
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Tigeria Tigerine Republic
République Tigrisienne (Valonian)
Capital: Meilinmen
Population: 5,265,747 (2020)
Motto: "Sicut tigris salit"
Anthem: 'La Rabenthalerais'

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Tigeria (Ingerish: ty-JEER-ee-ə; Valonian: Tigrisie "tiɡʁizi"; Bai Hua: 口夏共和國 (Kǒuxià Gònghéguó), officially the Tigerine Republic, is a country on the Tulyan Peninsula in the Rivages of Tarephia. Continental Tigeria is bordered on the west by the Soboko Republic, on the north and northeast by Allendea, on the east by Kotel and Fitzétienne Sound, and on the south by the Strait of Lyc. The capital of Tigeria is Meilinmen, and the largest city is Hexagonia City in Cinq Îles Governorate.

One of the oldest republics in Tarephia, Tigeria has maintained a policy of neutrality since the early nineteenth century. The nation has actively developed its foreign policy and has been involved in peace processes around the world. Tigeria is the birthplace of the Red Shield and is home to one of the offices of the Assembly of Nations. It is a founding member of the Tarephia Cooperation Council and the Lycene League.

Tigeria (Ingerish: ty-JEER-ee-ə; Valonian: Tigrisie "tiɡʁizi"; Bai Hua: 口夏共和國 (Kǒuxià Gònghéguó), officially the Tigerine Republic, is a country on the Tulyan Peninsula in the Rivages of Tarephia. Continental Tigeria is bordered on the west by the Soboko Republic, on the north and northwest by Allendea, on the east and southeast by Kotel and Fitzétienne Sound, and on the south by Damenstrom. The capital of Tigeria is Meilinmen, and the largest city is Hexagonia City in Cinq Îles Governorate.

One of the oldest republics in Tarephia, Tigeria has maintained a policy of neutrality since the early nineteenth century. The nation has actively developed its foreign policy and has been involved in peace processes around the world. Tigeria is the birthplace of the Red Shield and is home to one of the offices of the Assembly of Nations. It is a founding member of the Tarephia Cooperation Council and the Lycene League.

Because Inxigne and Meilan fall under Tigeria's sphere of influence, Tigeria exerts significant power over the developments of the western Strait of Lyc.


Tigeria has several names in other languages, influenced primarily how other nations came to know of Tigeria.

Derivation Names Notes
From tiger, tigris (Romantian)

Tigeria (Ingerish), Tigrisie (Valonian)

"Land of the Taichre [River]". Believed to have originated along the trade route which followed the Taichre River into the heart of Tarephia and beyond to Uletha.
From nimr, nimur (Mazanic)

Nimuria (Castellanese), Nimrastan (Mazanic)

"Tiger". The big cats which are a common presence in Tigeria. Those who first knew of Tigeria through its tigers refer to Tigeria by this derivation.
From xiriben

Dixiriben (Meilanese)

"[Land of] the western sun". From the position of the setting sun when viewed from sea. Originates from the Straits of Lyc, and the cultures which flourished along the straits.
From kouxia

Goxia (Bai Hua)

"Summer's mouth". Poetically interpreted as "the Goodlands". Tigeria is known by this name and its variations in countries significantly influenced by the Goxianese thalassocracy. This name also traveled along the Bai Empire's trade routes to the Bai speaking parts of the world.


Open Book icon.svg
History of Tigeria
Early Colonisation(optional)
Goxianese Thalassocracy1450 - 1717
• Inxigne Colony
Rivagine Tigeria1717-1789
• Tigerine Republics1717-1725
• Tigeria in the Pays-Rivageois1725-1785
• Independence1785-1789
• Tigerine Republic1789

Early Civilization

The Tigerines are thought to have migrated from the north across the Great Helion Desert. They settled in the Taichre Valley near what is today Linshanford. Gradually, they expanded their trade empire south along the river as far as Taichre Bay. As empire thrived, the Taichre Valley became the preferred trade route for goods moving between the coast and the interior highlands of southwestern Tarephia.

The Baveilis arrived a few centuries later by way of the Liberan Peninsula.

Early Middle Ages (1000 - 1450)

Dixiribenese fortress on the Taichre River.

The Bai settlers that arrived from the east by sea came to call Tigeria by the name Erlizi Nimiri (Babelic: 二力字 你米日), or "The Land of the Tigers." The Meilanese settlers who arrived years later called Tigeria by Dixiriben (Meilanese: 地西日本), roughly translated "The land west of the sunrise." These Meilanese settlers established forts up and down the Taichre Valley and founded the city of Meilinmen.

