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Button Icon Brown.svg This encyclopedia article is about the country in northeastern Uletha. You may be looking for a city of the same name.

Flag of Kara United Republic of Kara
Fjörnåde Repúblikke Kåra (Karska)
Capital: Kara
Motto: Fjörnåde för Dämókrati (United for Democracy)
Anthem: Sjänge som än (Sing as One)

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Kara, officially known as the United Republic of Kara (Karska: Fjörnåde Repúblikke Kåra; Reuntha: Ánure Řepúblix̌ Kǿre; Vezhek: Vorencka Republika Kyorja; Kirek: ᛃᚠᛖᚱᚾᛟᛞ ᚱᛖᛈᛖᛈᛚᛁᚲᚨ ᚲᛟᚱᚨ; Thilshullian: Gemǣnsumod Rīcuþēod Cǣra) is a country in East Uletha. It shares a border with Älved, Boscunis, Glaster, and UL22c.

The United Republic of Kara was established in 1934 with the signing of the Union Treaty of Kara, which united the independent states of Karskat, Thilshull, Reuntha, and Vezhekja under a federal democratic republic. The Republic of Kirek joined the union in 1952.

Initially a 4-state (5 after Kirek joined) federal union with a very weak federal government, each state remained relatively distinct culturally and linguistically. However, increased cultural mixing and growing demands for federal infrastructure and social programs led to the drafting of the United Kara Amendment of 1978, which passed with strong support from voters of all regions. The amendment, which took effect on 1 January 1979, created a new constitution that replaced the Union Treaty as the law of the land, replacing the initial 5-member national council that ruled with the current system of a national president, 300-member legislature, and a much less powerful national council. It also abolished the 5-state system, replacing it with the current 16-state federal system.

Today, Kara is a modern, highly developed country with a regulated capitalist economy focused on modern agriculture, technology, and a small but rapidly-growing renewable energy sector. The government provides many benefits to citizens, especially to the socioeconomically disadvantaged. The national constitution guarantees significant freedoms to individuals and protection for ethnic minority groups.

Geography and Climate

Kara has a mixed temperate climate. The southern coast and Tebbjet River valley are particularly temperate, while the northern states are characterized by an alpine mountain climate.


Government icon (black).svg
Government of Kara
Federal presidential constitutional republic
Head of state
• PresidentKiri-Anna Päjtersson-Årdl
• Speaker of the National CommissionÆstred Marija Gabrælzen (ᛇᛊᛏᚱᛖᛞ ᛗᚨᚱᛁᛃᚨ ᚷᚨᛒᚱᛇᛚᛉᛖᚾ)
• Speaker of the LegislatureKristjan Nijkolässon-Värgren
• Upper houseNational Commission
• Lower houseNational Legislature
Kara legislature diagram.svg
JudiciaryHigh Court of Kara
Chief Judge of the High CourtStǽfon Ǯöð
Major political parties
  Kireki Advocates'
  National Democrats
Assembly of Nations - member state • Association of South Ulethan Nations - observer state

Administrative Divisions

Government Data - The Noun Project.svg
Administrative divisions of Kara
First-levelstate (län)
Second-levelmunicipality (kommun)

Kara consists of 15 federal divisions, known as länär (LE-ner) or states, which have considerable governing power. Each state is further divided into municipalities, known as kommunär (CO-moon-eyr); each municipality administers public works and utilities as well as some local community programs.

State Municipalities
Name (Native Name) Capital Names # in State
Bördäjgrådes Län Fjäistlsted
Bjergdals Län Kärrstad Älfeslätts Kommun

