Collab:Federal States/National Parks

From OpenGeofiction

The National Park System of the Federal States exists to showcase not only important or unique areas of the Federal States, but also to honor high-quality mapping contributions by members of the FSA community. National Parks and other "National" areas are nominated by individual mappers and are voted on by the FSA community every six months.

Approved National Parks

Tier I

Tier I sites are the highest-quality and the most prestigious. While there is no minimum or maximum size, to be approved as a Tier I classification the FSA community must vote with a supermajority of at least 75% approval. Tier I classifications are as follows:

  • National Parks are primarily natural spaces;
  • National Historic Sites are primarily developed or man-made spaces; and
  • National Monuments are very unique areas, either natural or man-made.
Site Tier State(s) Location Admitted Approval Notes
Betaouais National Park Tier I AR120-57 OGFmapicon.png 43.4426°S, 142.4863°E Feb 2021 96%
Mount Knockaert National Park Tier I Tennewa OGFmapicon.png 36.3284°S, 143.2542°E Aug 2021 94%
Lennon Crater National Monument Tier I Tennewa OGFmapicon.png 37.0963°S, 143.6459°E Aug 2021 94%
Petra Cavalli National Wildlife Refuge Tier I Alormen OGFmapicon.png 28.7494°S, 150.634°E Aug 2021 94%
One Central National Historic Site Tier I Minnonigan OGFmapicon.png 41.5535°S, 141.451°E Aug 2021 88%
Fort Walprove National Historic Site Tier I Clamash OGFmapicon.png 34.86103°S, 137.88946°E Aug 2021 81%
Outer Islands National Park Tier I Alormen OGFmapicon.png 29.2647°S, 148.8963°E Aug 2021 78%
Hetko Butte National Park Tier I Tennewa OGFmapicon.png 37.8461°S, 143.5923°E Aug 2021 78%
Hurricane Caverns National Park Tier I Clamash OGFmapicon.png 35.0447°S, 140.0194°E Feb 2022 90%
Great Deep National Park Tier I Atascadera OGFmapicon.png 30.2149°S, 134.9087°E Feb 2022 84%
Wompscott Battlefield National Park Tier I Penquisset OGFmapicon.png 40.2541°S, 160.3564°E Aug 2022 81%
Fort Perrine National Monument Tier I Alormen OGFmapicon.png 29.6445°S, 148.5456°E Aug 2022 95%
Fort Sauganash National Historic Site Tier I Minnonigan OGFmapicon.png 41.53518°S, 141.42055°E Aug 2022 89%
Clamash Purchase National Monument Tier I Clamash OGFmapicon.png 34.9826°S, 137.61971°E Aug 2023 93%

Tier II

Tier II sites are still high-quality sites, but only require a simple majority vote of over 50% to be approved. Tier II classifications are any other "National" classification, including but not limited to:

  • National Forest, National Prairie, or other natural feature as applicable
  • National Wildlife Refuge
  • National Heritage Area
  • National Battlefield (to be determined once more information about FSA History is determined)
  • National Lakeshore or National Seashore
Site Tier State(s) Location Admitted Approval Notes
Heathlands National Seashore Tier II AR120-15 OGFmapicon.png 41.6641°S, 161.4501°E Feb 2021 89%
Norottuck Watershed National Wildlife Refuge Tier II AR120-15/Hyde OGFmapicon.png 41.9094°S, 160.931°E Feb 2021 71%
Panalstow National Wildlife Refuge Tier II Penquisset OGFmapicon.png 40.2818°S, 160.5752°E Feb 2021 61%
Arghenna Mountains National Forest Tier II Ruppacke, Penquisset OGFmapicon.png 40.2227°S, 158.4016°E Feb 2021 54%
Pinkani National Protected Area Tier II Sierra OGFmapicon.png 31.7927°S, 140.9884°E Feb 2021 68%
Rucani National Preserve Tier II Sierra OGFmapicon.png 31.6619°S, 141.2304°E Feb 2021 82%
Arecales National Volcanic Maritime Protected Area Tier II Arecales OGFmapicon.png 9.4558°N, 178.0801°E Feb 2021 89%
Hetnico Canyon National Wilderness Area Tier II Tennewa OGFmapicon.png 38.1883°S, 143.2703°E Aug 2021 100%[1]
Bass Dunes National Lakeshore Tier II Wisecota OGFmapicon.png 42.17°S, 146.9404°E Feb 2022 94%
Acayacan National Forest Tier II Alormen OGFmapicon.png 32.8382°S, 151.9753°E Feb 2023 93%
Chardelay Town National Heritage Area Tier II Iroquesia OGFmapicon.png 41.8362°S, 142.1936°E Aug 2023 63%
Colonia Old Town National Town Site Tier II Atascadera OGFmapicon.png 31.4245°S, 134.6203°E Feb 2024 62%

Nomination Process

FSA stateowners are encouraged to nominate areas of high-quality mapping for consideration in the National Park System. These can be their own work, or the work of other mappers; however, in the case of a "third-party" nomination, the original mapper must agree to a site's nomination to be added to the ballot. At this time, there is no limit to the number of nominations each stateowner can produce. The approvals will be included on the biannual FSA Omnibus Ballot, which is scheduled for February and August of each year.

Nominations should be posted on this page by the last day of the month prior to the biannual election: the next FSA Omnibus Ballot is in August 2024, which means all nominations for the next vote must be received by 31 July 2024. Nominations must include the location of the site and the requested title of the site, which determines the majority vote needed to be approved.

