian republic, which quickly collapsed into a battleground between the Haera Parzhinians and Valonian Cabélien. This resulted in a stalemate between Cabelia and Parzhinia. Today, Airannia is a quickly developing state, where industry is still a great good, but, welfare is spreading more and more quickly to its citizens.


The name Aerágny is derived from the name of the mythical native people who lived on Cabelia, the Haera - which is seen as the common ancestors of all native tribes that lived on Cabelia, including the Pira, who eventually became the dominant culture and, with help from the Valonian colonizers became a majority of people living on the island. The suffix -gny means little more than "owned by", or "home of".

The name Parzhinia is derived from the Aeránanue word for grove, parçe.


Open Book icon.svg
History of Airannia
Valonian Rule
• First Valonian settlementsx
• Jean Boulard's speechx
• Rivagien rulex
• Collapse of the Rivages1695
Campaigns for Cabelia
• Republic of United Cabelia1695 - 1704
• First, Second, Third Campaignsx
• Fourth Campaign, the great push Eastx
• Treaty of Chambraix
Modern Parzhinia
• Brécelly's referendum1893
• The Chambrai Purchase1902
• Rellebois' Collapse1919
• UnificationJuly 1st, 1967


Native Haera people have lived on Cabelia for a long time, and are typically divided into four pre-colonial groups: Hmala, Artá, Ártic, and Pira. The Hmala were found on the southern part of the island, the Artá lived in what is now known as the western half of Artaria, and the Ártic lived the northern part of Cabélie. The Pira, however, lived on the northwestern parts of the island, and notably, also on Ascuny, which was known as Däkooti. It was Ascuny that was the first landing place of Valonian colonizers onto Cabelia. The colony of Deux-Découvré, as it was known at the time, was however, a poorly managed one, and was seen as a proving grounds for younger recruits. However, the colony was also used for several political enemies of the Valonian ruler at the time, which created an environment where rebellion brooded. However, as natives were taught Valonian, they would instead use the Valonian alphabet and spelling rules they were taught to write their native languages instead. Additionally, they also translated the names the Valonians gave to places and people into the Old Aerán language, as mockery. As such, Deux-Découvré became Afe-Ascuny, which translates the Valonian name into Old Aerán. Eventually, under mounting pressure from both political prisoners that were sent to the colonies and the crafty natives, headed by Jean Boulard, the Valonians conceded to let the natives use their own language and adapted the native's names. This cultural and linguistic ductility from the colonizers eventually led to a unique atmosphere on Cabelia, where the Pira natives were enabled to expand their reaches rather quickly, supplanting the Ártic quickly under the support and guidance of Valonian "colonizers", who administered the region, but allowed the Pira moderate amounts of self governance.


After XXXX, a large part of the colonies of the Valonians on Cabelia came to fall under the Rivages. Within the Rivages, the Pira people had been given a different name, as the Parzhinians, as the region of expanded Pira activity was also known as Parçinny by the native peoples. Parzhinia, as it was known, was administered primarily from the cities of Chégny, Vorácie, Ardoux and Brotoque. As the Rivages collapsed, in 1695, from remaining territories around Cabelia, the Republic of United Cabelia was formed - which consisted primarily of a Parzhinian part in the west, and a Valonian part in the east. Within few years however, this marriage of peoples turned out to be less than ideal; the Parzhinians local governors preferred a traditional Haera kingdom, as under Haera cultures, a "king" as guardian of the lands was deemed natural, meanwhile the Valonian-speaking east was unhappy about having to share with a large population group of native people, who they saw as inferior. Within the decade, on the 29th of May, 1704, this republic collapsed, with the eastern Valonians departing from the Republic of United Cabelia, to create the Republic Cabélie. Shortly after, the Kingdom of Parzhinia was declared, with Jeraum I as its first king, who was crowned on the 1st of July, 1704.

