
From OpenGeofiction
Button Icon Brown.svg This encyclopedia article is about the country in northeastern Uletha. You may be looking for a city of the same name.

Flag of Kara United Republic of Kara
Fjörnåde Repúblikke Kåra (Karska)
Capital: Kara
Motto: Fjörnåde för Dämókrati (United for Democracy)
Anthem: Sjänge som än (Sing as One)

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Kara, officially known as the United Republic of Kara (Karska: Fjörnåde Repúblikke Kåra; Reuntha: Fiornåd Repꝏblix Kåru; Vezhek: Vorencka Republika Kyorja; Kirek: ᛃᚠᛖᚱᚾᛟᛞ ᚱᛖᛈᛖᛈᛚᛁᚲᚨ ᚲᛟᚱᚨ) is a country in East Uletha. It shares a border with Älved, Boscunis, Glaster, and UL22c.

The United Republic of Kara was established in 1934 with the signing of the Union Treaty of Kara, which united the independent states of Karskat, Thilshull, Reuntha, and Vezhekja under a federal democratic republic. The Republic of Kirek joined the union in 1952.

Initially a 4-state (5 after Kirek joined) federal union with a very weak federal government, Kara's states remained relatively distinct culturally and linguistically. However, increased cultural mixing and growing demands for federal infrastructure and social programs led to the drafting of the United Kara Amendment of 1978, which passed with strong support from voters of all regions. The amendment, which took effect on 1 January 1979, created a new constitution that replaced the Union Treaty as the law of the land, replacing the initial 5-member national council that ruled with the current system of a national president and a 300-member legislature. It also abolished the 5-state system, replacing it with the current 17-state federal system.

Today, Kara is a modern, highly developed country with a regulated capitalist economy focused on modern agriculture, technology, and a small but rapidly-growing renewable energy sector. The government provides many benefits to citizens, especially to the socioeconomically disadvantaged. The national constitution guarantees significant freedoms to individuals and protection for ethnic minority groups.

Geography and Climate

Kara has a mixed temperate climate. The southern coast and Tebbjet River valley are particularly temperate, while the northern states are characterized by an alpine mountain climate.

Government and Politics

Administrative Divisions

Government Data - The Noun Project.svg
Administrative divisions of Kara
First-level17 länär (states)
Second-level151 kommunär (municipalities)

Kara is divided into of 17 federal divisions, known as länär (LE-ner) or states, which have considerable governing power. Each state is further divided into municipalities, known as kommunär (CO-moon-eyr); each municipality administers public works and utilities as well as some local community programs. The capital city, Kara, is incorporated as its own state with the same privileges as the other states but is not split up into municipalities due to the impracticality of subdividing a single conurbation, and so the state government also carries out municipality-level responsibilities.

State Municipalities
Name (Native Name) Capital Area (km2) Names # in State
Bjergdals Län Kärrstad 2,967.40
Älfeslätts Kommun
Gaffets Kommun
Jånåjks Kommun
Johansbergs Kommun
Kärrstads Kommun
Kyrillebjörgs Kommun
Nådensteds Kommun
Bördäjgrådes Län Fjäjstelstad 1,587.68
Äjbsö Kommun
Åbbåkens Kommun
Dröfverdys Kommun
Fjäjstelstads Kommun
Hagalids Kommun
Johánneskvärns Kommun
Katädrálbjörgs Kommun
Kristafsby Kommun
Kvöde Kommun
Lilskrufs Kommun
Mjölysse Kommun
Nåkla Kommun
Pjästurby Kommun
Skavresköns Kommun
Skönkojpengs Kommun
Skryppe Kommun
Starkefjä Kommun
Stäns Kommun
Störsökke Kommun
Stramsdeböde Kommun
Svänskärke Kommun
Ukna Kommun
Västredåls Kommun
Viktórjäne Kommun
Vrudjála Kommun
Döretts Län

(Doreðs Læn)

Kiꝏlburg 3,246.80
Ꜳdœburgs Komꝏn
Elfbiods Komꝏn
Jonsrᵫds Komꝏn
Katrinshems Komꝏn
Kiꝏlburgs Komꝏn
Segrœtorps Komꝏn
Svenstats Komꝏn
Þovaks Komꝏn
Vestrœkopiuŋs Komꝏn
Förkedals Län

(Fourkedale State)

