Collab:Federal States/Transportation

From OpenGeofiction

Highways and Motorways

This section provides information for mapping highways in the Federal States.


The Federal States Defense and Commerce Motorway Network is a nationwide system of motorways within the Federal States of Archanta. These high-speed, limited-access roads connect all regions and most states from coast to coast and border to border. The network, which includes both free motorways and tolled motorways, is mapped using the FS-xx labels, with FS-xx (TOLL) used for tolled motorways. Odd-numbered routes run north-south, starting with lower numbers in the east and increasing the further west, with primary routes generally ending in "1". Even-numbered routes run east-west, starting with lower numbers in the in the south and higher numbers in the north, with primary routes generally ending in "0". Bypass routes through or around cities are three-digit routes where the last two digits are the same as the "parent" route; spur routes (that connect only once to the motorway network) are generally not considered part of the motorway system and should be labeled as state routes.


Major Routes

  • Even-numbered routes generally run east-west, and generally increase from south to north; odd-numbered routes generally run north-south, and generally increase from east to west.
  • This system was chosen based on the overall assumption that the FSA generally grew from southeast to northwest.
  • Primary routes end in 0 (east-west) or 1 (north-south).
  • This system was chosen to be logical and somewhat intuitive, but also to be different from the U.S. Interstate system.
  • Each state is solely responsible for the routings of their highway numbers.
  • Routes shown as concurrent in the system map below are not required to be assigned to the same highway if a parallel highway exists.
  • Coordination is encouraged between the mappers in the metropolitan Stanton area (New Carnaby, Penquisset, Delenshire Islands) to determine routings and terminus locations.
  • Since the metropolitan Stanton area is large, complex, and relatively well-mapped in regards to highways, mappers in this area will have more control over routings and labeling.
  • States may elect to change the terminus of a primary route provided a direct connection is still available to the designated terminus.
  • Example 1: A route with a terminal city short of a national boundary may be extended to the boundary, or may otherwise be extended beyond the terminal city provided the route does not leave the state.
  • Example 2: If two routes run concurrent to a city that is the terminus of the routes, that route may be truncated to where the concurrency would begin.
  • All 2-digit routes must connect at least three states or travel at least 400 miles, whichever is less restrictive.
  • This encourages coordination, and reduces the likelihood of a situation where the FSA "runs out" of numbers.
  • This map is not absolute. Neighboring states are encouraged to coordinate routings based on geography, built infrastructure, and other constraints.
  • For non-primary routes, states are permitted to use any available highway number that fits in the overall numbering scheme and satisfies the rest of these rules.
  • All states must agree to the overall route concept. When a general route is chosen, stateowners should contact the FSA coordinator, who will assign an available route number from the table below.
  • Exceptions to the numbering scheme, or a special request for a particular route number, may be permitted with the approval of the FSA coordinator.

Bypass Routes

  • Bypass routes are permitted and may be numbered by individual states.
  • Bypass numbers do not require FSA Coordinator approval.
  • To number a bypass route, add a digit to the left of the "parent" route (e.g., Highway 211 is a spur route of Highway 11).
  • This was chosen based on how route numbers tend to be pronounced: "Highway eleven has a spur route of Highway two-eleven" or "Highway fifty has a spur route of Highway two-fifty". Adding the supplemental digit to the end of the major route number leads to confusion, especially for single-digit highways (Highway 12 being a spur of Highway 1 would lead to confusion; Highway 012 being a spur of Highway 1 would be awkward to pronounce), pronounciation ("Highway eleven has a spur route of Highway eleven-two" or "Highway eleven has a spur route of Highway one-twelve" or "Highway eleven has a spur route of Highway one-hundred-twelve"), and potential misunderstandings ("Highway fifty has a spur route of Highway fifty-two").
  • The same bypass route number is not permitted to be used more than once within a single state, unless a link between the two individual routes is planned as a future route, currently mapped as under construction, or if the link was abandoned/demolished in the past.
  • States are encouraged to map disruptions to highways, which adds realism (freeway revolts, decommissionings, budget restrictions, natural disasters, etc.)
  • Bypass routes that cross state lines should have the same number, and states should coordinate with neighbors before mapping them.
  • To avoid confusion, do not use the same spur route number as any other spur route within 300 miles/500 kilometers.
  • ALL bypass routes MUST connect with at least two parent highways.
  • Connecting with the same parent route twice is permitted.
  • Connecting to another bypass route is permitted.
  • Spur routes that do not reconnect with the national system should be labeled as state highways.
  • Exception: spur routes that connect airports, seaports, ferries, or military installations are permitted to be labeled as FS-xxx motorways.


Some motorways "break" the numbering grid based on their alignments. Exceptions are permitted on a case-by-case basis, but should generally be avoided wherever possible.

  • Motorways 1 and 2, historically the earliest primary highways in the FSA, are numbered apart from the primary scheme.
  • Motorway 22 runs south of Motorway 20 east of Cobbet, NC.
  • Motorway 85 crosses Motorway 89 near Spencer in Illuvia.

System Map

This map is for planning purposes only. Individual routings are the sole discretion of each state owner, provided the route serves the same general areas shown below. If you'd like to make a significant change to the route shown below, please contact the regional coordinator. Decent-sized cities with at least some mapping are shown with red icons. Known planned cities are shown with green icons. Likely future city locations in future states are shown with black icons; these are purely theoretical and should not be assumed to be permanent locations of intersecting highways. Not all cities are shown, since intra-state routings are the sole responsibility of each individual state owner. This map shows primary routes only.