After the Rivages

The Cabélians wasted no time in reclaiming their former share of the island; the first Campaign for Cabelia was fought from X to X, and was a decisive victory for the Republican side. Large amounts of territory were gained on the Parzhinians, and the southern frontier was roughly at the river Lick, near modern day Égnáfoi. Swiftly, the Parzhinians reorganized, and, in the Second Campaign for Cabelia, retook a vast amount of land near Carilly, as well as a short stretch up to and including Jourfanqi. During the Third Campaign for Cabelia, the Parzhinian frontier was moved further, all the way through towards the city of Ploury gran on the south coast, and Bestre on the northern shore, with the notable exception of the free city state of Vorácy. However, unlike the rest of the territorial gains, which had all consisted of areas where the majority of population was natively Haera, around the town of Saint-Piérre the vast majority of population was Valonian. This lead to issues with naturalizing the population, and several cruelties occurred during these times.

Fourth and Fifth Campaigns

However, despite having unified the Haera people, the Parzhinian state was speeding up its industrial capacities, in addition to its mining and plantations. As a result, the export of goods from the island towards other nations was becoming a hot topic issue. The city of Ardoux had in colonial times been the primary port, and during this industrial boom, gained a role as primary point of exit for goods towards Paroy and Balavalonia. The cities of Chestrivil, Vilvéque and Dhomdarly became important for export towards Broceliande as well as Allendea, and from Sésyu, Antarephian nations were able to be connected as well. However, especially to connect with Free Reedemia, an eastern port on the island of Cabelia was deemed crucial. The Fourth Campaign for Cabelia was begun primarily with this as the main objective - however, the Parzhinian forces would strand, gaining little more than the city of Breceille and the island of Brécel, considered a consolation price. Since the annexation of Saint-Piérre had gone less than swimmingly, a different option was chosen than the outright cruelties from before; a puppet state, the Republic Brécelly, was created. In many ways, however, this government was worse for Valonian-speaking people than the Parzhinians had been in Saint-Piérre. Valonian people often found themselves evicted with minimal notice, fired from their jobs, and in general discriminated against. Within 10 years, the vast majority of inhabitants had fled, either to Republic Cabélie, or to Brécel, the island, on which the inquisition was felt much less strongly. The reason for this was that the Parzhinians had no intent to keep the island, but instead were willing to use it for negotiation at a later time, and as such the naturalization of this island was put on a backburner for the time being. However much the Parzhinians had hoped that Breceilles, or Bréxeiram as they'd renamed it, would've worked as the Parzhinian eastern port, it was by no means a solution. As the Freedemian economy swelled larger over time, the urge to efficiently trade grew larger, which led to the Fifth Campaign for Cabelia, which would also be the last. The initial push from the Parzhinians during this campaign, a naval attack onto the eastern city of Les Meins, would also be the most potent. The city was blitzed within a few weeks, with naval help from ???, and a new administration was rushed into place. Defenses at the city were so tense, that Cabélia deemed it outright impossible to retake the city at this time, and considered it a lost cause. Within a year of the start of the fifth war, a railroad was being constructed between Les Meins and Vorácy, to transport goods to the harbor. However, the Cabélians didn't surrender the fight, and around Duxembois, the flames of conflict grew increasingly fast. The city, built on the river Rell, had two main fortresses, but, having taken the western one, the Cabélian army was able to defend the eastern fortress effectively. The result was a stalemate, which turned into an increasingly rowdy population; not just in the occupied Duxembois, but also in the rest of Cabélie, as the inhabitants feared a repeat of Les Meins, where the government would give up on their homelands. A militia formed, and it was under the pressure of these that a peace treaty was signed; between the Parzhinians, the Cabélians, but also the Jennaisians, as they called themselves. The treaty of Chambrai saw the following conclusion - the creation of a new nation state, the Duchy of Rellebois, inbetween Parzhinia and Cabélie, with Duxembois as its capital, which would also contain the vast majority of the Aeráfied nation of Brécelly, which was given up by Parzhinia in exchange for a small part of Duxembois, where the Parzhinian armies had been stationed, and also in order to keep the city of Les Meins, and its railway, which had been finished a year prior. The railroad would also be militarized, which the Rellebois didn't mind, seeing it as free military protection from its southern neighbour. One would suggest this deal was less than favorable for Cabélie, but as the nation's economy was crumbling already, the loss of a large amount of relatively undeveloped territory was by no means a terrible break for the nation, who from here, managed to rebuild into a proper economy more rapidly.


