
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Torola Republic of Torola
Rejpública dą Torola/Republika Kïjugulö (Torolan/Tevreli)
Capital: Quitla
Motto: Salve L'independencia, Salve Libertëd
Anthem: Levãtamos, Toroleņos! (Arise, Torolans!)

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Torola (Tevreli: Kïjug), officially the Republic of Torola (Torolan: Rejpública dą Torola, Tevreli: Republika Kïjugulö), is a federal presidential constitutional republic located in Tarephia. Located on the Budrian Peninsula off the Bay of Bergez, it borders Freedemia to its south, Beldrio and a Latinan exclave to its east, and Paroy to its west. Torola has an area of about 100,735 square kilometers (38,894 square miles), and has a population of ???. It is the ??? largest country and ??? most populous country in Tarephia. The country’s capital and largest city is Quitla. Other major urban centers include La Forquia, Sabenita, and Oxeha.

The area of Torola was originally inhabited by many indigenous peoples. Castellanese colonists would arrive and conquer the territory, reforming it into a Castellanese colony in the early 1400s. Inspired by Freedemian revolutionaries almost a century earlier, Torola finally gained independence in 1812, but suffered from political and economic instability. Under president Cristofe Romën, the country began to stabilize and improve its economy, yet beginning a century of authoritarianism and dictatorship. A century later in 1921, the Torolan Revolution overthrew the dictator Micuel Ramos and replaced him with Joan Santos, who helped rapidly improve the economy and usher in an era of democracy. The later 20th century saw Lucas Cadenas become president on July 18th, 1972. At the end of his four year presidency in 1976, he abolished congress, took control of the military, suspended the constitution, and declared martial law over Torola. For two decades, he ruled as dictator of Torola until he was overthrown in 1994. Eventually once democracy was restored, the Social Democratic Party took power for the first time, adopting a social market economy and creating more publicly-owned utilities. Today, Torola is a member of the Assembly of Nations and the Tarephia Cooperation Council, and is considered a developed country.

Torola, oficialmantë el Rejpública dë Torola, est una rejpública constitućional presidenćal sitado ën la Tarefia. Sitado ën la Península Budriana ën la Baía Bérgez, borde con Redemia Libre al sud, Beldiro i una esclave de Latina al este, i Paroy al weste. Torola habe una área dë 100,735 metrës cuadrados, i habe un populación dë ???. Est el ??? pais mas grandë i el ??? pais mas populë dë Tarefia. El capitál i citëd mas grandë dël pais est Quitla. Otros grandës centros urbanos includen La Forquia, Sabenita, i Oxeha.


Precolonial era

Originally, Torola was home to many native peoples. Among those were the Krelarian and the Budrian people, with the Krelarians being the largest. Primarily living on the north coast, they were a sedentary people who primarily strived off of agriculture. One of the most important settlements is where modern day Quitla is. Originally known as Kisar-Tlar (which the name for modern day Quitla was derived from), it was a large settlement that was home to at least 10,000. Although the Castellanese and Franquese would come to colonize the land, they would not initially reach Kisar-Tlar.

Ulethan colonization

In the early 14th century, Franquese colonists made their way onto the Budrian Peninsula, establishing the colony of Rivière Sable on the northwestern coast of Torola. The Castellanese would later establish the La Horquilla colony on the eastern side. Slowly these colonies grew to encompass most of Torola. Eventually, the Castellanese reached Kisar-Tlar. Originally, the Castellanese were friendly towards the native Krelarian people. However, the peace abruptly came to an end following several Krelarian ambushes on the colonists, prompting a short war which resulted in the Castellanese gaining the rest of the territory. The Franquese would sign a treaty with the Castellanese in 1523 to establish a formal border between the Rivière Sable colony and the La Horquilla colony. This treaty gave Castellan the majority of modern day Torola, with the Castellanese-held lands being reorganized into the Torola colony in 1601, with the administrative center being based in the now-renamed Cuetla. The colony would be held by the Castellanese for the next two centuries. The new Torolan language would also emerge as the language of the common people, while Spanish was still the primary language used by the nobility and upper-class.

War for independence

Around 1729, neighboring Paroy was in rebellion against its colonial power, eventually declaring independence four years later in 1733. In addition, Freedemian revolutionaries began declaring independence in this year, gaining its independence in around 1737. The whole region was in constant rebellion as colony-after-colony declared and fought for independence. Meanwhile, Torola was still a colony under the Castellanese, with the Franquese still holding onto the Sable colony. The majority of the colonial Castellanese government officials of the region relocated to Cuetla, helping to strengthen the colonial presence in Torola. Since Torola was now one of the last few remaining Castellanese colonies in the region, it began to receive more attention from the mainland. Although this may have made Torola seem very well off, the territory had many problems. Among these the colonial government was very corrupt, meaning that most funds were usually diverted to the aristocracy. The primary people who actually had a good quality of life were the small percentage of aristocrats, and wealth inequality was extremely high due to this. Torolan citizens were outraged about this. One military officer named Cristofe Romën and his supporters issued a petition to the Colonial government on March 18th, 1784, asking for reform. The petition also stated that if the demands were not met or outright rejected, Romën would call his supporters to arms and rebel. Word of the news spread throughout Cuetla, and many across the colony began preparing for a colony-wide rebellion.

Ultimately, the colonial government rejected the demands, almost expected by Romën. After four days of sending the petition, Romën walked into the main square in Bavález, and cried "Torolans, if you wish to live, then you must fight! To arms, to death with the Castellanese!" This cry was seen as the beginning of the Torolan War for Independence, and March 24th is now celebrated as Torola's national day.