Tigerine Republics (1717 - 1725)

Tigeria becomes a confederacy of seven republics. Republics gradually join the Pays-Rivageois.

Tigeria in the Pays-Rivageois (1725 - 1785)

The seven republics are organized into the Valonian state of Tigrisie-Francès. Discrimination against Tigerines and the perceived lack of development in the west causes a lot of political tension.

Independence from the Pays-Rivageois (1780 - 1789)

Due to massive administrative costs from natural disasters (earthquakes and floods) and due to mass demonstrations against the Rivagien government, the Pays-Rivageois voted to split from Tigeria in 1784. In the late spring of 1784, the states of Tigeria held a series of referendums to determine their futures. Six of the seven states voted to unite as the Republic of Tigeria. The seventh, the state of Félicité, voted for independence and split into the Republics of Félicité-Aquiline and Félicité-Francès due to disagreements over governance of the Windsferry Archipelago.

Tigerine Republic (1789 - present)

Tigeria became a unified republic in 1789. The six constituent states of Bergeronneau, Haxiwen, Nova Laniunaea, Sai'An, Tigerworthy, and West Rabenthaler retained their borders; and the Tigerine government incorporated the states as the six governorates of Tigeria. While the capital of Tigeria remained at Meilinmen, Emporie la Jolie in Tigerworthy became the country's primary seaport and cultural center.

18th and 19th Centuries

From the 1790s to the 1810s, Tigeria sought to identify its place on the international stage. Under the presidencies of Richard Arbremagne, Armande Le Charpentier, and Silas Wainwright, Tigeria worked to define the freedoms of its citizens and its foreigners at home and abroad. In 1818, Tigeria adopted a foreign policy of neutrality under the administration of Nathaniel Rye. During the 1830s, president Laurel Aristide advocated for the rights of Black Tigerines abroad, especially in Broceliande.

When the Federal States occupied Felicity-Aquiline in 1874, the republic of Félicité-Francès sought to establish greater ties to Tigeria in return for stronger defenses from the mainland. Both nations encouraged migration to the other, and several ferries ran between the two republics.

20th Century

Le Malentendu

The division of Félicité between Tigeria and the Federal States marked the beginning of le Malentendu--a political conflict in the Windsferry Archipelago over the future of the islands.

In the 1930s, the construction of the Black Lions Bridge between Tigeria and Félicité-Francès established a road connection between the two republics. By the late 1930s, the republics of Tigeria and Félicité-Francès integrated to such an extent that both national assemblies advocated in favor of Félicité-Francès joining Tigeria as its seventh governorate. The last act of the Félicité-Francès national assembly was to dissolve itself as the Great War began.

During the 1930s and 1940s, the Great War raged. The presidencies of Samuel Rye, Zachary Kensington, Claude Millier, and Anton Lam strove to maintain Tigeria's neutrality during this time. The Federal States began making arrangements to transfer its territory of Felicity-Aquiline to Tigeria as the Great War came to a close. After the Great War, the Assembly of Nations conferred a mandate over Tarephian Meilan to Tigeria. The National Assembly of Tigeria also reorganized the governorates of Félicité-Francès and Felicity-Aquiline into the unified governorate of Cinq Îles in the early 1950s. Inxigne also entered into free association with Tigeria during this time in return for Tigeria's naval defenses at Inxigne's request.

During the 1960s, Tigeria's environmental grassroots movement began to form. It was not until the historic 1986 election of Sundeep Pranageetha, Tigeria's first female president, that environmentalism and the green movement found a home in Tigeria.

21st Century

Three Nations, One System

In 2000, Tigeria proposed to Angloons, Inxigne, and Meilan the "Four Nations, One System" policy in response to demands for increased investments in Angloons, Inxigne and Meilan. Angloons voted by referendum in 2001 to join Tigeria, beginning a lengthy eleven-year process to merge the infrastructure of the two nations. Among the other political reforms included two seats added to the Council Deliberative--one each for Inxigne and Meilan--to provide them a voice in the Old Imperial Assembly.

The most recent presidencies of Aimee Frances, Jude Saint-Constant, and Sun Wenxing have worked to address the increasing urbanization and income inequality citizens face in Tigeria. Although many public services have been introduced to the hinterland west of the Tigerine mountains in an attempt to maintain social equity across the nation, much work remains to be done.