The Duchy of Rellebois was a troubled one, being incepted after the treaty of Chambrai, it quickly became swamped by corruption and lack of governing power. In 1893, a referendum was held to join with Parzhinia in the former nation of Brécelly, which passed with 92% in favor, in no small part because the common language in this area was Parzhinian indeed. In 1902, the nation's coastline was devastated by a tropical storm, which normally is a rarity in these waters. All between and including the towns of Eranesque and Boustone was destroyed. Acting quickly the Parzhinians offered to the duchy to purchase a part of this coastline, between Eranesque and Oisotte, in order to help the Rellebois government pay the expenses of rebuilding near Chambrai and Boustone. However, in response, the Cabélians also offered, to purchase the rest of the demolished coastline from the duchy. The Rellebois government accepted both offers, and suddenly, the nation found itself lacking a coastal place, with the exception of Jennbourgh. However, as the harbor in Jennbourgh was in disrepair, the government scrambled to develop here, as the nation relied heavily on food imports. After several years however, famine struck, mostly due to failing harvests, and a joint embargo from Parzhinia and Cabélie, which lead to revolts all around, and in 1919 eventually to a coup by the pro-Parzhinian military, shortly after which the nation joined Parzhinia as its seventh province, Étrique/Duché.

Contemporary History

After the coup in Rellebois, relations with Cabélie became much less hostile, and much more cooperative, the nations even formally becoming allies in 1944. In 1967, the unification of Parzhinia and the Southern Cabelian States resulted in the formation of the country of Airannia, and saw the capital move to Vorácy. Since then, the country has been subdivided into four distinct regions, which are nationally known as kingdoms, even though Airannia itself is a union of these royal lands. In 2005, the government of Cabélie formally transferred ownership of the Cappoura Isles to Airannia, as the language barrier with an Airannian speaking majority here, and its distant location had made it difficult for the archipelago to be governed from Boncharté.


Administrative Divisions

Government Data - The Noun Project.svg
Administrative divisions of Airannia
First-level12 provinser (provinces)
Second-level50 déparmentre (departments)
Third-level574 facter (municipalities)

Airannia is divided into 4 region, also known as kingdoms: Parzhinia, Rellebois, Ajurton and Hmalking. These further divide into 12 provinces, and 50 departments. Regional government is done primarily from the provincial level, with departments mostly serving a purpose for cultural, electoral and demographical purposes.

Flag Province Provincial Capital
Unknown Flag.png Ajurton Klujo
AiranniaFlagArtrique.png Ártrique Charilly
Unknown Flag.png Coclati Sengárizh
Unknown Flag.png Eldanvann Bruda
AiranniaFlagEtriqueVoj.png Étrique / Duché Duxembois
AiranniaFlagFouroba.png Fourobá Vilvéque
AiranniaFlagIscapera.png Iscaperá Brotoque
AiranniaFlagJoura.png Joura Jourfanqi
AiranniaFlagRaukharre.png Raukharre Sanne Armande
AiranniaFlagLitercy.png Sannpiérter Fanqi já Tuirnn
Unknown Flag.png Tyénhmal Téselqut
Unknown Flag.png Vieck Vixoque