Soon following this, war officially broke out between the Nationalists and the Loyalists. Nationalist militias besieged and captured port towns on the northern coast, especially the city of La Forquia, a major port city which the Castellanese used to trade while Quitla was unstable. Additionally, native Krelarian and Budrian groups also incited rebellions further inland. Eventually, the majority of the country was under Nationalist control, and soon, the war would end in a Nationalist victory. The Castellanese signed the Treaty of Nerschach, and officially recognized an independent Torolan state. Cristofe Romën officially proclaimed the total independence of the Republic of Torola on June 22nd, 1786.


Romën would serve as Torola's first president. His policies promoted the use of the Torolan language, would give the citizens more power, and centralized the country to promote unity and equality. His leadership saw Torola transition from a mere colony to a modern nation. He also seeked to integrate the neighboring Franquese Rivière Sable colony into the new nation. The colony in itself was mostly loyalist, but was somewhat unstable due to a few militias fighting the government. Romën would build up his forces, and later would take the opportunity to invade in 1788.

Sable War

Torolan forces crossed into the colony on August 15th, 1788. Their main goal was to take the capital Sablette, and to train and assist rebel militias in the region. The first initial engagement was the Battle of Sanrosette, resulting in a Torolan victory. The Torolan forces pushed throughout the eastern half of the colony, but were met with loyalist troops near Tobeque. The battle lasted for many weeks, but other Torolan forces were rerouted south of the city and marched to take control of the Sabe River. This eventually happened in around early 1789 as troops battled their way towards Sablette, later besieging the city. At last, the city was taken on May 5th, 1789, and was declared a province of Torola. Fighting still continued for some time after as some loyalists still resisted.




Government icon (black).svg
Government of Torola
Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of state
• PresidentFrancés Ántoni Martínels
• Vice PresidentRublo Rigoja
• Upper houseSenate
• Lower houseNational College
JudiciarySupreme Court
Major political parties
  Social Democratic
  Conservative Union
  Social Green

Executive branch

Torola is a presidential republic, led by a president who is elected in a presidential election every 4 years, with polls usually opening on the first of May, and inauguration occurring on September 1st. The president serves as the combined head of state and head of government, in addition as serving as commander and chief of the Torolan Defense Forces. The president can sign bills or veto bills before they become law, as well as appoint members of their cabinet. Elections are held using an instant-runoff voting system. The last election was held in 2022, with Francés Ántoni Martínels of the Social Democratic Party being re-elected for a second term in office.

Legislative branch

Torola's legislative branch is the bicameral Torolan Congress, consisting of the Senate and the National College. This branch is responsible for creating laws, declaring war, approving treaties, allocating funding for public matters, and impeaching government officials. The Senate and National College convene in separate buildings in Quitla every year.

The upper house is the Senate, which has 35 members consisting of 5 delegates from each region, regardless of population.

The lower house is the National College, which has ??? members. Seats are given for every constituency, which is for every 200,000 people.

Elections for both are held every 4 years during the middle of the president's term, usually in May. Officially, Torola is a multi-party state. The last election was held in 2020, with the Social Democratic Party gaining a majority in the Senate, and maintaining a majority in the National College.

Administrative Divisions

Torola is divided into regions (Torolan: rejones, sing. rejón) and a capital district. Regions are further subdivided into departments (departamentes, sing. departament) which are divided into municipalities (municipalitëdes). Regions have a regional capital and a legislature, as well as being led by an elected governor. Departments also have a department seat. Municipalities are any populated settlement, and can be classified as urban or rural. In total, there are 6 regions, ??? departments, and ??? municipalities.

Regions of Torola
Region Capital Area (km²) Population Notes
Flag Districto Capital Federal 900.81 The Federal Capital District is conterminous with the city of Quitla, the country's capital city. It is the largest city in the country by far, and is the economic and financial hub of Torola as well.
Flag Dus Rívos La Forquia 11082.14
Flag Fumagala Fumagala 22539.69 Though sparse, Fumagala remains the breadbasket of Torola, along with parts of Saraxenia. Its eponymous capital is growing steadily mainly due to its proximity to Quitla, and is slowly becoming another major economic center.
Flag of Miramer Department.png Rolura Bavález 14802.95 Rolura is a heavily urbanized region consisting mostly of the suburbs and satellite cities of the nation's capital, Quitla. The region's capital of Bavález is small but very reminiscent of the nation's colonial history. The city of Baía Beramo is a popular resort city which attracts tourists year-round.
Flag Saraxenia Osia 30414.02 Saraxenia is well known for its indigenous influence, The capital and largest city of Osia is the central hub of the nation's interior, and still retains its ancient old city, a popular tourist destination in Torola. The Saraxenian language is official in the region and is one of the most spoken regional languages in Torola.
Flag Sabe Sabenita 13111.89 Sabenita is one of the northern coastal regions of Torola. Historically, it was the center of the Franquese Sable colony, and has a very significant Franquese minority in the region today.
Flag Xarusia Ćurplajhaa 7883.79













Torolan is the primary language spoken in Torola. Some limited Franquese is spoken in the northwest, particularly in the Sabe region. Castellanese is also spoken among some of the nation's elite, though it has fallen out of favor as of recently. The Tevreli language is also spoken often, most speakers residing in the Duakaik region, though a majority of Torolans are bilingual in both Torolan and Tevreli, as both are the co-official languages of Torola. Other languages are also spoken as the regional languages of certain regions, such as Saraxenian in Saraxenia or Xarujian in Xarujia.