Loading map...

Table of Route Numbers

Locations noted with an asterisk (*) are outside the FSA; the motorway is expected to serve a port of entry with the neighboring country listed. States listed with a slash (XX/XX) indicate an alignment that will need coordination between the two listed states to determine which state should have the primary route. This does not preclude a bypass route in the other state. States listed in parenthesis are optional states in the corridor, based on motorway routing.

All available route numbers must be released by the FSA Coordinators before mapping. See Talk page for more details. Bypass routes (FS-xxx) do not require approval before mapping and should not be listed below.

Route relations include the southbound/westbound direction and are tagged with "type" = "route" + "route" = "road" + "ref" = "FS-XX".

Major North-South Motorways of the FSA
Route Number Priority Status Major Cities States Notes
1Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Burton - Stanton - Praxton - Huntington - Massodeya City - Jericho - Silverdale - Dennison - Jundah-Stuart HY, 15, 13, CR, NC, PQ, RP, WH, PO, 04, CP, 28, MC, EM, WM, 41, AW, SA, TA Old Main/Coast-to-Coast
3Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Puerto Eloisa - Andreapolis - Shawcross - TBD AL, EM, (MC)
5Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Hope Harbor - Divinity's Grace AS, OK, NC
7Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
9Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
11Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Newport - Hearthsbridge - Stanton - Eveleigh - Praxton - Rivertown - Morsboro - Bronson City - Orterrado - Hazelboro - Unesia (via FS-21)* AS, NC, PQ, RP, WH, PO, 04, OP, OC, LN, EU East Coast Motorway
13Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
15Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Reserved Previously approved for northeast corridor; presently unused pending future mappers
17Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
19Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
21Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Astrasian Confederation* - Graydeer - Otisport - Waltmore - Huntington - New Annshire - Thunderfield - Unesia* NA, 18, 12, NC, 08, CP, 28, OG, EU Inland Bypass Motorway
23Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
25Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
27Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
29Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
31Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Astrasian Confederation* - Meyersburg - Huntington (via FS-21?) 12, NC, 08, (CP) East Face Motorway
33Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
35Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
37Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Reserved Previously used and may be repurposed for upcoming project in 39 and NC
39Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
41Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Astrasian Confederation* - Madawan - Massodeya City - Randalia* 39, 37, 35, GY, MC, EM West Face Motorway
43Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
45Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
47Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
49Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
51Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Planned Astrasian Confederation* - Cautaukee - Minneuka 38, (39), WA, 35, GY, (ME) Preliminary corridor planning underway
53Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
55Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Astrasian Confederation* - Juniper Bay - Horicon - South Minneuka - East Thinis - Dewar WI, MK, WA, 35, GY, WM, AL
57Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
59Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
61Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Ardencia* - Ohunkagan - Horicon - New Harmony - Minneuka - Thinis - Andreapolis - Port Massahanee MK, WA, ME, 42, 41, AL Alormen Valley Motorway
63Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
65Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Andreapolis (via FS-70) - TBD AL, 41, 42, ME
67Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Harmegido - Plainsburgh - Des Nonnes MK, ZH, ME
69Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Ardencia* - Marksville - Prairie Forge MK
71Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Ardencia (via FS-61)* - Ohunkagan - Maquadena - Eriksburg - Des Nonnes - Saint Joseph - Apricity - Alamar - San Pascual - Piscipula (via FS-90)* MK, ZH, 52, ME, 42, 41, AL Central Plains Corridor
73Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
75Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Maquadena - Eriksburg - Kirkaldy/Chottane - Swansonville - Silverdale - Playa Gomez - Los Caminos ZH, 52, TE, RS, AW, 73, 74, 87
77Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
79Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
81Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Ardencia* - Wallawaukee - Pike - Armot - Barstone - Dennison 57, 56, SN, IR, IL, (52), TE, WY, RS, SA Southwest Corridor
83Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
85Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Gramercy/Clinton - Finch Hill - Spencer SN, IR, IL
87Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
89Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Deodeca (via FS-2)* - Barre Harbor - Gleason - Barstone/Nenova MN, IL, WY, TE
91Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Lake City - Saunebago - Wahanta - Jundah - Los Reyes - Asperic Beach (future via SR 91) MN, IL, CL, TA, AT, TM West Coast Corridor
93Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
95Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
97Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned San Pietro - Inquisicion - Laurensville - Mojaca - Esperanza AT, CO Spur route to link with FS-99 in Santa Clarita also planned
99Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Jundah (via FS-91) - San Faustina - Santa Clarita - Gallego Bay - Mojaca - Esperanza - Los Reyes TA, AT, BE, CO, TM Cosperica Coast Corridor
Major East-West Motorways of the FSA
Route Number Priority Status Major Cities States Notes
2Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Deodeca* - Lake City - Eriksburg - Minneuka - Reeseport - Massodeya City - Hazelboro MN, IR, 52, ZH, ME, GY, WM, EM, MC, OG, EU
4Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Reserved Reserved for east-west motorway in AR120-57 or additional historic diagonal
6Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Reserved Reserved for east-west motorway south of FS-10
8Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Miller (via FS-12) - Personsboro - Varnel - Marksville - Ohunkagan SN, MK Southlake Corridor
10Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Deodeca* (via FS-2) - Wallawaukee - Brighston - Maquadena - Springfield - Maddock - Meyersburg - Newport - Hope Harbor - Worthington MN, 56, SN, 52, ZH, MK, WA, 39, 12, AS, HY Southeast Corridor
12Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Lake City - Miller - Wallawaukee MN, IR, SN
14Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Meyersburg - Chestnuts - Sadikady - Divinity's Grace 12, NC
16Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Waltmore - Stanton NC
18Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
20Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Deodeca* - Ondassagam - Lake City - Pike - Maquadena - New Harmony - Wasserstadt - Stanton - Newburyport - Warwick - Saint Renecene MN, IR, 52, ZH, ME, WA, 37, NC, PQ Southern Transcon
22Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Central AR120-08 - Welhamtown - Stanton 08, RP, PQ, NC
24Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
26Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
28Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
30Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Deodeca* - Eriksburg - Twin Rocks - Atkinsville - Madawan - Anne Abbey - Oleana IL, MN, 52, ZH, ME, 35, MC, 08, PO Central Transcon
32Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
34Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
36Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Reserved Reserved for east-west motorway in Mennowa and southern Gnaerey or northern -35
38Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
40Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Deodeca* - Saunebago - Nenova/Barstone - Des Nonnes - Minneuka - Madawan CL, WY, TE, ME, GY, 35 Heartland Corridor
42Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
44Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
46Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
48Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
50Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Wahanta - Saint Joseph - Thinis - Reeseport - Massodeya City - Huntington - New Annshire - Morsboro CL, RS, 42, WM, EM, MC, WS, 21 Northern Transcon
52Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
54Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
56Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
58Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
60Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned East Thinis - Caldwell City - Shawcross - Fisher - Orterrado WM, AL, EM, MC, 28, LN Intentional gap between Winter Valley, EM and Patterson Village, MC.
62Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
64Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
66Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
68Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
70Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Silverdale (via FS-1) - Andreapolis - Randalia* - Graggville - Hazelboro - Unesia* 41, AL, OG, EU Transnational Corridor (unofficially includes M1 and M6 in Randalia)
72Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
74Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Assigned Andreapolis - Randalia* AL
76Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
78Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
80Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Dennison - Alamar SA, 73, AL Northeast Coast Corridor
82Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
84Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
86Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
88Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available Former designation for FS-90 between Los Reyes and Kingston
90Fsa shield blank.png
Primary Assigned Esperanza - Sasepcro - Los Reyes - Kingston - Playa Gomez - Puerto Eloisa - San Pascual - Piscipula* CO, TM, CD, 74, 73, AL Interior Northwest Coast Corridor
92Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
94Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
96Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Available
98Fsa shield blank.png
Secondary Pending Approval Asperic Beach - Santico City TM, 87, AL Northwest Coastal Route