Saint Joseph 1,979.04
Grenfeld Municipality
Jacobsborough Municipality
Lystreham Municipality
Millhouse Municipality
Saint Joseph Municipality
Gränös Län Gröndälf 2,901.37
Flyveryds Kommun
Fjäjtorps Kommun
Gröndälfs Kommun
Haraldsbjörgs Kommun
Jåtténe Kommun
Kväränlänge Kommun
Måna Kommun
Onderyds Kommun
Sankta Söfíje Kommun
Gvajllåds Län Söjlestad 1,312.59
Andräjshäms Kommun
Ädrúnaby Kommun
Bladstrams Kommun
Brynderyds Kommun
Frydekärke Kommun
Fvilhävns Kommun
Gåvetorps Kommun
Hjäffeblums Kommun
Jusingå Kommun
Liljeryds Kommun
Måsséts Kommun
Sådabuls Kommun
Söjlestads Kommun
Stänhöge Kommun
Stännicke Kommun
Storkvärns Kommun
Vilhelmstads Kommun
Viskestads Kommun
Zakrisfjälds Kommun
Kåra Stads Län Kåra 174.79 Kåra Stads Län[1] 1
Kireks Län

(ᚲᛁᚱᛖᚲᛊ ᛚᛖᚾ)

Otalid (ᛟᛏᚨᛚᛁᛞ) 2,262.32
ᚨᚾᛞᛇᚱᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Andærlids Komun)
ᛊᚠᛇᚾᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Sfænlids Komun)
ᚨᚲᛇᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Akælids Komun)
ᛟᛏᚨᛚᛁᛞᛊ ᚲᛟᛗᚢᚾ (Otalids Komun)
Ljenbäkks Län Nykojpeng 1,111.98
Björnaryds Kommun
Märänétjårps Kommun
Nykojpengs Kommun
Tålle Kommun
Mittedålts Län Strammesdal 2,392.60
Ängeskögs Kommun
Dålby Kommun
Krökekjulle Kommun
Strammesdals Kommun
Murräs Län Väjtspläjt 2,246.27
Flödsdålts Kommun
Jystehjälms Kommun
Nilshage Kommun
Stärríngebjörgs Kommun
Väjtspläjts Kommun
Rövings Län Hjeplingåde 2,056.14
Bjurbo Kommun
Brövensby Kommun
Flugesåms Kommun
Hajdlmälms Kommun
Hjeplingåde Kommun
Johansjyns Kommun
Kållkärke Kommun
Kvajls Kommun
Låkulle Kommun
Lårreby Kommun
Mynnestads Kommun
Niklasbruks Kommun
Ollefjäjls Kommun
Pådelsteds Kommun
Rökkehytte Kommun
Sanktestads Kommun
Värnbäkks Kommun
Söjdrkösts Län Fyrans 1,180.22
Annasbjörgs Kommun
Bö Kommun
Dalóveskjons Kommun
Fräddekjufs Kommun
Fyrans Kommun
Hämsderyds Kommun
Ljunga Kommun
Manúve Kommun
Måndeskryfs Kommun
Pålykestads Kommun
Tränneskjö Kommun
Vättsbjörgs Kommun
Vikehamms Kommun
Vrylle Kommun
Täbbjets Län Täbbjetsstad 1,254.55
Älfesjyns Kommun
Äseryds Kommun
Böngovs Kommun
Bröby Kommun
Färgangs Kommun
Förstekjulle Kommun
Grassemarks Kommun
Jönslunds Kommun
Lilhage Kommun
Störkärke Kommun
Täbbjetstads Kommun
Tilshulls Län

(Thilshull State)

Thilshull 1,430.66
Bleistergough Municipality
Eylfegaurd Municipality
Haakanmyre Municipality
Hedgeley Municipality
Houton Municipality
Skarv-Haunley Municipality
Thilshull Municipality
Trirce Municipality
Upplandas Län Kvröndesbljum 1,627.67
Fjurve Kommun
Kvröndesbljums Kommun
Lillebjörgs Kommun
Vejeks Län

(Vèžèks Stot)