Administrative divisions

Government Data - The Noun Project.svg
Administrative divisions of Tigeria
First-level7 Governorates; 1 AN Mandate
Governorates of Tigeria and their capitals.

Tigeria is divided into seven governorates, eleven territories, and one mandate. The governorates are further divided into magisters. Each magister is administered by a five-member magistrate, and each member of the magistrate is represents one of five circles in the magister.

The eleven territories are created and dissolved at will by the Old Imperial Assembly. These territories are structured with the goal of providing government services to the people of Angloons.

Governorates of Tigeria
Name Abbreviation Capital Population Notes
Bergeronneau BE Quathames 46,385 Bergeronneau is known for its llamas and vicuñas which support a niche wool industry in the the Eustathes Highlands.
Cinq Îles Hexagonia City 1,880,873 Cinq Îles is the financial and tech center of Tigeria. The governorate has a robust venture capital industry, attracting entrepreneurs and supporting startups around the Lycene region and beyond. The Assembly of Nations Tarephias office and the Red Shield headquarters are also located here, and there is a thriving diplomatic community bringing ideas, innovation, and policies from all over the world.
Haxiwen HA Chingming 357,640
Nova Laniunaea NL Meilinmen 577,828
Sai'An SA Tel Bavei 424,917
Tigerworthy TW Emporia la Jolie 1,395,081 Tigerworthy was the launching point for traders heading upriver to Rabenstadt, Linshanford, and beyond. Ingerish, Castellanese, Valonian, and Meilanese traders all passed through this region as they competed to control the trade routes into the interior of Tarephia.
West Rabenthaler WR Rabenstadt 583,023 Home to the Rabenthaler Lentish, one of the few remaining Kalmish-speaking communities in the western Lyc, West Rabenthaler has seen increased interest in the Rabenthaler culture, leading to a revival and a regional identity in northern Tigeria. Even so, native speakers of the Rabenthaler Lentish language are slowly dwindling as cross-border communities in historic East Rabenthaler (Oridica) were forced to speak Castellanese in Allendea and lost their connections to their Tigerine neighbors.
Territories of Tigeria
Name Abbreviation Capital Population Notes
Agneaux AN Shepherd Arms 4,505,269
Bussot BT Bussotines 868,244
Contra Antarephia CA Antarephiapolis 2,998,547
Greater Angloons GA Angloons 111,122
Ingrean Angloons IA Angloons 75,244
Las Naranjas LN Ironwrought 1,012,664
New Angloons NA Néroli 511,233 The former capital district of Angloons, New Angloons is known for its valleys and its think tanks.
New Rursailles NR Saltpêtre Lai 1,222,114
Pluvie Laie-Claretins PC 710,550
Vachionu Voj VV 623,221
Windace WI 333,455
Mandates of Tigeria
Name Abbreviation Capital Population Notes
Meilan ME Eaux Riantes 1,077,085

Government and Politics

Government icon (black).svg
Government of Tigeria
Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic
Head of state
• PresidentAoife Morrow
• Vice PresidentIan Sundancer
LegislatureOld Imperial Assembly
• Upper houseCouncil Deliberative
Council Deliberative of Tigeria.svg
• Lower houseBurgesses Parliamentary
Burgesses Parliamentary of Tigeria.svg
JudiciarySupreme Court
Major political parties
  Party Eighth (Tigeria United Party)
  Party Third (Old Glory Party)
  Party One-Hundredth (Viridian Party)
  Party Seventh (Mercantile Party)
  Party Twelfth (Agarian Party)
  Party Fifty-Sixth (Communist Party)
  Party One-Hundred-Twenty-Second (Libertarian Party)
Assembly of Nations, Tarephia Cooperation Council

Old Imperial Assembly at night in Meilinmen.


The Constitution of Tigeria entered into force in 1789 and is considered unusually advanced for its time. The constitution consists of thirty-six (36) articles. The first twenty-five articles address the rights of the individual:

  • Article I recalls the principles of life, liberty, dignity, equality, and brotherhood that all Tigerines live by
  • Article II establishes the parties that the constitution applies to and provides that the constitution shall not discriminate based on a variety of protected statuses including language, race, ethnicity, and sex
  • Articles III-VII establish the constitutional liberties of the rights to the freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly, and government petition
  • Articles VIII-X establish the individual's community rights, such as the right to roam, to free movement, from slavery, and to privacy
  • Articles XI-XIII establish the individual's right to education and provides for the public primary, secondary, and tertiary education systems in Tigeria
  • Articles XIV-XV establish the individual's civic rights, including the right to government representation and the right to vote
  • Articles XVI-XX establish the individual's rights to natural abundance, including the rights to forage, fish, glean, receive charity, and freely give
  • Articles XXI-XXV establish the individual's judicial rights, including the rights to a fair trial, jury trial, representative jury, speedy trial, and freedom from cruel or unusual punishment