A full archive of the discussions and voting regarding the motorway system is available at Collab:Federal States/Archive#Highways.

Shield Design

National motorway shield standard

Other Highways

Motor Trails

In addition to the national motorway network, an informal network of older, lower-speed highways also exist in the Federal States. These Motor Trails are not planned on a national basis, but rather through direct coordination among the various states. As such, this chart is not moderated, and mappers should coordinate with other states regarding naming, shield design, routings, etc. before posting here. Space to collaborate is available on the Discussion page. While motor trail names will likely appear in various locations throughout the map (for instance, as the existing name of a primary street through a small town), modern motor trails may not be readily apparent on the map due to bypasses, replacements by motorways, or other disruptions in the network. Motor trails should be mapped as relations for future wiki mini-map purposes.

Since the Federal States do not have an official national network of primary highways (see above sections regarding motorway development conversations), motor trails should be named (e.g., "Old Main Highway") rather than numbered. However, some motor trails will also likely be part of state highway networks and may carry state highway numbers in each state.

Name Shield design Northern or western terminus Southern or eastern terminus States served Major cities served Notes
Ingerish Post Highway [In development] Dunchurch, Ruppacke Stanton, New Carnaby Ruppacke, Penquisset, New Carnaby Dunchurch, Newburyport, Stanton Old Stanton - Newburyport - Dunchurch Postal Route
Oceanic Highway [In development] Cape Stockton, Ponquin Delenham, New Carnaby Ponquin, Whitestone, Ruppacke, Penquisset, New Carnaby Cape Stockton, Oleana, Simmons, Ardentic Beach, Delenham
Wallawaukee-Kirkadly Route [In development] Chottane/Kirkadly, Tennewa Wallawaukee, Seneppi Tennewa, Oronotia, Seneppi Wallawaukee, Nordseehaven, Eriksburg [possible diversion], Chottane/Kirkadly
Gleason Trace GleasonTrace.png Nenova, Wychelle Lake City, Minnonigan Minnonigan, Illuvia, Wychelle Nenova, Spencer, Gleason, Lake City Largely bypassed by FS-89.
Fort Braxton Post Road [In development] Fort Braxton, Illuvia Wallawaukee, Seneppi Seneppi, Minnonigan, Illuvia Wallawaukee, Finch Hill, Gleason, Fort Braxton
Road to Cosperica [In development] Esperanza, Cosperica ? Cosperica, Tempache, Atascadera, Sierra, Riopoderos, ? Esperanza, Mission, Sasepcro, Dannison, Colurona, Porte Springs
[In development] [In development] Esperanza, Cosperica Alormen Cosperica, Tempache, Alcortez, Tierra Alta, Alormen Esperanza, Mission, Sasepcro, Tesoro, Dula, Grand Mesa, La Veta


This section details discussions on how the railway network of the Federal States came to be and provides valuable information and references in regards to mapping and tagging railways in the Federal States.

Preferred tagging of railways

Railways in the Federal States are members of the International Railway Union and have to be mapped by using the tags

  • "railway"="station"
    • "name"=name of the station

related osm-wiki articles: Openstreetmap logo.svg Tagging in North America

General agreement/consensus

See also: 2020 Advisory Survey Results


Like North America, a network of privately-owned freight railroad companies comprises the vast majority of the national railway system. More information regarding freight railway companies, including a listing of current companies and information regarding how to start new railway companies, can be found here.