National Electoral System

Government icon (black).svg
Government of Airannia
Constitutional Spiritual Monarchy
Head of state
• Égná (King)Dhéme IV
• PresidentFrédrique Hravonge
• Head of SenateLauren Vauchume
LegislatureXieklen Gardey
• Upper houseDittécy Uvielay
• Lower houseSynáty Gardey
JudiciaryJá Véro
Major political parties
  XCA: 71 seats
  Madár: 49 seats
  Áder: 47 seats
  APH: 22 seats
  DV: 14 seats
  ASC: 14 seats
  DhA: 11 seats
  DhE: 7 seats
  BF: 7 seats
  YGHS: 5 seats
  Douce: 3 seats


The national elections of Airannia are typically mocked amongst other countries, as an overly spectacularized and bloated system, which combines the worst parts of a pluralistic party system, and a first past the post system. There are a multitude of political parties, which are unified into three blocs - typically called the Greens (Left-wing), the Blues (Centrist) and the Oranges (Right-wing). Each department has, proportionate to its population, been assigned an amount of the 375 seats in the Xieklen Gardey, the national parliament. Votes are typically cast onto a specific person on the voting list, but may be cast more broadly, too - votes for merely one of the parties, or even, just one of the blocs, are also permitted, and will only count towards their respective stages of the electoral process. After the votes are counted, the full amount of seats in each department will go towards the bloc that gained the most total votes within that department. However, amongst the parties in each bloc, the seats are divided nationally - by percentage of votes cast for each party within the bloc, through all departments. This means votes cast for a specific party, within a department which was not won by that party's bloc, still count towards the overall result of the votes. Preferential votes cast for a specific candidate are also counted nationwide. To determine the preferential voting, the amount of votes cast for a party is divided by the amount of seats a party has received, as a seat-threshold. Then, all non-preferential votes are granted to the party's top candidate on the list, and, each candidate's seat is secured if they have more preferential votes than the seat-threshold for their party. Then, for each candidate that had more votes than this threshold, their votes are passed on to the highest candidate on the list who did not reach the threshold. This process is repeated, until no candidates have more preferential votes than the threshold, at which point, typically, only one or two seats remain. These are then granted to the candidate(s) with the highest amount of remaining preferential votes.

Formation of Government

After the size of each party within the new parliament is determined, and all the seats are filled accordingly, a coalition must be formed. Typically, the winner of the election is considered the largest party of the largest bloc, and this party will typically lead the negotiations, out of the name of their bloc. The winning bloc is the starting point, from which a parliamentary majority of 101 seats must be reached, by inviting parties from other blocs to join. Such a party, or parties, would be joining into a more vulnerable position, and therefor, guest parties are typically granted a higher amount of space to push their points than a similarly sized party within the winning bloc would. The inclusion of the entire bloc in the coalition is also not guaranteed. Often, a party, typically a smaller one, within the bloc is excluded from government, depending on its view contrasting with the main party. Assuming the coalition remains coherent during its entire term, the term limit is 5 years, although, in the case of a disrupted coalition, or a failed formation, a re-election may be called before then.


Departments themselves have no government, but, each has a cultural, electoral and demographic purpose. However, despite not having a government themselves, it should be noted that each department does have a bi-monthly meeting, of the Mayor's Council, for the sake of alignment between the mayors of each department. Additionally, a Cultural Council exists, which manages the symbols, cultural centres and monuments within each department. The departments do not have a defined capital, however, the city where the Cultural Council is settled is typically seen as each department's cultural center, and center of administration.