Gaffets Kommun

Jånåjks Kommun

Johansbergs Kommun

Kärrstads Kommun

Kyrillebjörgs Kommun

Nådensteds Kommun

Gränös Län
Gvajllåds Län Söjlestad Andräjshäms Kommun

Ädrúnaby Kommun

Bladstrams Kommun

Brynderyds Kommun

Frydekärke Kommun

Fvilhävns Kommun

Gåvetorps Kommun

Hjäffeblums Kommun

Jusingå Kommun

Liljeryds Kommun

Måsséts Kommun

Sådabuls Kommun

Söjlestads Kommun

Stänhöge Kommun

Stännicke Kommun

Storkvärns Kommun

Vilhelmstads Kommun

Viskestads Kommun

Zakrisfjälds Kommun

Hrajvuns Län (ßřǽvuη Skřö́ʒe) Xúlebøg Sořη Gjúxöřp

Sořη Koříneshøm

Sořη Rö́ňex̌

Sořη Rœ́ʒe

Sořη Þówox̌

Sořη Vjǽßtepjon

Sořη Vjö́teřböde

Sořη Xúlebøg

Sořη Ǯǽnejud

Kåra Stads Län Kåra
Kireks Län

(ᚲᛁᚱᛖᚲᛊ ᛚᛖᚾ)

Otalid (ᛟᛏᚨᛚᛁᛞ) ᚨᚾᛞᛇᚱᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Andærlids Komun)

ᛊᚠᛇᚾᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Sfænlids Komun)

ᚨᚲᛇᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Akælids Komun)

ᛟᛏᚨᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Otalids Komun)

Ljenbäkks Län Nykojpeng Björnaryds Kommun

Märänétjårps Kommun

Nykojpengs Kommun

Tålle Kommun

Mittedålts Län Strammesdal Ängeskögs Kommun

Dålby Kommun

Krökekjulle Kommun

Strammesdals Kommun

Murräs Län Väjtspläjt Flödsdålts Kommun

Jytsehjälms Kommun

Nilshage Kommun

Stärríngebjörgs Kommun

Väjtspläjts Kommun

Rövings Län Hjeplingåde Bjurbo Kommun

Brövensby Kommun

Flugesåms Kommun

Hajdlmälms Kommun

Häningå Kommun

Hjeplingåde Kommun

Johansjyns Kommun

Kållkärke Kommun

Kvajls Kommun

Låkulle Kommun

Lårreby Kommun

Mynnestads Kommun

Niklasbruks Kommun

Ollefjäjls Kommun

Pådelsteds Kommun

Rökkehytte Kommun

Sanktestads Kommun

Värnbäkks Kommun

Söjdrkösts Län Fyrans
Täbbjets Län Täbbjetsstad
Tillehylles Län

(Tillehylle Rīce)

Upplandas Län Kvröndesbljum Fjurve Kommun

Kvröndesbljums Kommun

Lillebjörgs Kommun

Vejeks Län

(Vèžèks Stot)

Vèžèkstot Čëllèdebjorkejts Kommun

Kitš-Jʹapfijks Kommun

Mjelmstrums Kommun

Vèžèkstodts Kommun


National Anthem

The official Karska choral version of the national anthem, Sjänge som Än.
The official Karska choral version of the national anthem, Sjänge som Än.

Kara's national anthem, Sjänge som Än, was written for the ratification ceremony of the United Kara Amendment; the first act of the National Legislature made it the official national anthem.


Sjänge som Än
Kårska Ingerish
Komme og sjänge som än

Komme, föräna vårt land

Vi kommer åt stå tillsamms

Vi kommer åt vår bara

Låt os stå för saningen

Låt os sjänge för rättvis

Vi är starka; vi är fräj

Vi älskar dämókrati

Vi ska hjälpe varandra

Vi ska sjänge för frädhät

Vi räspékterar andra

Vi räspékterar vårt häm

Utmaningar ställs inför

Utmaningar ställs öferfun

Örättvis attakkärar

Örättvis vi bäkämpa

Komme, vi vinner kampän

Komme og sjänge som än

Let us come and sing as one

Let us go unite our land

For we are united as one

We unite for all that's fair

Let us stand for what is true

Let us stand for what is just

We are strong and we are free

And we love democracy

We will lend each other aid

We will sue for lasting peace

We respect each human heart

We respect this land that's ours

Challenges will come our way

Challenges, they shall not stay

And injustice may molest

But we fight it to the end

Come, the battle must be won

Let us come and sing as one


Noun project 288.svg
Demographics of Kara
Official languagesKarska, Thilshullian (Tillehyllun), Reunthan (Řjúnþeř), Vezhek (Vèžèk), Kirek (ᚲᛁᚱᛖᚲᚨ), Ingerish
2 or more of the above


As a multinational state, several languages are used across Kara, and six languages (Karska, Thilshullian, Reunthan, Vezhek, Kirek, and Ingerish) are federally recognized as official languages. Among them, Karska is the most commonly used.

