
From OpenGeofiction
Achtung.svg Desambiguatiuon note:

This is the detailed article about collaboration in Florescenta.

If you look for "definitive" info about the country, please visit Flag with question mark.svg Florescenta article

Basic Information

Florescenta is basically the motherland to portuguese/ florescentian language. Also, important to historic timeline to countries where this language is spoken, like 2 Brasonia.png Brasonia, 2 Luslandia.png Luslandia, Tempeira Flag.png Tempeira, 2 Cariocas.png Cariocas and countries that mention Florescenta in their history, like Flag of Inxigne.png Inxigne and Sangria flag.svg Sangria Islands.

It is part of the base-territories and cultures in OGF, so there will be no major influence of other cultures in the current territory.

Portuguese/ Florescentian is the only official language. However, users that are interested and are not proficient in the language are still welcomed to join.

Total population should not be more than 8 million people.

We are looking for users to detail Florescenta:

  • Micromaping is very welcome in this project. This is another reason to focus, for now, in small places.
  • To be fluent in portuguese is not mandatory to any user wishing to join the project, but of course, is mandatory in the map.

If interested, please contact coordinators BMSOUZA or Davieerr.

Development Stages

Basically, intention is to keep most of current mapping, in respect to Andy, the creator of the country, but detailing it as much as possible. Obviously, there will be some changes but nothing radical.

The general layout by Andy will be maintained (city locations, major roads, part of the geography, etc), however, seeing the lack of detailing in most areas, many places will have internal layout changes. We will open the proposal of re-planning the capital, following the standard in other collaborative territories. Here follows the general inital stages of planning:

Phase Descrition Collaborator Status
Defining Geography (specially around the border of Castellán)
  • Detailing coastline and borders;
Davieerr   Finished  
Defining the subdivisions of mapping
  • Adminstrative divisions in Florescenta will be very similar to Portugal (distritos, concelhos, freguesias, etc);
  • Intention here is bringing closer users who are interested in the ideia, or even are real portuguese people;
  • Districts relations are all done. Concelhos relations will be released little by little, as available districts to edit got a good level of completion.
Davieerr   Finished  
Cleaning Up RW names
  • Deleting the name of real world cities and towns in Portugal that original creator Andy was using;
BMSOUZA   Finished  
  • Most of the hidrology will remain, with only slight alterations on courses;
Davieerr   Finished  
National Highway System
  • Still missing to duplicate several kilometers, but the basic system is finished;
BMSOUZA   Finished  
  • Read more about it here;
Davieerr   Current Editing  
Correctly Tagging Places
  • Time to correct tag places to all concelhos and freguesias set on the map, according to their population;
BMSOUZA   Current Editing  
National Railway System
  • Doing it soon;
BMSOUZA   Current Editing  
Opening to Contributors
  • Despite all the districts borders are defined, currently, only freguesias and concelhos in Alabraste and Alta Serra do Pálido are open to request for now.
  • Coordinators have decided to open both of them first so mappers have more variety in mapping options;
  • Other districts will be available when coordinators decide that the others have reached a good level of detail
BMSOUZA, Davieerr   Current Editing  
Capital Planning
  • Coordinators started this task;
  • Concelhos will be available to collaborators, under a well defined master plan;
BMSOUZA, Davieerr   Current Editing  
National Symbols
  • Respecting old creator Andy's work, Florescenta will keep its ancient coat of arms;
  • National flag will be decided by contributors later;
  • District flags also will be decided later.
    • Lower administrative divisions will not have a flag or coat of arms;
BMSOUZA, Davieerr   Soon  



Historical coherence will be generally coordinated by Davieerr, with the help of BMSOUZA, as I like to plan history from a old start point, here follows the general layout of the history of Florescenta, however, we will not be discussing deeply the historical facts of older parts of Florescentan History:

  • Pre-Ulethan Clay and Hunter-Gatherer Cultures
  • Ulethan Cultures and First Settlements (Favos? Culture)
  • Talta? (Shared Culture with Castellán of Tin/Bronze?)
  • Small settlements dominated by Romantish Influence, new romantish towns
  • Fracturing of multiple kingdoms
  • Imani Dominion
  • Christic Reconquista
  • Largest Florescenta Dominion
  • Colonization Period
  • Sucession Crisis creates a situation similar to Iberic Union, Florescenta shrinks its borders
  • Modern-ish Florescentan History

I think it is important to consider how much imani influence would be maintained on Florescenta, I believe there could be a more accepting culture towards the Imani religion, seeing how in this case, there is a shared land border.