Prior to approval, sites may be tagged as "State ______" (or "Regional ______" if the site spans multiple states) as applicable.

If a site is nominated but fails the confirmation vote, the site is not eligible to be nominated again until the following voting cycle: for instance, if a site was nominated for the February 2021 vote and was not approved, it cannot be nominated for the August 2021 vote but is eligible for the February 2022 vote.

To avoid failed nominations, mappers are strongly encouraged to use the FSA forums to get feedback from the FSA community on proposed sites before nominating them for National Park System status.

Active Nominations

Add nominations for the August 2024 ballot here no later than 31 July 2024.

Current Name Requested Name Tier Votes needed State(s) Nominated by Location First Listed
Southslope State Park Hurricane Caverns National Park (expansion) Tier 1 75% Clamash Glauber OGFmapicon.png 35.0423°S, 140.0716°E Aug 2024

Previous Nominations

Locations listed below were previously nominated but not selected. Mappers of these locations are encouraged to add additional detail to the sites and are welcome to re-nominate the sites for their next eligible ballot. To re-nominate a site, simply move the entry below into the "Active Nominations" section above. Mappers who are no longer interested in potentially nominating a site can also remove their entry from the below list entirely.

Current Name Requested Name Tier Votes needed State(s) Nominated by Location First Ballot Next Eligible
Santa Elena Volcanic Park Santa Elena National Volcanic Park Tier I 75% Sierra Brunanter OGFmapicon.png 32.3423°S, 141.4998°E Feb 2021 Feb 2022
Shinuteupca Shinuteupca National Historic Site Tier I 75% Sierra Brunanter OGFmapicon.png 32.95598°S, 142.35449°E Feb 2021 Feb 2022
Beaugendre Wilderness Management Area Beaugendre National Wildlife Refuge Tier II 50%+1 Alormen Luziyca OGFmapicon.png 29.2847°S, 149.2074°E Aug 2021 Aug 2022
Pancanli Wilderness Management Area Pancanli National Wildlife Refuge Tier II 50%+1 Alormen Luziyca OGFmapicon.png 29.2877°S, 149.323°E Aug 2021 Aug 2022
Mouton Wilderness Management Area Mouton National Wildlife Refuge Tier II 50%+1 Alormen Luziyca OGFmapicon.png 29.3268°S, 149.3645°E Aug 2021 Aug 2022
Chilombich Wilderness Management Area Chilombich National Wildlife Refuge Tier II 50%+1 Alormen Luziyca OGFmapicon.png 29.5214°S, 149.5345°E Aug 2021 Aug 2022
Woodhaven Railway Museum Woodhaven Railway Museum National Historic Site Tier I 75% Penquisset Zytik OGFmapicon.png 39.66129°S, 160.25991°E Feb 2022 Feb 2023
Amiable Island State Park Fort Shutter National Park Tier I 75% Penquisset Zytik OGFmapicon.png 40.2031°S, 159.9125°E Feb 2022 Feb 2023
World's End Park First Lighthouse National Historic Site Tier I 75% Penquisset Zytik OGFmapicon.png 39.81034°S, 160.31771°E Feb 2022 Feb 2024
Hundred Lagoons Marine and Coastal Reserve Hundred Lagoons National Wildlife Refuge Tier II 50%+1 Atascadera Davieerr OGFmapicon.png 31.5857°S, 134.8956°E Feb 2024 Aug 2024*
Maze Dunes State Park Maze Dunes National Monument Tier I 75%+1 Atascadera Davieerr OGFmapicon.png 31.4863°S, 134.922°E Feb 2024 Aug 2024*
Jaguar Point Historic Colonies Jaguar Point National Historic Sites Tier I 75%+1 Atascadera Davieerr OGFmapicon.png 31.4531°S, 134.7494°E Feb 2024 Feb 2025

Note: Edits were made to the Maze Dunes and Hundred Lagoons nominations during the voting period in February 2024. As a result, these nominations were automatically withdrawn, but since the vote was not completed, they are eligible to be resubmitted for the next omnibus ballot.


Following the close of voting, approved nominations will be posted here and those sites will officially become part of the FSA National Park System. Once National Park status has been approved, these sites are to be protected as-is regardless of current or future state ownership: the mapped features of the National Park shall not be changed (except to add additional detail) and the boundaries of the approved site shall not change.

Any expansions would require a second round of nominations for the site as "annexes": for instance, if Sample State Park was approved to become Sample National Park, any additional expansion areas should be nominated as "Sample National Park Annex" and would require a 75% approval on the next ballot before those areas could be officially considered part of Sample National Park.

Areas that are approved for Tier II status can be upgraded and nominated for a Tier I status at the next eligible election.

Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Project Pages
Collaborative Projects States: Alormen Flag.jpg AlormenCospericaEustaciaUnknown Flag.png MichisaukeeNew CarnabyWM flag.png West Massodeya
Territories: Flag of Arecales.png ArecalesHuntington
Protectorates: PiscipulaFlag.png Piscipula
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Neighboring projects: Flag of Ardencia.svg ArdenciaBlu e Verde (Strisce).svg Astrasia2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca
  1. Hetnico was added to the A2021 ballot retroactively, when it was discovered that it was left out of the original ballot. More information can be found here.