A national passenger rail provider does exist; however, similar to Amtrak, the company generally operates relatively low-speed (< 80mph / 125 km/h) passenger trains on the freight network. While the national company operates long-distance service, it is also available to operate shorter-distance regional service, but regions may choose to create separate regional passenger networks as well. A forum discussion regarding the overall network is ongoing. Keep in mind that most intercity transportation in the Federal States is done via the motorway network or through the domestic aviation network.


There is no national high-speed rail network; however, there are two high-speed corridors in operation:

  • ArchRail operates high-speed service through the Southeast, with a main corridor spanning from Burton to Huntington via Stanton.
  • LakeLynx operates high-speed service in the West Lakes focusing on a Wallawaukee-to-Lake City corridor, with branches west of Lake City to Ondassagam (and potentially Fayette, Deodeca) and to Nishaukee Falls along the Deodecan border south of Barre Harbor. Deodeca also operates a high-speed rail corridor between Kingstown and Lake City via LakeLynx in the Federal States.

A third corridor may be included in the future as plans for Cosperica develop.


Large cities may have commuter trains. These are organized by individual or neighboring states, rather than at the national level.

North American Railroad Resources

Class 1 railway lines in the US

(*) Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern are currently undergoing a merger.

Rail Industry Overview

The railway network of the Federal States is organized largely at the regional level, rather than at the national level. The railway network is comprised of three key types of service:

  1. Multiple freight companies provide the backbone of the FSA's railway network. While there are a few truly national companies, the majority of these are planned, organized, and mapped at the regional level or with the cooperation of individual stateowners.
  2. The FSA has a single national passenger rail company, which owns very little, if any, of their own mainline track and is largely dependent on freight railroads to provide low-frequency, low-speed passenger rail service nationwide.
  3. Supplementing the national passenger rail system are regional passenger railroad companies (RPRCs), which are responsible for providing higher-frequency service between population centers in each region. Some RPRCs may also offer grade-separated electrified high speed rail (HSR) options; some regions will have very few if any RPRCs.

Freight companies are formed in one of three ways:

  1. The smallest "Class D" freight companies, are organized entirely by a single stateowner. These companies are restricted to a single state, or to a total mainline length of 300mi/500km or less, whichever is less restrictive. There are no limits to the number of Class D railways a stateowner can create. Class D passenger railroads (Class D-P) are generally used to classify commuter rail services or intra-state services by a single stateowner.
  2. Regional "Class C" freight companies are organized by each group of stateowners in each zone. Class C railways can also serve neighboring zones with up to 100mi/160km of additional mainline. Class C passenger railroads (Class C-P) are used to classify interstate regional passenger services, including high-speed rail lines connecting one or two zones.
  3. Stateowners, either individually or in collaborative groups, can create larger "Class B", "Class A", or "Class AA" railways:
  • Class B railways serve two zones and are organized by a single chairperson. The chairperson is responsible for planning the route and working with the stateowners along the corridor to map the railway. There are no Class B passenger railroads.
  • Class A railways serve three zones and are organized by a chairperson and a co-chairperson. Similar to Class B railways, the chair and the co-chair are responsible for planning the route and working with the stateowners along the mainline to map the railway. There are no Class A passenger railroads.
  • Class AA railways are the largest railway companies in the Federal States; as such, they must be approved by the FSA community before they get mapped. A Class A railway can apply to become a Class AA railway by adding an additional co-chairperson, creating a plan, gaining tentative approval from stateowners, and presenting their overall plan to the community as a whole. A Class AA railway is permitted to serve up to six of the eight zones in the FSA. The national passenger rail system is considered the only Class AA-P railroad company and serves all areas of the country that desire low-speed, low-frequency passenger rail service.

Each stateowner, regardless of number of states owned or participated in, may only serve as one railway's chairperson and as one railway's co-chairperson. In other words, no stateowner can participate in organizing more than two national railway companies. (Class C and D railway companies are smaller and do not have chairs, so they do not count against this cap.) Passenger railways are organized similar to freight railroads, but are restricted to Class C and Class D systems to avoid competing with the national passenger rail company. Individual stateowners should not organize interstate passenger rail service (except commuter rail systems that serve nearby states in a metropolitan area); regional collaboration groups should take the lead on these efforts.


FSA context clusters; proposed 21 Dec 2021 update. Visit the discussion page for more information.

This map divides the FSA into eight regional context cluster zones. These zones, which were created based on existing development patterns, existing regional collaboration groups, and significant geographic constraints (rivers, mountains, etc.) form the basis of this plan.

Each zone is tasked with determining their own internal railway coordination structure. This can take the form of a regional organization group like the West Lakes Compact, an elected chairperson(s) delegated by zone stateowners to oversee coordination efforts, or some other format decided by each region. These groups will oversee development of RPRCs and Class C freight railways (see below).

Collaborative states that are master-planned are generally not included in zone committees; mappers interested in adding railway corridors and railway companies should work with each collaborative state's coordinator(s) instead. Each zone is also responsible for developing a unified tagging structure for railways mapped in their zone; these tags must include name=*, operator=*, and service=* at a minimum for mainlines. The name=* tag should include both the operator's abbreviation and the name for that particular stretch of railway (e.g., "MCRR Ondassagam Subdivision").