General Infrastucture

Partly, rails and highways have been decided by the old layout, but as we keep filling the map, we will use the method of taking in consideration existing mapping to decide new routes of highways and rails if needed. It's important to emphasize that Florescenta is about half the size of Portugal, so we will not be having a denser road-network that Portugal.

Industrial areas, mining, ports and other will be alocated to places as seen fit, with no major economical mapping (mining activity, industrial parks, ports, refiniries) to be mapped without coordinator consent.

Major cities will have been decided by coordinators and will be of communal mapping, any city (Concelho) mapped by a single collaborator will be medium-small size with limited influence over the nation.

Diplomatic Relations

NOTES: All embassies will be located in the national capital. As Florescenta is not a big country about area, there will be not any need to create consulates in other cities.

Another important thing to mention, will be needed to talk about relations (historical? commercial?) before creating embassies in-or-to Florescenta

Country in Florescenta Abroad Notes
ASUN flag.svg ASUN N/A N/A
  • Continental Organization;
2 Brasonia.png Brasonia Campo Verde-RV
  • Historically colonized by Florescenta
Castellan flag.png Castellan
  • Neighbour country;
  • Commercial partner
Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States
2 Luslandia.png Luslandia
  • Historically colonized by Florescenta
Mazan Flag.png Mazan
  • Neighbour country;
  • Commercial partner
2 Novakia.png Novakia
  • Historically colonized by Florescenta
Tempeira Flag.png Tempeira
  • Historically colonized by Florescenta

Adminstrative Divisions

Florescenta, on the highest level, is divided in 15 distritos/ districts, which are subdivided into 83 (still counting) concelhos/ municipalities, which are subdivided into freguesias/ civil parishes.

Collaborators, under permission, are able to choose a conselho to edit, or even a freguesia in collaborative areas. District capitals usually will be collaborative.

As seen in the table below, usually there is a maximum population to each concelho. It is necessary to prevent "new very important cities". If you are editing a concelho and think that the population should be bigger, please, talk to a coordinator,

Currently, only freguesias and concelhos in Alabraste and Alta Serra Almada are open to request.

Piumeste is closed to contributors. Only coordinators are allowed editing in this district.