Further down from departments, the local government in each place is the municipality. The municipal system as it is currently in place was instated with the Municipal Law of 1903. There are 391 municipalities in the country - each headed by a mayor. While the municipal council is elected through elections held once every 5 years, the mayor is not elected directly through this process. Once assigned as mayor, this position is kept for life; although typically, mayors will resign on their own design, and in rare cases, scandal will force a mayor to resign. Should a mayor resign, or plan to resign, a new mayor will be elected, through a typical process: first, the municipal council will call for any candidates to present themselves, for at least one definite month (which is defined in the Airannian constitution as a period containing two or more 1st days of a month). After this, should a superfluous amount of applicant have presented themselves, an internal selection is made, and all candidates are invited for a candidate's meeting, where within 20 minutes, each candidate presents their viewpoints, achievements and background. After all candidates are seen, the municipal council votes, where each member of the council allocates three votes amongst the candidates in any arrangement. The results of this vote are verified and forwarded to the province's Royal Governor, who will report to the king by letter about the results of the vote. Note however, that the governor is the only person who formally sees the results of this vote - none of the council members, candidates, and notably, not even the king, are notified of the results of the vote. If a clear winner is present from this vote, the governor will merely ask for the king to officially assign this new mayor, however, a choice between several highly scoring candidates must be made by the king only, and typically is done based on a brief synopsis of each candidate's points presented at the meeting. After this, the king writes a letter to the governor, and to the municipal council, informing them of the new mayor's instatement.

Greater Municipalities

The country also contains 12 "greater municipalities". In 1951, a large amount of municipalities with very low population in the sparsely population north of the country were merged into greater municipalities. However, to effectively control all villages in these areas, the Municipal Law was amended to allow for Bidafacter, Greater Municipalities to exist. Within these municipalities, each village which formerly had been a separate municipality, maintains its mayor. In addition to a municipal council, such municipalities have a second chamber of sorts, which is known as the Council of Villages, headed by the mayor-proper of the Bidafact, with the village mayors as its members. Additionally, unlike for other municipalities, applying for mayor is not free to be done by anyone, but only by village mayors. However, the position of village mayor may be sought after by anyone.

In 1951, six such Bidafacter were created: Pé-Uigéter in Uigéter, Chille-Gounég and Chille-Roiblougne in Gounég-Roiblougne, Mage Beoxegne and Syner Beoxegne in Beoxegne, and Dharádd Gardey in Boscalme. In 1961, three more were added, being Pékhyn Siquécynn in Siquécy-Pé, Bugennékhyn in Beoxegne, and Danchvann in Gounég-Roiblougne. In 1972, however, two more Bidafacter were instated, but instead of being used in a rural and sparse area, these were within the three largest cities in the country, where several smaller municipalities formed a single city: the municipalities of the cities of Vorácy, Brotoque and Sésyu are even today Bidafacter.

City Municipalities

Conversely, when the municipal law of Parzhinia was being readied to also be implemented for Hmalking and Ajurton, many "fanqifacter" - city municipalities - were also created. Such municipalities were very small, and often contained only the urban populated area of a single city, or sometimes, of a village or town, to boost urban cohesion in these localities. These municipalities existed in Parzhinia as well, but were rapidly being phased out, as urbanization begun making them obsolete. Commonly, these fanqifacter would have the surrounding rural area united into a single "rural" municipality as well, often with shared mayorship, but seperate councils. While in Parzhinia all but three of these municipalities (Allunie, Kitten and Siltot) have been phased out, 29 still remain in Ajurton and Hmalking; as urbanization hasn't quite struck as fast here.

List of Presidents of Airannia

Name Term Party Notes
Mádreon Urau 1902 - 1911 Ja Ádré
Albán Pauluc 1911 - 1914 HHÉ
Yoçef Pentréls 1914 - 1919 Parçell
Dáman Garça 1919 - 1926 HHÉ
Nése Robeird 1926 - 1932 Parçell
Geyerma Élich 1932 - 1941 Parçell First female president
Max Iendre 1941 - 1944 HHÉ
Gélne Deggéy 1944 - 1953 Ja Ádré
Cor Manja 1953 - 1959 VojVot
Andre Gélinge 1959 - 1967 Madárittier Leading president for the Cabelian Unification
Parmé Unádh 1967 - 1975 APH (Blue)
Mádreon Vaugnan 1975 - 1977 Áder (Green) Resigned as president after being kicked out of the party.
Albrina Pentilla 1977 - 1980 Áder (Green)
Carm Besbeçual 1980 - 1983 XCA (Blue)
Timéo Tillabois 1983 - 1992 Madár (Orange)
Jienn Donninge 1992 - 1995 APH (Blue)
Mallvau á Ume 1995 - 1998 XCA (Blue)
Jienn Donninge 1998 - 2004 APH (Blue)
Bhobodiu á Store 2004 - 2010 Madár (Orange)
Ualtre Oupry 2010 - 2016 Madár (Orange)
Frédrique Hravogne 2016 - current XCA (Blue)