There are no Articles XXVI-XCIX (26-99). Beginning at Article C (100), the next eleven articles address the powers of the state:

  • Article C establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land; this article also provides for the Order of Laws (in which they take precedence)
  • Articles CI-CIV provide for the legislative, executive, judicial, and accountable branches of government
  • Article CV establishes the powers of the national government
  • Articles CVI-CVIII establishes the powers of the governorates
  • Articles CIX provides the process for amending the Constitution
  • Article CX lists all the amendments to the Constitution


The Constitution of Tigeria defines the political system; Tigeria is a unitary presidential constitutional republic with a multi-party system. Citizens may run and vote in municipal, parliamentary, and national elections.

The President of the Tigerine Republic is the head of state. Unusual among nations, Tigeria's president is elected for a term of four years and six months and may serve up to two terms.

The Old Imperial Assembly is the national assembly of Tigeria. This legislative body is divided into the Burgesses Parliamentary (lower house) and the Council Deliberative (upper house).

Political parties are required to be officially documented on the Registrar of Political Parties by order of registration.

The Burgesses Parliamentary is the lower house of the Old Imperial Assembly. It is meant to represent Tigerines proportionally by population. The political breakdown of the Burgesses Parliamentary is as follows:

The Council Deliberative is the upper house of the Old Imperial Assembly. It is meant to represent Tigerines by governorate, three councillors to a governorate. Additionally, Inxigne and Meilan each receive one councillor. The political breakdown of the Council Deliberative is as follows:

Foreign relations

As an active member of the international community, Tigeria is a middle power. Tigeria has long sought to develop its own international identity and contributes to several international organizations around the world. Tigeria is a member of the Assembly of Nations and Hexagonia City hosts the AN Office of the Tarephias, which is the AN Headquarters in the Tarephias. One AN primary organ and several AN organizations are headquartered at the AN Office of the Tarephias, including:

  • AN Mandatory Estates Council (MEC)
  • AN Capital Assistance Fund (ANCAF)
  • AN Development Assistance Program (ANDAP)
  • AN Environmental Sustainability Program (ANESP)
  • AN High Commission for Refugees (ANHCR)

The AN Commission on Urbanization and Settlement Patterns (ANCUSP) also maintains an office at the AN Office of the Tarephias.

Tigeria is a member of the Lycene League and a founding member of the Tarephia Cooperation Council. Within these two organizations, Tigeria continually strives to drive sociopolitical cohesion in the region as a whole.

Tigeria also assumes responsibility for the diplomatic and consular representation of Inxigne and Kotel, and the protection of their borders.

In 1818, the administration of Nathaniel Rye adopted a foreign policy stance of neutrality for Tigeria. Since then, Tigeria has maintained this internationally recognized stance of neutrality, even through the Great War.

International relations

Tigeria has relations with several countries.

Country Embassy in country Embassy in Tigeria
Allendea-Flag.png Allendea TBD Rive Est Avenue, East Bank, Meilinmen
Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona Via Lion, Col. Delbonis, Carante TBD
DrapeauCAB.svg Cabelia TBD Qi Tao Yue Boulevard, He Mu, Meilinmen
Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti TBD Di Guo Men Avenue, Aux Prés Palatins, Meilinmen
Template:Duncanheim TBD Arpenteur Street, Hexagonia City
Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Tarephia Avenue, The Embassies, Huntington TBD
FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Second Streete, Quentinsburgh Unnamed Road, Aux Prés Palatins, Meilinmen
GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya Gobras Boulevard, Downtown Southwest (Ward 31), Gobras City Rive Est Avenue, East Bank, Meilinmen
Flag with question mark.svg Kuehong TBD Garrison Road, Hexagonia City
MauretiaFlag-new.svg Mauretia Unnamed Road, Sansa Tabità, Iola Unnamed Road, Aux Prés Palatins, Meilinmen
Template:Sae TBD Unnamed Road, He Mu, Meilinmen


Community Noun project 4864.svg
Geography of Tigeria
Population5,265,747 (2020)
Major RiversTaichre, Eusthathes
Time zoneWUT +1:00
Hexagonia City, Cinq Îles
Climate chart
Average max. and min. temperatures in °F
Precipitation totals in inches
Metric conversion
Average max. and min. temperatures in °C
Precipitation totals in mm