Vèžèkstot 1,823.56
Čëllèdebjorkejts Kommun
Kitš-Jʹapfijks Kommun
Mjelmstrums Kommun
Vèžèkstodts Kommun
Government icon (black).svg
Government of Kara
Federal presidential constitutional republic
Head of state
• Präsident (President)Kiri-Anna Päjtersson-Årdl
• Legisatur-Tålare (Speaker of the Legislature)Æstred Marija Gabrælzen (ᛇᛊᛏᚱᛖᛞ ᛗᚨᚱᛁᛃᚨ ᚷᚨᛒᚱᛇᛚᛉᛖᚾ)
• Upper houseNationallegislatur (National Legislature)
Kara legislature diagram.svg
JudiciaryHövda-Demstoll (High Court)
Öfverdeme (Chief Judge)Stefœn Ʒoð
Major political parties
  Kireki Advocates
  National Democrats
Assembly of Nations - member state • Association of South Ulethan Nations - observer state


The members of the legislature as well as the president are elected in partisan elections, although many candidates run (and win) without a party affiliation. Elections for the legislature are held every 2 years, with presidential elections occurring every 6 years. The legislature creates, debates, and passes federal laws with a simple (50% + 1) majority. Federal laws are subject to presidential veto, although this veto can be overridden with a 200-vote (or 2/3) majority in the legislature.

Several political parties have significant influence in the legislature, with the National Democratic, Centrist, and Conservative parties each holding significant power. Independent, non-party-affiliated representatives also hold a substantial number of seats in the legislature, but members do not vote as a group or in a bloc. The current president, Kiri-Anna Päjtersson-Årdl, is a member of the Centrist party.

Political Parties in Kara[2]
Name Current Leader Left/Right Ideology Core Ideologies Seats Held
National Democrats Æstred Marija Gabrælzen Center-left to left Social liberalism


Liberal capitalism

92/300 (30.7%)
Conservative Jöns-Rudolf Björgman Center-right to right Classical liberalism



54/300 (18.0%)
Centrist Ana Þorsun Center-left to center Third-way centrism

Regulated capitalism


50/300 (16.7%)
Green Äve Gröndblad-Blaibax Left to far left Environmentalism

Social democracy


15/300 (5.0%)
Kireki Advocates Þorsten-Sfæn Ottozen Varies Kireki nationalism



4/300 (1.3%)
Socialist Björn Andersson Far left Socialism



4/300 (1.3%)
Christic Jön Adam Bånövre Right to far right Social paleoconservatism

Christic nationalism


3/300 (1.0%)
Independent none Varies Varies 78/300 (26.0%)


The current constitution took effect in 1979 after it passed a national referendum. The document can be changed with the support of the majority of the legislature and a 66% majority of voters in the next legislative election.

Individual Rights

The Indevídjalle-Frydhäter (Individual Freedoms) section of the Karska constitution guaranteed several liberties and rights in its original iteration, with some later additions:

Liberty or Right Year Added to Constitution
Freedoms of speech and press 1979 (part of original consitution)
Freedoms of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest
Freedom of religious belief and practice
Right to speedy, public trial by impartial jury
Right to vote for all Karska citizens over the age of 18
Right to refuse to testify against oneself
Freedom from invasive searches without a warrant or probable cause
Freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, color, class, sex, gender, ethnicity, or nationality
Right to citizenship for children born to at least one Karska citizen parent
Freedom from discrimination on the basis of religion or disability status 1980
Freedom from enslavement beyond the reasonable punishment of a crime
Right to own weapons for purposes of hunting or personal defense, subject to reasonable government regulation intended to preserve public safety 1984
Freedom from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or preference 1988
Right to vote for all legal, permanent-resident aliens over the age of 18 who have resided in Kara for at least 5 years 1994
Right to marry without regard to gender for all unmarried, consenting individuals over 18[3] 2008
Freedom from discrimination on the basis of being transgender or gender-nonconforming 2012
Right to citizenship for children born to at least one permanent-resident alien parent 2018

National Anthem

The official Karska choral version of the national anthem, Sjänge som Än.
The official Karska choral version of the national anthem, Sing as One.

Kara's national anthem, Sing as One, was written for the ratification ceremony of the United Kara Amendment; the first act of the National Legislature made it the official national anthem.