Freight Operators and Companies


Each railway in the Federal States should be tagged with an operating company (operator=*), who owns the railway and is the primary company operating on that stretch of railway. Other companies can have "trackage rights" with permission from the operating company; in these locations, a company's route relation is permitted to include the railway of a different operator. A railway company primarily oversees a single point-to-point mainline, although spur lines that connect the mainline to secondary destinations are also encouraged.

Collaborative states or other stateowners that prefer to have consolidated rail corridors can also choose to form their own Class D "union" railways that are shared by multiple railroad companies.

Company Formation and Classes

Class Structure Max Zones Chairpersons Co-Chairpersons Trackage Rights Max
Class D State-led 1 n/a n/a 50%
Class C Zone-led 1 n/a n/a 40%
Class B Mapper-led 2 1 0 30%
Class A Mapper-led 3 1 1 20%
Class AA Mapper-led with community consent up to 5 1 2 10%

Each stateowner, regardless of the number of states a mapper participates in, is permitted to be chairperson of one (1) company and co-chairperson of one (1) additional company. (Coordinators of Guided Collaborative states that do not own an FSA state are also considered "stateowners".) Chairpersons are responsible for planning and organizing interstate routes with the permission of each state along the corridor. There are five classes of railway companies, as described below.

Classes are largely based on the above structure and the number of zones served by a single railway company. A railway company is only considered to "serve" a region if a railway has more than 50mi/80km of track in the region. Additionally, for the purposes of determining a railway company's class, the Mid-Ardentic "zone" should be considered either part of the Northeast Region or part of the Southeast Region, but not both.

Class D

Class D railways are the smallest railway companies in the FSA, generally restricted to a single state or under 300 miles/500 kilometers of mainline track, whichever is less restrictive. Class D railways include industrial short lines, union railroads, and terminal railroads. Class D railways are expected to be organized by an individual stateowner (with permission of adjacent states, as needed) for the primary use of their state's residents or businesses and do not count against any caps. Class D route relations should operate with less than 50% of route mileage on trackage rights.

Class C

Class C railways are regional in nature, serving multiple states in a single (1) zone. Class C railways are named, planned, and organized by the stateowners in zone. Class C railways are intended to serve as regional networks of railways, rather than largely point-to-point main lines like other classes. Each region will have significant latitude in how they choose to structure their Class C railways, including the ability to serve areas up to 100mi/160km outside a single zone. Class C route relations should operate with less than 40% of route mileage on trackage rights.

Class B

Class B railways serve two (2) zones and are organized by a single chairperson, who must be a stateowner on the company's mainline. The chairperson is responsible for negotiating routes with the permission of each stateowner along the route. Class B railways are expected to consist of a single primary point-to-point mainline, with a few additional smaller spur lines. Class B route relations should operate with less than 30% of route mileage on trackage rights.

Class A

Class A railways serve three (3) zones and are organized by a chairperson and a co-chairperson; the chair and the co-chair's states must both be located on the mainline and must be in different zones. Similar to Class B railways, the two chairpersons are responsible for planning routes and getting permission from each stateowner in planned corridors. Class A railways are also expected to consist of a single primary point-to-point mainline, but with additional spur lines that serve additional significant destinations to interchange with other railway companies. Class A route relations should operate with less than 20% of route mileage on trackage rights.

Class AA

With the approval of the FSA community, a Class A railway can become a Class AA railway and serve up to six (6) zones. (To ensure realistic competition, no freight companies are permitted to serve more than seven (7) zones.) To move from a Class A to a Class AA railway, the chairperson and co-chairperson must identify an additional co-chairperson to help organize the company. Similar to Class A railways, each of the chair/co-chair's states must be located along the mainline and must each be located in a different zones. The three chairs/co-chairs are responsible for creating a network plan with tentative agreements from each affected stateowner, which would then be presented to the FSA community, with routing and company name approval to be voted on by the FSA community as a whole. "Mergers" with Class B railways are also permitted as part of plans to create a Class AA railway. Class AA route relations should operate with less than 10% of route mileage on trackage rights.

Passenger Operators and Companies

Passenger railways are structured similarly to freight railways, except no interstate passenger routes are organized by individual stateowners.

Company Formation and Classes

Class D-P

Class D-P passenger railways are commuter railways that generally serve a single major metropolitan area, or serves several metropolitan areas in a single state. These are organized at the state level, as applicable; these may operate over freight railway trackage rights or operate on dedicated right-of-way. Permission from freight operators is recommended, but not required unless operating on a segment of single-track railway. These do not count against chair/co-chair caps. Similar to Class D freight railways, Class D-P railways should be limited to a single state or a total length of 300mi/500km, whichever is less restrictive.

Class C-P

Class C-P passenger railways are considered independent of the national passenger rail company and provide supplemental regional passenger service, which may include high-speed rail. Class C-P railways are organized at the regional level and can use freight railway trackage rights for non-high speed rail service. Regions have significant latitude in organizing, naming, and planning Class C-P routes, including operating into adjacent zones as needed.

High-speed rail routes are considered any service that operates at over 110mph (~180km/h). These railways must be electified and grade separated from freight traffic and other ground crossings (streets, paths, etc.).

As per the results of the 2020 advisory survey, there is no national high-speed rail network and the only national low-speed network is provided by the national passenger rail company; thus, Class C-P railways should not serve more than two zones (although, similar to Class C freight, a Class C-P railway does not "serve" a zone unless it has more than 100mi/160km of track in said zone).