Missing flag.png Administrative divisions in Florescenta Missing flag.png
Country Distritos Concelhos Freguesias Contributor
Flag with question mark.svg Florescenta
Missing flag.png Alabraste
  • (290.411 inhabitants)
  • district ref=4
  • 22 concelhos
  • average elevation: 30m
Pic flo ALB 00.jpeg
Pic flo ALB 01.jpeg
Chamescoro, (57.456)
  • Chamescoro, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Collaborative  
  •   Collaborative  
Munha da Fronteira, (34.223)
  • Munha da Fronteira, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
  •   Available  
Alto dos Meninos, (5.761)
  • Alto dos Meninos, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (2.651)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Vasconcelos, (7.600)
  • Vasconcelos, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (12.893)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Gaivota do Monte, (5.774)
  • Gaivota do Monte, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (7.763)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (9.668)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Vila Formosa, (14.877)
Talejo, (19.884)
  • Talejo, (x)
  •   Available  
Maçãs Bravas, (14.720)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Talão, (17.653)
  • Talão, (x)
  •   Available  
Parsalomão, (16.903)
  • Parsalomão, (x)
  •   Available  
Belas Vistas, (9.764)
  • Belas Vistas, (x)
  •   Available  
Artimanha, (13.698)
  • Artimanha, (x)
  •   Available  
Molgão, (7.562)
  • Molgão, (x)
  •   Available  
Filemor, (9.755)
  • Filemor, (x)
  •   Available  
Tuga, (8.611)
  • Tuga, (x)
  •   Available  
Virabar, (4.416)
Ilde Vidal, (8.779)
  • Ilde Vidal, (x)
  • Canal de Ilde, (x)
  •   Available  
  •   Available  
Rebanho de Algas, (x)
Missing flag.png Alta Serra do Pálido
  • (301.966 inhabitants)
  • district ref=15
  • 23 concelhos
  • average elevation: 300m
Pic flo ASP 00.jpeg
Pic flo ASP 01.jpeg
Vila-Hospital de Pôndera, (58.654)
  • Concelho-Sede, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Collaborative  
  •   Collaborative  
Comão, (45.633)
  • Comão, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (1.690)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (2.644)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (3.093)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (3.754)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (9.833)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (5.712)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (2.630)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (6.845)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (6.745)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (8.048)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (15.961)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Aldebarão, (10.079)
No Name Yet, (14.500)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (18.973)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Fiapelhos, (7.630)
  • Fiapelhos, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (17.941)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Casaterra, (28.760)
  • Casaterra, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (12.959)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (8.885)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
No Name Yet, (3.869)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Available  
Alto de Ourives, (7.128)
  • Alto de Ourives, (x)
  •   Available  
Missing flag.png Área Metrop. da Capital
  • (x)
  • district ref=1
  • 6 concelhos
  • average elevation: 30m
Pic flo AMC 00.jpeg
Pic flo AMC 01.jpeg
Capital de Marim
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Paleco, (x)
  • Paleco, (x)
  • Elriz, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Vigário de Marim, (x)
  • Vigário de Marim, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Os Mouchões, (x)
  • Os Mouchões, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Salácia, (88.356)
Echespe, (x)
  • Echespe, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Azul
  • (x)
  • district ref=5
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Alcemia, (x)
  • Alcemia, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Costa Real
  • (x)
  • district ref=2
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Porto Tálio, (x)
  • Porto Tálio, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Fidalgos
  • (x)
  • district ref=13
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Pic flo FID 00.jpeg
Pic flo FID 01.jpeg
Casamiranda, (175.948)
  • Casamiranda, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Genta
  • (x)
  • district ref=6
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Pic flo GEN 00.jpeg
Pic flo GEN 01.jpeg
Algeirão, (x)
  • Algeirão, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Minas e Palo
  • (x)
  • district ref=12
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Patalemos, (x)
  • Patalemos, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Pastos
  • (x)
  • district ref=10
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Lavogua, (x)
  • Lavogua, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Piumeste
  • (x)
  • district ref=9
  • 37 concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Pic flo TUR 00.jpeg
Pic flo PIU 01.jpg
Savedro, (149.678)
  • Savedro, (x)
  • Salomé, (x)
  • Rivadávia, (x)
  • Elveiros, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
São Joás, (x)
  • São Joás, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Boas Águas, (x)
  • Boas Águas, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Lourinha, (x)
  • Lourinha, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Boaventura, (x)
  • Boaventura, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Albaceijo, (x)
  • Albaceijo, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Xávere, (x)
  • Xávere, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Forja da Armadura, (x)
  • Forja da Armadura, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Farelos Secos, (x)
  • Farelos Secos, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Campo Longo, (x)
  • Campo Longo, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Jordanésia, (x)
  • Jordanésia, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Poço Raso, (x)
  • Poço Raso, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Novilhos, (x)
  • Novilhos, (x)
  •   Coordinators  
Missing flag.png Quintanas
  • (x)
  • district ref=3
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Bocarras, (199.045)
  • Bocarras, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Rio Profundo
  • (x)
  • district ref=11
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Temésio, (x)
  • Temésio, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Turquesa Florescenta
  • (x)
  • district ref=14
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Pic flo TUR 00.jpeg
Pic flo TUR 01.jpeg
Passo da Vitória, (89.811)
  • Passo da Vitória, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
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No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Vale de Florescenta
  • (x)
  • district ref=7
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Cratela, (x)
  • Cratela, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
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  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
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  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
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  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
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  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 
Missing flag.png Vale Pedra
  • (x)
  • district ref=8
  • x concelhos
  • average elevation: m
Alquinas, (x)
  • Alquinas, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
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  •  Not Yet 
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  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
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No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  • No Name Yet, (x)
  •  Not Yet 
  •  Not Yet 

How to tag a place in Florescenta?