Karska Ingerish Reunthan
Traditional Script Iohanson (Diacritic) Script Kꝏvrœ (Simplified) Script
Sjänge som Än Sing as One Siꝏŋœ som En Sióńé som En Sioongoe som En
Komme og sjänge som än

Komme, föräna vårt land

Vi kommer åt stå tillsamms

Vi kommer åt vår bara

Låt os stå för saningen

Låt os sjänge för rättvis

Vi är starka; vi är fräj

Vi älskar dämókrati

Vi ska hjälpe varandra

Vi ska sjänge för frädhät

Vi räspékterar andra

Vi räspékterar vårt häm

Utmaningar ställs inför

Utmaningar ställs öferfun

Örättvis attakkärar

Örättvis vi bäkämpa

Komme, vi vinner kampän

Komme og sjänge som än

Let us come and sing as one

Let us go unite our land

For we are united as one

We unite for all that's fair

Let us stand for what is true

Let us stand for what is just

We are strong and we are free

And we love democracy

We will lend each other aid

We will sue for lasting peace

We respect each human heart

We respect this land that's ours

Challenges will come our way

Challenges, they shall not stay

And injustice may molest

But we fight it to the end

Come, the battle must be won

Let us come and sing as one

Kum ꜳl, og siꝏŋœ som en

Kum ꜳl, og fiorꜳn viꜳr land

Vi kum, vi ßka sta tielsam

Vi kum, vi fiorꜳn ꜳt bara

Lot us sta for saniŋun

Lot us siꝏŋœ for retvis

Vi ar stark og vi ar frᵫ

Og vi elskiar demokradz

Vi ßka gᵫv help til ꜳndrœ

Vi arbet og siꝏŋœ for piots

Vi ßka reßpektœ ꜳndrœ

Vi ßka reßpektœ viꜳr hem

Ꝏtmaniŋs ßka kum for us

Ꝏtmaniŋs vi ßka uphev

Uretvis ßka us atak

Uretvis vi ßka segrœ

Kum ꜳl, vi ßka vin ðu vꜳr

Kum ꜳl, og siꝏŋœ som en

Kum ál, og sióńé som en

Kum ál, og fiorán viár land

Vi kum, vi śka sta tielsam

Vi kum, vi fiorán át bara

Lot us sta for sanińun

Lot us sióńé for retvis

Vi ar stark og vi ar frú

Og vi elskiar demokradz

Vi śka gúv help til ándré

Vi artbet og sióńé for piots

Vi śka reśpekté ándré

Vi śka reśpekté viár hem

Ótmanińs śka kum for us

Ótmanińs vi śka uphev

Uretvis śka us atak

Uretvis vi śka segré

Kum ál, vi śka vin d́u vár

Kum ál, og sióńé som en

Kum aal, og sioongoe som en

Kum aal, og fioraan viaar land

Vi kum, vi shka sta tielsam

Vi kum, vi fioraan aat bara

Lot us sta for saningun

Lot us sioongoe for retvis

Vi ar stark og vi ar frue

Og vi elskiar demokradz

Vi shka guev help til aandroe

Vi arbet og sioongoe for piots

Vi shka reshpektoe aandroe

Vi shka reshpektoe viaar hem

Ootmanings shka kum for us

Ootmanings vi shka uphev

Uretvis shka us atak

Uretvis vi shka segroe

Kum aal, vis shka vin dhu vaar

Kum aal, og sioongoe som en


Noun project 288.svg
Demographics of Kara
Official languagesKarska, Reunthan (Riꝏnþu), Vezhek (Vèžèk), Kirek (ᚲᛁᚱᛖᚲᚨ), Ingerish
2 or more of the above


Kara has not had an established state religion since the United Kara Amendment of 1979. Previous to that amendment, the government designated 5 state Christic churches (one for each ethnic/linguistic region). The 5 state churches have since united to form the People's Church of Kara.

Religious Identification in Kara, 2021

  People's Church of Kara (Christic) (51%)
  Holy Grace Church (Christic) (15%)
  Darcodian (Christic) (3%)
  Ortholic (Christic) (2%)
  Other Christic (2%)
  Judic (2%)
  Animist/Spiritualist (2%)
  General Spirituality (8%)
  Secular (14%)
  Other (1%)

Historically a Christic area, a significant majority of Karskas identify as Christic, although some other minority faiths have also gained traction, particularly through immigration. Religiously unaffiliated individuals also make up a substantial minority of the population.

People's Church of Kara

Initially founded in Kara city from a group of Christic groups in the area in the 15th century, the Church of Kara was under the leadership of the Karska monarch until the mid-18th century. It uses a traditional liturgical service, with a particular emphasis placed on music and collective prayer in services. The church continues to play a significant role in Karska society.