The map below shows the distribution of dominant language across Kara: Karska (green), Thilshullian/Ingerish (red), Reunthan (yellow), Vezhek (purple-blue), and Kirek (light pink-purple).

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Karska (Kårska) is a Gaermanic language that is the lingua franca of Kara. It is the most widely spoken language in the nation. It uses a 26-letter Latinic alphabet.

Karska Pronunciation
Letter IPA Rough Federal States Ingerish Equivalence
Aa ⟨a⟩ got
⟨ə⟩ or ⟨ɜ⟩ when at the end of some words problem
Ää ⟨ɛ⟩ ever
Åå ⟨ɔ⟩ dawn
Bb ⟨b⟩ bake
Cc ⟨s⟩ center
⟨k⟩ cave
Dd ⟨d⟩ dote
Ee ⟨ə⟩ (schwa) problem
⟨ɛ⟩ (when the first letter of a word or with diacritic) ever
Ff ⟨f⟩ fee
Gg ⟨ɡ⟩ good
Hh ⟨h⟩ home
Ii ⟨i⟩ me
Jj ⟨j⟩ you
Kk ⟨k⟩ cave
Ll ⟨l⟩ low
Mm ⟨m⟩ mat
Nn ⟨n⟩ never
Oo ⟨ʊ⟩ look
⟨o⟩ (when with a diacritic, uncommon otherwise) over
Öö ⟨o⟩ over
Pp ⟨p⟩ pine
Rr ⟨r⟩ for "r" no Ingerish equivalent, similar to Castellanese rolled "r" as in perro
⟨ɾ⟩ for "rr" no Ingerish equivalent, nearly a very quick ⟨d⟩ as in dote
Ss ⟨s⟩ so
Tt ⟨t⟩ too
Uu ⟨u⟩ clue
Vv ⟨v⟩ vow
Yy ⟨y⟩ no Ingerish equivalent, essentially an ⟨i⟩ in me with rounded lips
Zz ⟨z⟩ zoo
Accent Marks

In Karska, the first syllable of a word is always emphasized, except when otherwise marked with an accent on the vowel of the syllable to be emphasized. Áá, Íí, and Úú are prononced the same as their "core" letters (Aa, Ii, and Uu, respectively), while Éé and Óó are pronounced as Ää and Öö, respectively.

Example pronunciations of words/terms/names
Term/name IPA Rough Federal States Ingerish Equivalent
Ädrúnaby ɛdɾunaby Ed-run-ah-beu
Bördäjgrådes Län boɾdɛjgrɔdəs lɛn Bor-deyg-rawd-uhs Len
Fjörnåde Repúblikka Kåra fjornɔdə ɾəpublika kɔra Fyoor-nah-duh Ruh-poob-lee-kah Kaw-ra
Hjeplingåde hjəplingɔdə Hyuhp-leeng-ah-duh
Län lɛn Len
Märänétjårp mɛɾɛnɛttjɔrp Meh-reh-neht-tjaurp


Kirek is one of the official languages of Kara. It is spoken in Kireks Len in the north of the country. Mutually intelligible with Karska and Vezhek, most linguists consider it to be a dialect of Karska. The most substantial differentiator of Kirek is its writing system; traditional Kirek writing uses a different character set than Karska, although a Latinic transcription is becoming increasing common among native speakers as well.


Vezhek is one of Kara's official languages, and it is spoken in Vezheks Stot in the northwest portion of the country. It is mutually intelligible with both Karska and Kirek, and most linguists consider it a dialect of Karska for this reason. While it does use the same character set as Karska, Vezhek attaches different sounds to some letters and diacritic marks.


Thilshullian is a Gaermanic language spoken in Thilshull State in eastern Kara that is recognized as an official language of the country. It is most closely related to mainstream Ingerish, although some Karska and Reunthan terms have entered the vernacular. It is often used alongside Ingerish in Thilshull State, with Thilshullian spelling and grammar conventions being used in slang and informal contexts and "proper" Ingerish conventions used in formal settings and with non-Thilshullians.

