
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Kastichetshan Province of Kastichetshan

Capital: Coalburne
Population: 2,464,000 (2021)
Motto: TBD

Constituent province of the 2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Commonwealth of Deodeca

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Kastichetshan (ING: KAST-ee-KETCH-an or /kɑstikɜːt͡ʃɛn/, Kâstichéshanne /kɑːstikeːʃɶn/ Valonian) officially the Province of Kastichetshan, is a constituent province within the Commonwealth of Deodeca. Kastichetshan features a diverse geography and hydrography which combined with native influence has created a significant landscape; it features high-alpine mountains to the west, lush-fertile plains stretching the length of Kastichetshan’s shoreline, and dense temperate forests spread throughout the province. Kastichetshan has a populatuion of about 2.5 million people, most of them concentrated within the largest cities, which include Coalburne, Delbert City, Port Stewart, and Dimsdale. Kastichetshan shares borders with Ingerish Asperia to the north, Wirramay to the south, Queen Adelaide Island to the east, and AR060-15 to the west. Kastichetshan also shares international borders with Ambrosia to the southwest along the Great Shield Mountains

The capital and largest city of Kastichetshan is Coalburne, a significant historical landmark, being one of the first colonies established during Ingerish Archantan exploration. The colonisation had a significant impact on the agricultural, transportation, maritime, and political significance of Deodeca. Kastichetshan features other historical and indigenous landmarks, including sites in Port Stewart, Fort McCandless, and Cacsaw. Kastichetshan's Lieutenant Governor is Eleanor Mayeurs (LNP), with the Vice Governor being Peter Danelaugh (LNP).


Pre-Ulethan History

Proto First-Nation Era

Kastichetshan was originally settled by a group of nomadic tribespeople who migrated to the region from the south as early as TBD. Over time, these tribespeople, including TBD, TBD and TBD, developed a unique culture and language, which became one of the primary foundations of Kastichetshan's identity as a distinct province in Deodeca.

The Northern First Nations

Before the colonization of Kastichetshan, the land was inhabited by several indigenous tribes such as the TBD, TBD, and other tribes of the North First Nations, a group of aboriginals native to Ingerish Asperia and Kastichetshan. These tribes had their own unique cultures, traditions, and languages, but they all shared a deep respect for the natural world.

The people of Kastichetshan were primarily hunter-gatherers, who lived off the land by fishing and hunting animals, primarily bison, rodents, and sometimes birds. They also were fond of gathering wild plants and berries, which were used for many medicinal and cultural practices. They had a deep understanding of the natural world and the cycles of the seasons, which allowed them to develop strong adaptive methods to survive in these lands.

The indigenous tribes of Kastichetshan were also skilled artisans, creating pottery from clay harvested from nearby rivers, as well as textiles and other crafts. They passed down their traditions and knowledge from generation to generation through oral history and storytelling. Despite occasional conflicts and territorial disputes between different tribes, the people of Kastichetshan maintained a strong sense of community and shared values, based on respect for the natural world and the importance of family and community. Overall, the Native people of Kastichetshan had a rich and diverse culture, deeply rooted in their connection to the land and the natural environment. Their way of life and traditions were disrupted by the arrival of colonizers, who brought with them new technologies, religions, and cultures, ultimately leading to the displacement and assimilation of the indigenous population.

Ingerish Colonisation

The First Colonies

Kastichetshan was discovered in the early 17th century by a group of Ingerish explorers who were originally sent by Queen Adelaide of Ingrea. They originated from the cities within the territory of Queen Adelaide Island, who were exploring westward from the island. The first settlelement made in Kastichetshan was Fort McCandless, where they further explored westward after establishing a colony. They were drawn to the lush forests, fertile lands, and abundant resources of the region. The colonial settlement of Coalburne was established later in the year, at the mouth of the Tasippah River, at the southern terminus of Saint Mary’s Bay, named after Saint Mary of TBD, a well known christic figure at the time.

Before Kastichetshan was mapped, it was a part of the Ingerish Asperia territory.

Over time, southern Ingerish Asperia expanded and became a significant center of trade and commerce in the latter 17th and early 18th centuries, as merchants from Ingrea and Queen Adelaide Island flocked to the province to take advantage of its rich natural resources and strategic location. This period of prosperity was marked by the construction of various grand public works.