For its first several centuries of existence, the church's leadership exerted tight control on ideas and information within the faith, maintaining a strongly conservative belief and policy system, which continued to be very influential in society, although this influence did decrease in the 17th and 18th centuries with growing secularism and independent thought. However, the church's direction changed as a result of the 1784 secession of the Holy Grace Church in Nådensted in Bjergdals Län, which attracted many believers with its strong yet liberal belief system. In response to this crisis, the People's Church loosened control in many areas, allowing more liberal ideas to gain traction within the church.

In 1928, the church's general council elected Hans Jösef Zakrisson as Head Priest of the church. Zakrisson, the de facto leader of the church's liberal wing and a staunch proponent of liberalism and democracy in society, led several reforms in the church that ultimately were very influential in the formation of modern Kara under the Union Treaty of 1934. Within a decade, the People's Church became strongly liberal-leaning (ironically, some conservative detractors defected to the Holy Grace Church, steering it to become more conservative than the People's Church). Since the 1930s, the church has held to a strongly liberal, universalist theology and a cultural emphasis on inclusion. However, the church has also remained open to a variety of theological and political ideas, and so there are some significant conservative factions within the faith, although many conservative detractors have left for the Holy Grace denomination in recent years.

Nonetheless, the liberal majority has steered the church's policy in a strongly progressive direction, such as was seen in its 1963 resolution urging the Karska government to open the country to refugees and its calls for preservation of minority languages in the 1980s. More recently, the church moved in 2001 to allow same-sex couples to be married by the church in places where such marriage was legal, and this move is widely agreed to have been a key catalyst of the 2003 legislative decision and 2008 constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to same-sex marriage in Kara.

In 2011, Jöne Mäjbjerg became the first openly transgender and non-binary priest in the People's Church, and a 2016 council canonized them and renamed their local church (Sankte Jöne Mäjbjergs Folkes- og Domkärke Äjbsö) in their honor.


As a multinational state, several languages are used across Kara, and five languages (Karska, Reunthan, Vezhek, Kirek, and Ingerish) are federally recognized as official languages. Among them, Karska is the most commonly used.

The map below shows the distribution of dominant language across Kara: Karska (green), Ingerish (red), Reunthan (yellow), Vezhek (purple-blue), and Kirek (light pink-purple).

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Karska (Kårska) is a Gaermanic language that is the lingua franca of Kara. It is the most widely spoken language in the nation. It uses a 26-letter Latinic alphabet.

Karska Pronunciation
Letter IPA Rough Federal States Ingerish Equivalence
Aa ⟨a⟩ got
⟨ə⟩ or ⟨ɜ⟩ when at the end of some words problem
Ää ⟨ɛ⟩ ever
Åå ⟨ɔ⟩ dawn
Bb ⟨b⟩ bake
Cc ⟨s⟩ center
⟨k⟩ cave
Dd ⟨d⟩ dote
Ee ⟨ə⟩ (schwa) problem
⟨ɛ⟩ (when the first letter of a word or with diacritic) ever
Ff ⟨f⟩ fee
Gg ⟨ɡ⟩ good
Hh ⟨h⟩ home
Ii ⟨i⟩ me
Jj ⟨j⟩ you
Kk ⟨k⟩ cave
Ll ⟨l⟩ low
Mm ⟨m⟩ mat
Nn ⟨n⟩ never
Oo ⟨ʊ⟩ look
⟨o⟩ (when with a diacritic, uncommon otherwise) over
Öö ⟨o⟩ over
Pp ⟨p⟩ pine
Rr ⟨r⟩ for "r" no Ingerish equivalent, similar to Castellanese rolled "r" as in perro
⟨ɾ⟩ for "rr" no Ingerish equivalent, nearly a very quick ⟨d⟩ as in dote
Ss ⟨s⟩ so
Tt ⟨t⟩ too
Uu ⟨u⟩ clue
Vv ⟨v⟩ vow
Yy ⟨y⟩ no Ingerish equivalent, essentially an ⟨i⟩ in me with rounded lips
Zz ⟨z⟩ zoo
Accent Marks

In Karska, the first syllable of a word is always emphasized, except when otherwise marked with an accent on the vowel of the syllable to be emphasized. Áá, Íí, and Úú are prononced the same as their "core" letters (Aa, Ii, and Uu, respectively), while Éé and Óó are pronounced as Ää and Öö, respectively.