As seen in the topic before, there are a lot of populated places in Florescenta. But, to get a coherent map, with not so much names displaying on the map, coordinators have decided how to tag the places in Florescenta by population, no matter if it is a concelho seat or a freguesia.

Place (tag) Notes
City Capital city of a district, or places with a population =/> 50.000
Town Places with population between 10.000 and 49.999
Village Places with population between 1.000 and 9.999
Hamlet Places with population =/< 999.


The Sistema Rodoviário de Florescenta (SRF) is divided in three types of roads.

Rodovias Nacionais, tagged as highway=motorway and ref=N*, are national highways, usually (but not only) going from the capital area to further areas of the country, passing close to the main cities. Currently, there are around 980km of dual carriage and asphalt roads in this network.

There are a controlled number of exits in these highways, please do not add more exits without consulting coordinators. It is necessary to avoid excessive exits, to small places.

There are 19 rest areas, with parking, fuel, fast food, toilets and ATM, along the national highways.

Another important rule here: Do not create urban areas so close to this type of road.

There is already a masterplan to all the national highways, one more reason to not edit without coordinators permission.

Rodovias Distritais, tagged as highway=primary and ref=D*, are main highways inside districts. Contributors are allowed to adjust a district road and/or create an exit inside a concelho where is editing, without asking coordination, but not to create a new one. If wishing to create a road access to a concelho to the main road, please create a Estrada Complementar, as the description below.

Estradas Complementares, tagged as highway=secondary and ref=C*, are, as said, complementar highways to national system, usually (but not only) between important cities and towns. These ones can be created by contributors. Currently, there are around 912km (partial) of dual carriage and asphalt roads in this network.

Numbering in the ref tag is following a pattern to all districts. The lower the number, closer the district is to the capital area. To know what number use in a secondary road tag, please check the primary roads in the district, or the district information in Administratice Divisions table.

These type of roads doesnt need to be listed in the wiki or in a relation.

There are two exceptions:

  D-1   Arco Rodoviário da Capital is listed as distrital road, but actually with national highway status, so, do not edit it without coordinator permission.

  N-2B   Variante do Sul is listed as national highway, but actually with distrital road status, so, feel free to edit it if necessary.

Ref Type Name From To Notes
  N-1   Motorway Eixo Nacional TBD (capital) Turq.Floresc.
  N-2   Motorway Autoestrada da Costa Poente TBD (capital) Algeirão
  N-3   Motorway Autoestrada da Costa Nascente TBD (capital) Munha da Fronteira
  N-4   Motorway Via do Alto Norte Vila-Hospital de Pôndera (TBD)
  N-5   Motorway Eixo Secundário
  N-2B   Primary Variante do Sul
  • 91km
  D-1   Primary Arco Rodoviário da Capital No-Name-Yet No-Name-Yet
  D-2   Primary Variante de Costa Real
  • 40km
  D-3A   Primary Radial Leste de Quintanas
  • 23km
  D-3B   Primary Radial Oeste de Quintanas
  • 32km
  D-3C   Primary Radial Norte de Quintanas
  • 10km
  D-4A   Primary Variante Costeira de Alabastre Tuga
  • 31km
  D-4B   Primary Variante Interior de Alabastre
  • 70km
  D-5   Primary Radial de Azul Porto Almedão
  • 53km
  D-6   Primary Variante de Genta   N/A     N/A     N/A  
  D-7   Primary Variante do Vale de Florescenta
  • 99km
  D-8   Primary Variante de Vale Pedra   N/A     N/A     N/A  
  D-9A   Primary Variante de Piumeste
  • 69km
  D-9B   Primary Radial de Piumeste
  • 50km
  D-10   Primary Variante de Pastos   N/A     N/A     N/A  
  D-11   Primary Variante de Rio Profundo
  • 104km
  D-12   Primary Variante de Minas e Palo
  • 131km
  D-13A   Primary Variante de Fidalgos
  • 29km
  D-13B   Primary Radial de Fidalgos
  • 42km
  D-14   Primary Variante de Turquesa   N/A     N/A     N/A  
  D-151   Primary Via Norte-Sul da Serra
  • 66km
  D-152   Primary Extensão Oeste
  • 56km