Class AA-P

The only Class AA-P company is the national passenger rail company, operating nationwide almost exclusively on freight rail trackage rights. These operations are low-speed and low-frequency, with only one or two trains operating daily per line. To ensure both fairness and forward-compatibility with all future states and stateowners, route planning will not occur until four Class AA railroads are identified and approved. At that point, interested stateowners will be asked to submit a list of stations they wish to be served by the company and a vote will be held to determine the name of the new company. The FSA Inter-State Coordinator and/or the FSA Project Coordinator will work with each region to create a national network plan to ensure as much coverage as possible. As new stateowners come into the project, additional stations can be added and routes modified as needed on an ongoing basis.

Company Listing

Stateowners should feel free to add to this list, provided these companies meet the criteria outlined on this page. Zones and Class definitions can be found in the following sections of this page. For each entry, please be sure to include the current "Status" of each railway company using the following options:

  • Conceptual: This railway is being planned, but outreach to additional stateowners or regional groups have not yet occurred. Additionally, little if any of the railway has been mapped so far.
  • Draft: A general agreement between the affected stateowners exists, but the precise corridor and other key details (including naming of co-chairs, if needed) are still up for debate and discussion.
  • Mapping: The mainline of the company is fully planned with all affected stateowners in agreement; mapping and tagging efforts are currently underway.
  • Complete: The mainline of the company is fully mapped and appropriately tagged.
  • Expanding: This railway company was complete and is planning on advancing a Class and is currently undergoing planning and mapping efforts with additional stateowners.
Company Name Abbreviation Status Class Mainline Zone(s) Served Chair Co-Chair 1 Co-Chair 2 Notes
TBD TBD Conceptual AA-P Various All Collaborative Reserved for the national passenger railway company.
ArchRail Mapping C-P Huntington-New Atwick via Stanton and Burton Southeast Southeast Region High-speed passenger rail.
PenCross PQX Complete C-P Newburyport -> Warwick -> Saint Renecene Southeast Zytik High-speed passenger regional rail. Roughly 1491 miles of track.
LakeLynx LLYX Mapping C-P Wallawaukee, SN to Nishaukee Falls, MN via Lake City West Lakes West Lakes Compact High-speed passenger rail.
Southern Minnonigan Commuter Railroad d/b/a SMARTrail SMCR Mapping D-P Various West Lakes State of Minnonigan Commuter rail serving Lake City.
ConnectSeneppi Mapping D-P Various West Lakes State of Seneppi Intra-state passenger service in Seneppi.
Minnonigan Central Railroad MCRR Mapping A Lake City-Andreapolis via Apricity and Barstone; branch lines to Jericho, Minneuka and Nordseehaven West Lakes, Heartland, Alormen ruadh TheMayor Not required Planning of the corridor lines and branches underway.
Sauganash & Northern Railroad S&N Mapping B Lake City-Jundah/Stuart via Wahanta, CL West Lakes, The West TheMayor Not required Also planning a mainline extension to Cosperica.
North Coast Railroad NoCo Draft C Lake City-Wallawaukee via Miller West Lakes West Lakes Compact
Lake City Union Railroad LCU Mapping D Lake City, MN West Lakes State of Minnonigan Interchange railroad for all freight railroads in Lake City.
Frontera International Railway FIR Mapping D Frontera, MN to Deodeca border West Lakes State of Minnonigan Jointly owned by S&N and MCRR to serve international interchange service to Deodeca.
Compass and Western C&WR Mapping A Penquisset to ME/OQ state line Southeast, Central, Heartland Zytik TBD Not required
Great Eastern Stanton Folkstone GESF Unknown Unknown
Scantuck & Southern Railroad S&S Complete D Waltmore, NC to Middlewall, TH via Divinity's Grace, CR Southeast State of Culpepper
Lakes, Mennowa, and Northern Railroad LM&N Mapping A Minneuka to…: Lake City, MN; Ondassgam, MN; Franklinsburgh, SN; Ohunkagan, MK Heartland, Central, West Lakes Alessa Luciano Not required Detailing of the corridor lines and branches underway.
Weber, Ryle, and Lion City Railroad WRLC Mapping C Weber, TE to Lion City, ME Heartland West Lakes Compact
Rock Valley Railroad RVRR Mapping D Mennowa City, ME to location northwest of Twin Rocks, ME Heartland State of Mennowa
Hope Harbor Railroad HHRR Mapping D Newport, AS to Ampersand Beach, AS; spur line to Hartford, AS Southeast State of Astrantia
Astrantia Northwestern ANWRR Mapping D Newport, AS to NC state line; spur line to East Vermouth, AS Southeast State of Astrantia
Newport Harbor Belt NHBRR Mapping D Newport, AS area Southeast State of Astrantia Belt railway serving Newport.
Wallawaukee, Seneppi & Western Railroad WS&W Mapping C Varnel, NI to Deodeca via Gleason, SN West Lakes West Lakes Compact
Great Western and Asperic GW&A Mapping B Jundah, TA to Minneuka, ME The West, Heartland Brunanter Not required
Great Northern Terminal Railroad GNTR Mapping D Lake City, MN West Lakes State of Minnonigan Jointly-owned terminal railroad serving Lake City Great Northern Station and Lake City Expo Transportation Building.
Lake City & Northeastern Railway LC&N Mapping C Lake City to Barstone-Nenova via Donovan; branch lines to Gleason, MN; Mennonia, OT; and Finch Hill, SN West Lakes, Heartland West Lakes Compact Includes LM&N trackage rights between Finch Hill and Lake City.
Cordilleras Southern Railroad CS Mapping A Deodeca near Clifford, CL- Swansonsville, RI; Lake City, MN and to Wahanta, CL The West, Heartland, West Lakes Glauber Geoc3ladus Not required Operator tagging currently underway. Cordilleras Southern is the result of mergers of Clamash Coastal, Clamash Southern, Henrietta Central, and the main east-west line in RI.
High-Speed Deodeca HSD Complete C-P In Deodeca: various
In the FSA: Ostally, Agawaskway to Lake City, MN (via LakeLynx)
West Lakes Deodeca Collaborative (+ TheMayor) Branch line from Deodeca to Lake City International Airport. Hosted by LakeLynx, with a dedicated terminal and international customs facility at LCX.
Lake City and Western Interurban LC&WI Mapping D-P Lake City, MN to Farnsworth, MN and Ketiguah, MN West Lakes State of Minnonigan Electric interurban passenger railway serving Lake City's western suburbs.
Illuvia Central Railroad ICR Mapping D/D-P Various West Lakes State of Illuvia State rilway, has freight and limited passenger service. Operates mainly in eastern Illuvia.

