Index:Provinces of Deodeca

From OpenGeofiction

The provinces of the Deodeca are a constituent political entity within the country. This page provides a snapshot overview of some of the provinces.

Symbol important note.svg Important technical notes to users
To include a state below, please use {{Snapshot Deodeca province}}. Note that there are required elements for the template to ensure a minimum amount of information (name, flag, capital, postal code, etc.). Information about required parameters may be found on the template page. Then, be sure to add the state to the table of contents manually. All states must appear in alphabetical order.

Drapeau Agawaskway.svg Agawaskway
Capital: KingstownPopulation: 9,497,000
Confederation: 1872
Etymology: Disputed between Agawaskway (native language) "wâskayikan" ("House") and "âkâýâsîmowin" ("Ingerish").
Demonym: Agawaskwayan, Aggie
Postal code: AA
Official motto: "Prosper together."
Largest city: Kingstown
Other population centers: Frontenac, Halkerston, Kuhlie
OGFmapicon.png View on the OGF mapNeighboring provinces: ArgueilFlag.png Argueil, Template:Odeka District, NawaganFlag.jpg Nawagan, Template:Newcambry, Template:Ouanatchkan, Template:Wirramay, AR060-10
Gallery of province symbols

IA ProvinceFlag.png Ingerish Asperia
Capital: New ReydonPopulation: 10,100,550
Confederation: 1710
Etymology: Ingerish (used to differentiate claims from Franquese Asperie) + Asperia (name used for the southwestern coast of Astrasia).
Demonym: Asperian
Postal code: IA
Official motto: "Illustratio, Moralis, Prudentia." ("Englightenment, Morality, Prudence.")
Provincial song: None
Largest city: Stonesipher
Other population centers: Baptist Bay, Bathantown, Tidonmouth
OGFmapicon.png View on the OGF mapNeighboring provinces: FlagKastichetshan.png Kastichetshan, AR060-15
Gallery of province symbols

FlagKastichetshan.png Kastichetshan
Capital: CoalburnePopulation: 2,464,000
Etymology: Anglicised name derived from the Tsimshiliit word 'Kaasty’chyetshan.'
Demonym: Kastichetshani
Postal code: KT
Official motto: "Under the cross, we are well."
Provincial song: Under The Cross, We Are Well
Largest city: Coalburne
Other population centers: Delbert City, Port Stewart, Dimsdale, Cacsaw
OGFmapicon.png View on the OGF mapNeighboring provinces: IA ProvinceFlag.png Ingerish Asperia, Template:Wirramay, AR060-15
Gallery of province symbols

OuanatchkanFlag.svg Ouanatchkan
Capital: RobertonPopulation: 3,680,000
Etymology: Named after Lake Ouanatchkan, itself a Franquese interpretation of Aitun 'Ukunatshuan', describing a bend in the rapids where Lake Ouanatchkan empties into the Odeka
Demonym: Ouanatchkaner or Ouanatcher, Ouanatchkanien (FR), Chkanien (informal, FR)
Postal code: OA
Official motto: "Sous le même toit, on est réuni"
Provincial song: Chant Chkanien
Largest city: Audeville
Other population centers: Anderville, Bennantown, Bésance, Fourchaulton
OGFmapicon.png View on the OGF mapNeighboring provinces: Agawaskway, ArgueilFlag.png Argueil, Template:Ateria, Template:Newcambry
Gallery of province symbols