Airannia uses the Tarephian Tare, a coin used in various other countries in Tarephia. Prior to the introduction of the Tare in the country in 1987, Airannia minted its own currency - the Airannian Rune.


Noun project 288.svg
Demographics of Airannia
Official languagesAeránanue, Hmala, Valonian
Recognized minority languagesWigé, Intalo, Itanese
Non religious
Haera spiritual
LiteracySteady 92.6%
Life expectancySteady 72 (male)
Steady 78 (female)



In Parzhinia and Ajurton, the vast majority of the population speaks Aeránanue - also known as Airannian. In Hmalking, Hmala is the official language. In Étrique/Duché, as well as on the island of Brécel, Valonian is the official language. Furthermore two other languages are officially recognized; Intalo, a different creole of a native langague with Valonian, is spoken on the northwestern islands, and Wigé, which is spoken near the Uigé river, near Joisrilim, and in eastern parts of Beoxegne. Itanese is spoken on the island of Kágupya and smaller islands south of it, though it is not officially recognized as such.


With the colonization of the island by Valonians, the Christic Church was also brought onto the island. However, amongst natives, the Aerá spirituality is also still commonplace, typically combined with a more traditional Christic religion. Some Ibrimic and Imam minorities also exist in the country.




Airannia has a small system of highways, known as nérlochatt, which are numbered 1 to 11, of which only the first 8 are considered part of the national highway network, the other three rather being considered part of the trunk road network, known as autové, along with many other roads supporting the highways through the country. These roads are, along with other arterial roads, marked with either a two or three number identification number, depending on the importance of the road.

Maximum Speed

The maximum speed on Airannian highways is 140 km/h, down to 100 at some locations. Within urban areas, it is 50 km/h, while provincial roads typically have a maximum speed of 90 km/h. However, in mountainous areas, this is typically drastically lower. Between Amonters and Fort Loucas, there is no maximum speed on the highway N4.








National Holidays

There are four national holidays in Airannia:

  • 14th of March: Fall of the Duché Grande. A national holiday that celebrates the fall of the Duché Grande Castle, during the Fifth Campaign for Cabelia, which marked the last territorial exchange between Cabélie and Parzhinia. The Duché Grande is the western fortification of the city of Duxembois, in Rellebois. This holiday is celebrated mostly in the east, especially in Étrique/Duché
  • 17th of May: Sémdáv Day. This national holiday is primarily celebrated in Hmalking, as it celebrates the birthday of Sémdáv, a legendary king in this kingdom.
  • 29th of May: Independence Day. This national holiday is technically celebrated not on the day of the independence of Parzhinia, but rather on the day the United Cabelie Republic was split into its Heara and Valonian parts.
  • 1st of July: Coronation Day / King's Day. While no new king is crowned every year, every monarch in Airannia was ceremonially crowned on the first of July - taking office whenever deemed necessary. However, on years there's no new monarch to be crowned, the holiday is still observed, in celebration of the deeds, duties and achievements of the current King.
  • 3rd of November: Jean Boulard Day. Jean Boulard is a former colonial officer, whose efforts into ensuring the preservation and assimilation of the Airannian native culture and language have been paramount to ensuring the continuation of the Airannian language and national spirits. The 3rd of October is the day his befamed speech was given. On the island of Ascuny, celebrations for this national holiday are expansive, and the Ascune-Roi parade on this day is typically broadcast nationwide.

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