Other Information


States are permitted to restrict or deny access to any company who wishes to operate in their state; however, once access is granted for a particular route, it cannot be rescinded. This includes changes in ownership of the state itself: existing routes will be covenanted into the state's new ownership in the event of stateowner turnover. Additional routes would require a separate agreement between the stateowner and the railway company (co-)chair.

Even if permission is granted to the railway company, each stateowner maintains the right to determine intra-state routings, station locations, and other details specific to that state unless explicitly permitted by the stateowner.

Any efforts to "barter", "bribe", or otherwise extract concessions from either a stateowner or a railway company beyond what can be considered reasonable compromises in regards to routing, service, stopping patterns, or other considerations directly related to the mapping and operation of the railway is expressly prohibited. Any violations or attempted violations of this policy should be presented to the FSA Inter-State Coordinator for investigation and remediation.

Vacant States

If a state is available (a "green" state), chairpersons can include a route through said state provided stateowners on each side of the available state agree. If the state already has railroads mapped, the new connection can be mapped as usual; if the state does not yet have any railroads mapped, a route relation can be applied to an untagged line that does not show up on visible layers of the map itself (but would appear on relation queries and wiki multimaps).

If a state is unavailable but vacant (a "gray" state) or inactive (a "yellow" state), corridors and routes are not permitted to be planned or mapped until the status of the state changes. A stateowner who does not respond to any outreach by (co-)chairs should be considered inactive.


The Federal States has a robust domestic and international aviation network. This page provides a list of major airports and major airlines in the Federal States.


Symbol important note.svg Important technical notes to users
Airports are fun to map, and when done well they are a great addition to the map. However, make sure a city has enough mapping detail to warrant an airport before mapping your airport. If you have to ask if your city has enough detail to warrant a major airport, it probably doesn't.

Commercial Airports

Before adding any airports here, be sure to claim the airport code by adding airports to the centralized OGF list. Note that, to add an airport to Index:Airports, a certain level of detail (length of runways, number of gates, etc.) must be mapped prior to adding an airport.

Commercial aviation is an important mode of interstate travel within the Federal States, and to/from our neighboring nations. Per OGF standards, there are three classes of commercial airports:

  • Class D airports are regional in nature. These airports are generally small, and in the Federal States primarily serve domestic destinations with smaller, shorter-range aircraft. In a "hub and spoke" airline model, regional airports will primarily only fly into "hub" airports rather than have direct connections with other regional airports. Class D airports are generally used for metropolitan areas of up to 250,000 residents that are not within a reasonable (2 hours or less) drive to a larger airport.
  • Class R airports are larger than Class D airports, and may have some international flights to nearby foreign destinations, but a majority of destinations will likely still be domestic flights. Most airports on this list should likely fall into the Class R category.
  • Class G airports are intercontinental major airports that serve as high-volume hubs for domestic and international flights. These generally are some of the largest airports in the OGF world and should be adequately designed to handle the world's largest commercial aircraft; likewise, they should only be located in areas that would reasonably have a high demand of both domestic and international travel.

Please do not add unmapped airports to this list. Airports without regularly scheduled commercial service should not be included on this list. Airport codes shown in italics are placeholders and should not be considered official; to officially claim an airport code, airports must meet the minimum level of detail to qualify for the Index:Airports list and be listed there. Airports in vacant states are marked with a strikethrough.