There is a 650km of rails network operated by EFF - Estradas de Ferro de Florescenta.

There is a 84km of subway and trams network in the capital operated by CCC - Companhia de Comboios da Capital, and maybe, also in Casamiranda. Coordinators will decide it later.

Type Name From To Notes
High Speed Linha Rápida 1 Marim (Cinco Dobrões) Casamiranda
High Speed Linha Rápida 2 Marim (Cinco Dobrões) Algeirão
Intercity Intercidades 1 Marim (Cinco Dobrões) Munha da Fronteira
Intercity Ramal do Alto Norte Casamiranda Vila Pôndera
Intercity Ramal de Patalemos Marim (Cinco Dobrões) Patalemos
Intercity Ramal de Temésio Marim (Cinco Dobrões) Temésio
Cargo Linha de Carga de Temésio (TBD) Temésio
Metro Linha 1 Giraldo (Salácia)
Metro Linha 2


There are two international airports in Florescenta.

The main one, Aeroporto Dom Alberto, is located in Salácia's concelho, west end of Capital metropolitan area, being the major international hub to the country.

The second one, still with no name, will be located in northern Florescenta, and will be the secondary international hub, with flights to neighbour countries and not so far ones.


Natural Mapping

Following the TopoMap presented for Castellán, we will follow its topography, however, watersheds will be discussed with the coordinator of Castellán, major river (which will be pointed on the map) cannot be altered and there is a limitation on how many rivers can be put in place.

Urban and Rural Mapping

As said, Florescenta is like an OGF-Portugal, so, mapping inspiration needs to be from Portugal. (TBD)

Basic ideas are listed here:

  • No matter if is a big, medium or small place: urban areas must be away as much as possible to the national highways.
    • Of course, can be some exceptions in some metropolitan areas, but, as these places are still not open to edit, will be decided later by coordination.
  • Florescentians are a religious people. Some churchs are welcome if mapped.
    • Other religions also can get a community in bigger places.
    • Imame mosques are welcome to be mapped specially in places closer to Mazan border, keep it in mind.
  • Florescentians like sports very much.
    • Football grounds and stadiums, community sports parks (Campo de Jogos) are welcome if mapped.
    • Florescentian also like rugby very much!
  • As most of places in Florescenta are not so populous, try to detail it as much as possible.
    • If not wishing to map every single building, at least set local commerce where you are mapping. Pharmacy? Clothes store? Butcher? Go ahead!
    • Also, public places, like schools, police departments, etc...


Commercial and Industrial Mapping

List of Companies

Here a small list of few nation wide companies in Florescenta. Feel free to add suggestions if there are available lines in the following table.

Type Names
  • Banco de Florescenta;
  • Caixa Popular;
  • add suggestion here
  • PF (Petróleo de Florescenta)
  • FlexCo
  • add suggestion here
  • add suggestion here
  • Oceano
  • SuperMais
  • add suggestion here
  • CCF (Cia.Correios de Florescenta)
  • FarMáxima
  • Mais Saúde
  • add suggestion here
  • add suggestion here
  • Atacado Monforte;
  • add suggestion here
  • Elo Forte
  • add suggestion here
  • add suggestion here
  • add suggestion here
  • add suggestion here
  • add suggestion here