Tigeria lies in the southern hemisphere. It is a mountainous country. Ranges run primary north-south. The Enchang Hills run along the eastern side of the nation. In the center, the Tigerine Mountains tower. Due to the subduction of the Oridice Plate, the Tigerine Mountains are volcanically active. Mount Impatiens is the highest peak in the Tigerine Mountains and the highest point in Tigeria. The Haxiwen Mountains is the primary range in the west. Lesser ranges in the north include the Hanakanyi Mountains and the Odiso Hills. In the east, the Pard Hills separate Taichre Bay from regions further inland.

The main river systems are the Taichre River and the Eustathes River. The Taichre River is a major river of southwest Tarephia, running 730 miles / 1,175 km from its source in Teotiyolcan. The shorter Eustathes runs 225 miles / 360 km from the mountains of Allendea. Both rivers run south toward Taichre Bay. The Eustathes River is the older of the two river systems, cutting through the Tigerine Mountains twice - once near the confluence with the Allende River, and once again in the Eustathes Gorge.

Tigeria can be divided into the following regions:

  • Eustathes Highlands
  • Taichre Valley
  • Lake Kostel
  • Taichre Bay Area
  • South Coast
  • Windsferry Archipelago
  • Euthailun Desert

Cities in Tigeria tend to be in the east. Significant cities include Hexagonia City, Lyonesse-Francès, Emporie la Jolie, Meilinmen, and Rabenstadt.


The great differences in elevation in Tigeria are the primary cause of the wide range of climates in the nation. Much of the country has a tropical climate. The high mountains, including the Tigerine Mountains and the Haxiwen Mountains, have a mountain climate with snow in the winter and warm summers. The eastern lowlands receive the greatest amount of precipitation, while the western highlands west of the Tigerine Mountains receive much less precipitation. The western slopes of the northern Haxiwen Mountains tend to be wetter due to their proximity to the Catham Sea. However, the cold Seventh Current off the shore of Soboko contributes to the mild desert climate that is found on the southern slopes of the Haxiwen Mountains.

Tigeria has a tropical wet and dry climate and a summer monsoon season.

Flora and fauna


Ground Transportation - The Noun Project.svg
Infrastructure of Tigeria
Driving sideright
• Passing sideright
• Electrification110V, 60Hz
Mains electricity110V, 60Hz
Telephone code+456
Internet TLD.ti


The Tare (symbol: ※; code: TAR) is the official currency of Tigeria. It is abbreviated as TA※, and is referred to as the tare or the Tigerine tare. The tare is subdivided into one hundred piastres (p). Banknotes are produced in denominations of ※5, ※10, ※20, ※50, ※100, ※500, and ※100. Coins are produced in denominations of ※2, ※1, 50p, 25p, 10p, 5p, and 1p.

Trade Relations

Tigeria imports raw agricultural products for processing. Major trade partners include members of the Tarephia Cooperation Council.

Territory % Imports Import Goods
FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Cocoa Beans
Bandera CAZ.png Azure Coast Cocoa Beans
Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona Sugar, Tobacco, Coffee, Cocoa Beans
Vodeo Flag.png Vodeo Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa Beans

Tigeria exports processed goods and raw materials to other nations.

Territory % Exports Export Goods
Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Refined Petroleum, Crude Petroleum
Bai flag.png Bai Empire Tapioca Pearls
FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Pineapples, Sugar, Refined Petroleum
Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona Vicuña Wool


Tigeria is a large exporter of pineapples. Its other main crops are sugar, rice, and soybeans.

In the Tigerine highlands, herding is a common occupation. Llamas and vicuñas can be found around Bergeronneau.


Tigeria is home to the Hexagonia Geothermal Field, the one of the largest geothermal plants in the world. Operated by the Hexagonia Energy Corporation, the 25 geothermal plants produce a combined output of 2,000MW and make up about half of Tigeria's renewable energy resources.

Tigeria's electric grid operates on 110V, 60Hz. This is a consequence of contracting with Estatier electrical engineers to design and construct the grid during the early 1900s.


The abundance of technology firms in Cinq Îles governorate has given the region the name Silicon Isles. From computer mainframes and data centers to cybersecurity and network infrastructure, the Silicon Isles often collaborates with the Transistor Valley in Vodeo and the Valle de Niquel in Freedemia.