Ingerish-Native Interactions

The interactions between the Ingerish settlers and the native peoples during the further colonization of Kastichetshan were complex and varied, depending on the specific historical context and geographic location of each tribes. Similar to the tribes of Queen Adelaide Island, initial interactions between the Ingerish and the Tsimshiliit tribes were relatively neutral: The Ingerish settlers spent most of their time within the colony, while the Tsimshiliit peoples watched from outside. While the neutral interactions in Queen Adelaide Island may suggest that the Ingerish and native peoples in Kastichetshan would have had similar interactions, there are many factors that could have influenced their interactions, such as the specific cultures and traditions of the native peoples, the motivations and attitudes of the Ingerish settlers, and the specific historical context in which they interacted. Initially, the Ingerish settlers and the other native peoples on the mainland may have had relatively peaceful interactions, based on similar interactions with the Tsimshillit peoples. However, as the Ingerish zeal for colonization arose, and their demands for land and resources increased, conflicts and tensions emerged. Some of the TBD peoples became conflicted that the Ingerish peoples’ lack of knowledge of the land would lead to disruption of balance within the ecosystem.

Inward Expansion

During the latter half of the 18th century, Kastichetshan experienced a significant influx of settlers seeking residence within the newly established colonies. This period marked a turning point in the province's history, as the fast-growing agricultural economy attracted people from various backgrounds. The lure of abundant natural resources, fertile lands, and promising economic opportunities propelled settlers to Kastichetshan. The province became a destination for ambitious individuals and families eager to establish their fortunes in agriculture and related industries.

One notable development during this time was the establishment of vineyards. Settlers imported wine grape varieties from other regions, introducing viticulture to Kastichetshan. The favorable climate and rich soil proved conducive to grape cultivation, leading to the successful growth of vineyards across the province. This new agricultural sector not only catered to the local market but also generated a modest export industry, providing economic stability and growth for the province. In addition to vineyards, settlers also focused on expanding their farms for cattle rearing. The wide, open spaces of Kastichetshan provided ample grazing land, making it suitable for livestock husbandry. Cattle farms flourished, supplying meat, dairy products, and raw materials for other industries, such as leather production.

A painting of a Vineyard in Williamsteade ca. 1769

As the agricultural economy boomed, the demand for land surged, prompting settlers to move inland. The fertile coastal regions were already occupied, leading colonists to explore and establish new settlements in previously untouched territories. This inland expansion necessitated the clearing of forests, opening up vast areas for cultivation and further diversifying the province's agricultural landscape. The settlers encountered challenges during their westward expansion, including negotiating with indigenous communities who still inhabited those regions. While some interactions were peaceful and resulted in cooperation, others were marked by conflicts over land ownership and resource access. These interactions varied greatly depending on the specific tribes and communities involved, making it a complex chapter in the province's history.


The Industrial Boom

The 19th century marked a transformative era for the province of Kastichetshan.The advent of the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent expansion of railways brought about significant changes that shaped the province's history. A momentous landmark in Kastichetshan's history was the introduction of the railway system. Deodeca, recognizing the importance of efficient transportation, embarked on an ambitious railway project that aimed to connect various provinces, including Kastichetshan, with the heart of the Dominion.

During the 19th century, the railway lines reached the province of Kastichetshan, opening up new possibilities for trade, travel, and communication. The rail network allowed seamless connections between Kastichetshan and other upper Deodecan provinces like Agawaskway, Argueil, Nawagan, and Ingerish Asperia, ushering in an era of increased interconnectivity and economic growth. The arrival of railways had a profound impact on the cities of Kastichetshan, particularly Coalburne and Delbert City. These cities quickly became major hubs along the railway lines, experiencing rapid expansion and development. The influx of travelers, settlers, and goods brought about by the railways fueled the growth of these urban centers. The railway connections became a catalyst for the development of a thriving industrial economy in Coalburne and Delbert City. The easy access to raw materials and the efficient transportation of goods enabled the establishment of various industries, most significantly manufacturing. Factories and mills sprung up, employing a large workforce and stimulating economic prosperity. The industrialization of Coalburne and Delbert City led to significant socioeconomic changes. The cities experienced a rapid influx of workers seeking employment opportunities, leading to an increase in population and urbanization. Immigrants from various regions, both within Deodeca and beyond, settled in these cities, contributing to their cultural diversity and cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Modern Era


Community Noun project 4864.svg
Geography of Kastichetshan
Population2,464,000 (2021)
• Total68,790.87 km2
26,560.30 sq mi
Population density35.82 km2
92.77 sq mi



Q159810 noun 509351 ccParkjisun economy.svg
Economy of Kastichetshan
• TotalTBD
• Per capitaTBD
GDP (nominal)TBD
• TotalTBD
• Per capitaTBD
Unemployment rateTBD




See Also

2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Political divisions of Deodeca
Provinces Drapeau Agawaskway.svg Agawaskway(c)ArgueilFlag.png ArgueilAteriaIA ProvinceFlag.png Ingerish Asperia(c)FlagKastichetshan.png Kastichetshan • The Meredies • NawaganFlag.jpg Nawagan • Newcambry • Ouanatchkan • Peralia Flag.png PeraliaQAI Flag.png Queen Adelaide Island • Riverina • Wirramay
Capital District Odeka District