Example pronunciations of words/terms/names
Term/name IPA Rough Federal States Ingerish Equivalent
Ädrúnaby ɛdɾunaby Ed-run-ah-beu
Bördäjgrådes Län boɾdɛjgrɔdəs lɛn Bor-deyg-rawd-uhs Len
Fjörnåde Repúblikka Kåra fjornɔdə ɾəpublika kɔra Fyoor-nah-duh Ruh-poob-lee-kah Kaw-ra
Hjeplingåde hjəplingɔdə Hyuhp-leeng-ah-duh
Län lɛn Len
Märänétjårp mɛɾɛnɛttjɔrp Meh-reh-neht-tjaurp


Kirek is one of the official languages of Kara. It is spoken in Kireks Len in the north of the country. Mutually intelligible with Karska and Vezhek, most linguists consider it to be a dialect of Karska. The most substantial differentiator of Kirek is its writing system; traditional Kirek writing uses a different character set than Karska, although a Latinic transcription is becoming increasingly common among native speakers as well.


Vezhek is one of Kara's official languages, and it is spoken in Vezheks Stot in the northwest portion of the country. It is mutually intelligible with both Karska and Kirek, and most linguists consider it a dialect of Karska for this reason. While it does use the same character set as Karska, Vezhek attaches different sounds to some letters and diacritic marks.


Reunthan is a Gaermanic language that is one of the official languages of Kara and is widely used in the northwestern regions of the country. While clearly distinct from Karska, the two are closely related, and they are mutually intelligible for most speakers of either language. Reunthan, like Karska, uses a phonetic alphabet (except for the Kꝏvrœ Reunthan script), but the letter-sound matching is not the exact same between the two languages.

A significant majority of Reunthan speakers use the traditional script, but some others use the diacritic script created by Ꜳlof Iohanson or the simplified extended script created by Jon Pytœr Kꝏvrœ. Some speakers use two or more writing methods depending on context, with the traditional script generally easiest to write by hand, the Iohanson script easiest with non-native speakers or language learners, and the Kꝏvrœ script easiest with digital writing.


Reunthan uses the Latinic alphabet. The traditional writing style includes several ligatures, while the Iohanson system uses diacritic marks. The Kꝏvrœ system sacrifices precise phonetic matching[4] for a script without any ligatures or diacritics. Generally, the traditional script is considered the standard and is exclusively used by the vast majority of speakers.

Letter (Script) IPA Example of sound
Traditional Iohanson Kꝏvrœ
Aa a "o" in dot, "a" in father
Ꜳꜳ Áá Aa/aa ɔ "au" in caught
Ææ Ää Ae/ae æ "a" in apple
Bb b "b" in boy
Dd d "d" in dig
Ðð D́d́ Dh/dh ð "th" in the
Ee ɛ "e" in egg
Ff f "f" in fish
Gg g "g" in go
Hh h "h" in happy
Ii i "i" in ink, "ee" in free
Ïꭡ Íí Ie/ie ɪ "i" in little
Kk k "k" in kin, "c" in con
Ll l "l" in low
Mm m "m" in mad
Nn n "n" in no
Ŋŋ Ńń Ng/ng ŋ "ng" in going
Œœ Éé Oe/oe ə "e" in problem
Oo o "o" in so
Ꝏꝏ Óó Oo/oo u "u" in dupe, "oo" in school
Pp p "p" in paint
Rr r rolled "r"
Ss s "s" in some
ßß Śś Sh/sh ʃ "sh" in shy
Tt t "t" in tin, but with the tongue touching the teeth
Þþ T́t́ Th/th θ "th" in thing
Uu ʌ "u" in but
Üᵫ Úú Ue/ue y Kalmish (German) "ü"
Vv v "v" in vine
Xx x Kalmish (German) "ch" as in "Bach"
Zz z "z" as in zebra
Ʒʒ Źź Zh/zh ʒ "su" in closure, "sio" in vision

  1. The state government fills the role of municipal government and is considered a municipality for statistical purposes.
  2. Thanks to Timboh's article on Navenna for the inspiration for this table!
  3. The amendment was purely symbolic as the legislature guaranteed the right to same-sex marriage in 2003.
  4. For example, in the Kꝏvrœ script, "ie" could indicate two different sounds, one being the "ꭡ" vowel and the other being the "ie" diphthong in traditional script.