Karska is the most widely spoken language in Kara and is the native language of most of the country's residents. Vezhek and Kirek, spoken in the northern portion of the country, are generally considered to be dialects of Karska as they are mutually intelligible with each other and Karska. The writing systems of the three (when using the Latinic character set for Kirek) are also mutually readable. Nonetheless, the Karska government does recognize the three as separate languages, thus ensuring that each language is taught and used in society.


Reunthan is a Gaermanic language that is one of the official languages of Kara and is widely used in the northwestern regions of the country. Most linguists agree that the language is most closely related to Karska; however, over time Reunthan has incorporated elements of other languages, particularly Thilshullian and Ingerish. It is not mutually intelligible with Karska, but studies have shown that native Reunthan speakers have a significant advantage in learning Karska, and vice versa.


Reunthan uses the Latinic alphabet with a few additions. A phonetic language, each letter in Reunthan makes only one sound, and each sound is represented by exactly one letter. Letters with carons (Ňň, Řř, X̌x̌, Žž, and Ǯǯ) are considered distinct from their caron-less counterparts (Nn, Rr, Xx, Zz, and Ʒʒ, respectively) and make distinct sounds. The same is true for Öö and Øø, which are considered distinct from Oo. Accents on vowels (Áá, Ǽǽ, Éé, Íí, Óó, Ö́ö́, Ǿǿ, Œ́œ́, Úú, Ýý) are used to indicate emphasis placement in multi-syllable words and do not change the sound made by each letter.

letter ipa example
Aa ⟨æ⟩ "a" in bad
Ææ ⟨aɪ⟩ "y" in by
Dd ⟨d⟩ "d" in done
Ee ⟨ə⟩ schwa
Ff ⟨f⟩ "f" in far
Gg ⟨ɡ⟩ "g" in good
Hh ⟨h⟩ "h" in happy
Ii ⟨i⟩ "ee" in meet
Jj ⟨j⟩ "y" in you
Kk ⟨k⟩ "c" in can
Ll ⟨l⟩ "l" in like
Mm ⟨m⟩ "m" in morning
Nn ⟨n⟩ "n" in no
Ňň ⟨ɲ⟩ "ñ"
Πη ⟨ŋ⟩ "ng" in sing
Oo ⟨ɑ⟩ "o" in dot, "au" in aught
Öö ⟨o⟩ "ó" in camión
Øø ⟨aʊ⟩ "ow" in now, "ou" in loud
Œœ ⟨oʊ⟩ "ow" in low
Rr ⟨r⟩ rolled "r"
Řř ⟨ɹ⟩ "r" in run
Ss ⟨s⟩ "s" in so
ßß ⟨ʃ⟩ "sh" in shut
Tt ⟨t⟩ "t" in english
Ðð ⟨ð⟩ "th" in they
Þþ ⟨θ⟩ "th" in think
Uu ⟨u⟩ "oo" in goop
Vv ⟨v⟩ "v" in victory
Ww ⟨w⟩ "w" in water
Xx ⟨t͡ʃ⟩ "ch" in choose
X̌x̌ ⟨χ⟩ Kalmish "ch" in words like "Bach", etc.
Yy ⟨eɪ⟩ "ay" in day
Zz ⟨z⟩ "z" in zebra
Žž ⟨d͡z⟩ "ds" in ends
Ʒʒ ⟨ʒ⟩ "zh", Frankish "j"
Ǯǯ ⟨d͡ʒ⟩ "j" in jaw
Word Examples
Reunthan Ingerish Karska
Ánure United Fjörnåde
Böde Boda/Böde
Bøg Burgh, fortress
Bróßxe Pasture/Meadow
Fjerx̌ Forest (a big one)
Kǿre Kara Kåra
Pjoη Town Kojpeng
Řjúnþe Reuntha Rjunte
Řjúnþeř Reunthan Rjunter
Řepúblix̌ Republic Repúblikke
Skøg Forest/wood Skog
Skřö́ʒe State Län
Sořη Municipality Kommun
Stǽfon Stephen Stäfan
Vjǽßte West Vest/Västre
Vjö́teř River Älf
Xöřp Farm Torp
Xul Hill Kjulle