Venture Capital

Tigeria has a robust venture capital industry, attracting entrepreneurs from around the Lyc and beyond. Des Tigres Boulevard is the heart of the venture capital industry in Tigeria, with over 25 venture capital firms located there. These firms have funded several technology startups in Tigeria, such as Jonquil, Yarn Inc., and Macrohard Mainframes.


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Demographics of Tigeria
Official languagesIngerish (de facto); Valonian (de facto)
Indigenous (Black) Tigerine
Rabenthaler Lentish
Evangelist Christicism
Ortholic Christicism
Ebraic Ibriyim
LiteracyIncrease 72


There is no official language of Tigeria. Most of the population speaks Ingerish and Valonian. Tigerine is still spoken in the rural areas in the east of the country, while speakers of Meilanese can be found in and around Meilinmen.

Speakers of Imperial Babelic, the sole surviving member of the western branch of the Babelic language, are concentrated primarily in the governorate of Sai'An, especially in the floodplains between the Jacond and Hebrais Rivers.

Many students study foreign languages throughout their primary and secondary educations. The most common languages studied are:

  • Ingerish
  • Valonian
  • Meilanese
  • Bai Hua
  • Babelic
  • Castellanese


The school year starts at the end of the summer, usually on the third week of February; it continues through the year into late spring and finishes on the second week of December.

Universities are mandated by national law to operate on the quarter system to provide students the opportunities for the most enriching academic settings possible at university. Students are frequently encouraged to take on double majors, minors, concentrations, or academic enrichment courses.

The significant number of immigrants in Tigeria continues to present challenges to increasing the national literacy rate, with 38% of immigrants scoring below the lowest-level of literacy in either Ingerish or Valonian. The Institut Valonnais offers Valonian immersion night classes, while the Ingerish Centre offers Ingerish immersion night classes.



Tigerine cuisine reflects its fusion of many cultures. The combination of Valonian and Meilanese cuisines over several centuries has led to the innovation of culinary foods unique to Tigeria, including Tigeria's signature dish, pain mei and signature drinks, thé teyré and thé aux perles. Tigerine cuisine is popular throughout the Rivages as well as other parts of the world where significant Valonian and Meilanese communities exist. Popular restaurant chains include tea shops such as the Iron Dragon. Because of its association with kawaii culture, thé aux perles (i.e., boba, bubble tea) is especially popular in Bai-influenced regions and regions with significant Bai diasporas.

Tigeria's signature tchifan cuisine is also a fusion of indigenous and Meilanese cuisines over several centuries. The dishes often consist of a bed of rice or noodles, eggs, and scallions, and feature meats local to the region, such as seafood on the coasts and meats inland.

Attitudes and Values

The health of the environment is a significant issue that Tigerines care about. Many of the waters of Tigeria are protected by law, and the government works with the De Kotel Society to study other cultures' sustainability pratices and educate Tigerines on new innovations in urban planning and sustainable habits.

Tigers are the state animal of Tigeria, and they are given certain protections by national law to help the tiger population grow. Tigeria uses white tigers to practice "tiger diplomacy" where white tigers are given as diplomatic gifts to other countries.


Tigeria has a number of public holidays which it observes:

  • January 1 - Solar New Year: The beginning of the new year, this holiday is full of festivities.
  • January 21 - February 20 - Lunar New Year (floating): The beginning of traditional new year for indigenous Tigerines, Meilanese, and Baveilis. Each ethnic group has their own traditions, and there is much sharing of food and drink, and red envelopes.
  • March 8 - March 14 - Laurel Aristide's Birthday (floating): Honoring Laurel Aristide, who fought for the rights of indigenous black Tarephians in Tigeria and abroad.
  • May 8 - May 14 - Election Day (Autumn) (floating Tuesday on election years)
  • June 20 - June 21 - Midwinter (floating)
  • June 28 - Tigeria Day: Celebrating the unification of the six governorates into the Republic of Tigeria.
  • August 15 - August 21 - National Day of Rest (floating)
  • September 8 - Diplomacy Day; Red Shield Day: Commemorating the founding of the Red Shield. It has become a day where Tigeria reflects on the power of diplomacy at home and abroad.
  • October 16 - Independence Day: Commemorating the expulsion of the seven republics of Tigeria from the Pays-Rivageois.
  • November 8 - November 14 - Election Day (Spring) (floating Tuesday on election years)
  • December 21 - December 22 - Midsummer (floating)
  • December 31 - Solar New Year's Eve: A day to welcome the new year. Lots of fireworks are launched at midnight.