
From OpenGeofiction
Please refer to the territory application as well.

Basic information

Naphon Project. נָפוֹן or Naphon in English (/nə’fɔn/ or /nə’fɒn/ nuh-FON) is a collaborative territory located in southeastern West Uletha. It serves as the homeland for OGF equivalents of Hebrew language and Jewish People (or even the larger Israelite group, including Samaritans and Karaites), the latter having not undergone post-Bar Kokhba revolt expulsions and Diaspora.

Geographic information

Simplified topographic map of Naphon

Naphon spans over an area of ≈ 35,400km2/13,670sq. mi. It is endowed with a ~900km/550mi long coast (not including the islands) washed by the Mesembric Sea that seeps in Uletha's continental mass, forming bays and two main peninsula. The sometimes rocky, sometimes flat and straight coastline is lined by a coastal plain. At its NW end, the plain is rather narrow (~20km/12.5mi) but fans out the further east it goes as it joins with the larger inland plain that forms an emerged northern extension of the large enclosed bay. Naphon is obliquely crossed by the end portion of the Mardouan Catens that fork in two main ranges (~2,500-3,000m/8,200-9,850ft) buttressed by plateaus and wooden hills (~500-800m/1,650-2,600ft). As the Mardouan Catens mountains catch most of the region precipitations, most of waterways originate here and most of Naphon's lakes are located in their valleys. The Mardouan Catens forms a rain shadows for the northernmost parts of the country.
Due to its location (latitude and orientation), Naphon’s climate and landcover are quite similar to those of Albania:

  • Hot Mediterranean climate and vegetation on the islands and along the coastline.
  • Subtropical climate in the low inland valleys, somehow sheltered from the Mesembric Sea influence.
    • Potential additional sources of inspiration: Po River plain, southeastern Bulgaria
  • Warm Mediterranean to oceanic climate on the hills, depending on the height.
  • Cold (~continental variations) higher on the mountains
  • Steppe climate in the inland northernmost valleys
    • Potential additional sources of inspiration: Inland Spain or Anatolia

Naphon's population reaches around 7-10 million inhabitants, with one major city along the coast (~2-3 million inhabitants with the urban area), multiple secondary cities and towns and medium-sized capital city in the central highlands. The capital city may function additionally as a religious centre or this function may be devolved to a nearby location.

Project Structure

Naphon forms a single-territory collaboration. Mappers interested in participating in the project may opt to edit in a collaborative admin_level:4 administrative subdivisions and/or "reserve", for a period of 3 months, a non-collaborative admin_level:4 subdivisions or specific locations within to edit without fearing other contributors might erase theirs.

Rules for joining

Please contact via OGF message the project coordinator (currently Aiki) if you are interested in participating in the project, either for:

  • Editing in the collaborative administrative subdivisions
  • Editing in a reservable collaborative administrative subdivision (or part of it) with a specific objective.

If approved, your username will be added accordingly to the dedicated sections of this page. This will help the project coordination and OGF administration teams to keep a record.

Naphon uses Hebrew unvocalised spelling for name: tag (please refer to Tagging conventions). Nonetheless, knowing Hebrew is not necessary as online resources provide enough tools.

Mapping style

In terms of mapping style, older urban centres will be based on ancient Israelite city mapping, highland settlements, Second Temple Jerusalem and, to a larger extent, on ancient cities in the Levant. Those tend to favour an overall grid-like plan with some variations, such as streets fanning from the main city gates or adaptations to local topographic features. Having been part, at some point, of OGF “Roman” Empire, Naphon older cities may have been influenced by “Roman” urban planning as well. For more modern developments, it is likely that Naphon cities have retained this features. Inspiration may come from Greek cities such as Piraeus, Patras or Thessaloniki that have retained grid-based plan. Using other Mediterranean cities as source of secondary inspiration may not be excluded. As homeland to the OGF equivalent of the Jewish People or larger Israelite group, Naphon will have a higher concentration of building=synagogue artefacts. As religious topics are likely to remain vague, it is not necessary to tag artefacts further than religion=jewish (without tag denomination:) for other religion-related buildings or cemeteries, etc…

Administrative subdivisions

Naphon developed from a confederation of 12 tribes, of which the names have been retained for administrative subdivisions (sing. שֵׁבֶט/šévet, plural. שְׁבָטִים/ š(ə)vatím). Over time, the confederation morphed into a modern state with a central government and administrative, a national belonging while the notion of tribe has kept some meaning of affiliation, not unlike Korean clans. Those tribes’ name will not reuse historical ones’ and may include female names as way to depart from History (e.g. שֵׁבֶט־דִּינָה/šévet-dinah or Tribe of Dinah).

Naphon Tribes
Tribe id Tribe name Area in km2 Area in sq. mi. Type Notes Mappers
1 TBD 3,520 1,359 Reservable territory
2 TBD 2,621 1,012 Reservable territory Houses Taagon, an important seaport.
3 TBD 3,289 1,270 Reservable territory
4 TBD 2,382 920 Collaborative Territory Any contributor
5 צִבְיָה
2,254 870 "Reserved" territory Smallest tribe's territory. It bears a female name. Aiki
6 TBD 3,038 1,173 Collaborative Territory Houses the capital city and Naphon's religious centre (if separate) Any contributor
7 TBD 3,956 1,527 Collaborative Territory Any contributor
8 TBD 3,039 1,173 Collaborative Territory Houses Naphon's largest city Any contributor
9 TBD 2,684 1,036 Reservable territory
10 TBD 3,859 1,490 Reservable territory
11 TBD 2,271 877 Reservable territory
12 TBD 2,471 954 Reservable territory Houses Naphon's second largest city

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Tagging conventions

Tag Use Note
alt_name Preferred Transliteration of the Hebrew name
etymology Optional Potentially explains the origin of the name
name Mandatory Hebrew name as displayed. As in OSM, with unvocalised spelling
name:he Optional Hebrew name vocalised. As grammar rules are complicated, this tag is optional, especially for repetitively used names: streets, townhall…
name:nn Optional Name of the artefact in another real-world language. This may be an exonym or a full translation of the item.
name:nnn Optional Name of the artefact in an OGF colang. This may be an exonym or a full translation of the item.

Syntax basic information

Hebrew odonyms are generally formed using construct state with Type of highway + The/Common noun (e.g. Station Square would be Square TheStation/ כיכר התחנה) or Type of highway + Proper noun. The word street is generally omitted from maps (e.g. Station Square would be more often just התחנה instead of רחוב התחנה).

Common odonyms
English Hebrew
(construct state)
Transliteration Note
Avenue/Boulevard שדרות Sderot The plural (sderot) is usually used over the singular)
Bridge גשר Gesher
Interchange מחלף Meh'laf
Junction צומת Tsomet
Motorway כביש מהיר Kvish Mahir Fast Road
Path שביל Shvil
Road כביש Kvish As in Road #1
Road דרך Derekh As in London Road
Square כיכר Kikar
Street רחוב Rehov
Tunnel מנהרת Minheret

Toponyms & demonyms

Naphon's exonyms
  • Castellan
Ingrean name Naphon's name Endonym Place Notes
name: name:he alt_name adjective
Name Language
Castellan קסטליאן קַּסְטֵלְיָאן Castelyán
Castellán Castellanese Country
  • Mardoumakhstan
Ingrean name Naphon's name Endonym Place Notes
name: name:he alt_name adjective
Name Language
Mardoumakhstan מרדומך מַרְדּוּמָףְ Mardumakh
Mardoumakhstan Yughut Country
  • Mazan
Ingrean name Naphon's name Endonym Place Notes
name: name:he alt_name adjective
Name Language
Mazan מצאן מַצָאן Maṣan
مظأن Mazanic Country
  • Navenna
Ingrean name Naphon's name Endonym Place Notes
name: name:he alt_name adjective
Name Language
Navenna נוונה נָוֶו֫נָה Navena
Navenna Navennese Country
  • Plevia
Ingrean name Naphon's name Endonym Place Notes
name: name:he alt_name adjective
Name Language
Plevia פלב פֶֶּלֶב Pélev
Plevia Pelvian Country
Osianopole אוסינופול אוׂסְיַנוֹפּוֹל Osianópol
Osianopoli Pelvian City
  • Valony
Ingrean name Naphon's name Endonym Place Notes
name: name:he alt_name adjective
Name Language
Valony ולון וֵלּוׂן Valón
Valonne Valonian Country
Proposed exonyms for Naphon
Place Naphon's endonym Language Exonym Notes Status
Country נפון Castellanese Nafón /na'fɔn/ Not selected yet
Country נפון Florescentian Nafão /nɐˈfɐ̃w̃/ Not selected yet
Country נפון Guaiian Nafón /na'fɔn/ Accepted
Country נפון Ingerish Naphon /nə’fɔn/ or /nə’fɒn/ nuh-FON Accepted by default
Country נפון Mazanic نفون /na'fuːn/ Not selected yet
Country נפון Plevian Nafone /na'fɔne/ - either nf or n Not selected yet
Country נפון Valonian Naphon /nafɔ̃/ - probably nm Not selected yet
Country נפון Valonian Naphone /nafɔn/ - either nf or nm Not selected yet

Useful resources

Below are some potentially useful links:

Current mappers

Mapper Area Role
Aiki N/A Coordinator
BMSOUZA Collaborative Contributor
Fluffr_Nuttr Collaborative Contributor


Votes to be organised.

Cultural elements

  1. Flag(s) - Please refer to the forum entry
  2. Coat-of-arms or seal - Please refer to the forum entry

Name changes

At least the following artefacts should be put to vote, either the larger OGF community or just Naphon's contributors:

  1. Capital City
  2. Largest City
  3. Second Largest City
  4. Tribes' names, starting with those where the above-mentioned cities are located