Airport City State WAAT Class Runways Gates Location Listed
Foley-Fillmore International Airport Mahpe (Andreapolis) Alormen Flag.jpg Alormen APL G 4 170 Airplane silhouette.svg 31.145°S, 148.66°E ❌ No
Asperic Beach-Scottsboro-Stanford County International Airport Asperic Beach Tempache flag.png Tempache ASS R 3 Airplane silhouette.svg 26.4224°S, 138.21°E ❌ No
Adamsville International Airport Adamsville Ogdalenflag.png Ogdalen AVA R 10/28 (2500m)
18L/36R (3100m)
18R/36L (2200)
30 Airplane silhouette.svg 34.4712°S, 159.7093°E ✅ Yes
Benjamin K. Hedstrom International Airport Warwick Penquisset Flag.jpg Penquisset BKH G 07/25 (3800m)
14L/32R (3500m)
14R/32L (3500m)
98 Airplane silhouette.svg 40.0188°S, 159.9711°E ✅ Yes
Bradlen Regional Airport Bradlen (Bradlen County) Illuvia Flag V2.svg Illuvia BRD D 18/36 (1320m) 1 Airplane silhouette.svg 39.1524°S, 141.7853°E ✅ Yes
Ondassagam-Bucks County Regional Airport Ondassagam Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan BUX R 3/21 (2600m)
11/29 (2625m)
21 Airplane silhouette.svg 41.1456°S, 140.5183°E ✅ Yes
Northern Minnonigan Regional Airport Carbonridge Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan CBX D 6/24 (2000m)
14/32 (3000m)
18/36 (1675m)
7 Airplane silhouette.svg 39.9919°S, 140.2304°E ✅ Yes
Huntington International Huntington Capital District CDI G 4 Airplane silhouette.svg 37.5325°S, 157.4985°E ❌ No
Chapman Airport Chapman Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra CHP D 1 Airplane silhouette.svg 33.3066°S, 139.0317°E ❌ No
Colurona International Airport Colurona New Riopoderos flag.png Riopoderos COL R 15/33 (2960m)
09/18 (2120m)
7 Airplane silhouette.svg 34.8692°S, 141.0136°E ❌ No
Crinxtion Regional Airport Crinxton (Paonia County) Illuvia Flag V2.svg Illuvia CRX R 5/36 (1600m)
18/36 (1930m)
5 Airplane silhouette.svg 38.725°S, 141.7346°E ✅ Yes
Dennison International Airport Redonda (Dennison) Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra DIA G 3 Airplane silhouette.svg 32.6987°S, 140.8822°E ❌ No
Elvira Regional Airport Elvira Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra ELR D 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 32.9573°S, 141.0378°E ❌ No
reserved Esperanza Cosperica ESP G Planned airport
Guerrero Airport Guerrero Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra GUE D 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 32.3018°S, 141.9341°E ❌ No
Henderson Airport Henderson Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra HEN D 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 32.674°S, 140.5812°E ❌ No
Hope Harbor International Hope Harbor AR120-17 Astrantia flag 1a.png Astrantia HHI R 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 42.043°S, 160.3119°E ❌ No
Hessonite County Regional Airport Porte Springs New Riopoderos flag.png Riopoderos HPS D 09/18 (3720m) 4 Airplane silhouette.svg 36.0669°S, 142.2366°E ❌ No
James Moore International Airport Baldwin 4 FSA OrangeCoast.png Orange Coast JMI R 02L/20R (2400m)
02R/20L (2000m)
13 Airplane silhouette.svg 36.1475°S, 162.2802°E ✅ Yes
Juliana Hálison International Airport Hálison Flag of Laine.png Laine JLH G 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 35.6475°S, 161.4908°E ❌ No
Miller-Justice M. Wescott Regional Airport Miller Flag of Iroquesia.png Iroquesia MJW D 08/26 (2000m)
03L/21R (2370m)
03R/21L (1710m)
11 Airplane silhouette.svg 41.8426°S, 142.2266°E ✅ Yes
Jonnequiel International Airport Ohunkagan Luciano Flag Makaska 01.png Makaska JQL G 3 Airplane silhouette.svg 42.4344°S, 145.9525°E ❌ No
Jundah-Stuart International Airport Jundah-Stuart Template:Tauhon JSI G 3 87 Airplane silhouette.svg 32.4741°S, 136.1144°E ❌ No
Lafayette International Airport Eveleigh Whitestoneflag.png Whitestone LAF R 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 39.0805°S, 158.9425°E ❌ No
Lake City International Airport Lake City Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan LCX G 3/21 (4000m)
9L/27R (3500m)
9R/27L (4250m)
10L/28R (4000m)
10R/28L (4250m)
12L/30R (2500m)
12R/30L (3000m)
191 Airplane silhouette.svg 41.3651°S, 141.3134°E ✅ Yes
Gunnison International Airport Lake City Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan LKX R 5L/23R (1500m)
5C/23C (2000m)
5R/23L (1250m)
11L/29R (1750m)
11R/29L (2250m)
65 Airplane silhouette.svg 41.5286°S, 141.554°E ✅ Yes
Lola-Fort Nickerson Regional Airport Lola Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra LON D 1 Airplane silhouette.svg 33.4545°S, 141.0252°E ❌ No
Los Reyes Valdez International Airport Los Reyes Tempache flag.png Tempache LRV G 3 Airplane silhouette.svg 28.145°S, 139.1572°E ❌ No
Maquadena Beartown International Airport Maquadena Minara-Flag.png Zakahigan MAQ R 4 Airplane silhouette.svg 41.0184°S, 145.8153°E ❌ No
Minneuka International Airport Minneuka Mennowa Flag revised.svg Mennowa MKX G 3 Airplane silhouette.svg 37.7738°S, 149.0907°E ❌ No
reserved Massodeya City Michisaukee MSS G Planned airport
Makaska Valley International Airport Marksville Luciano Flag Makaska 01.png Makaska MVI R 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 42.8729°S, 144.7543°E ❌ No
Alvia International Airport Orterrado Flag of Laine.png Laine ORA R 1 Airplane silhouette.svg 35.5524°S, 163.0208°E ❌ No
Feldline International Airport Orterrado Flag of Laine.png Laine ORF G 3 Airplane silhouette.svg 35.3185°S, 162.9083°E ❌ No
Gridland Gateway International Airport Barre Harbor/Port Blaire Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan PBX D 7/25 (3500m)
13/31 (2500m)
5 Airplane silhouette.svg 41.7168°S, 139.9138°E ✅ Yes
San Daniel Airport San Daniel Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra SDA D 1 Airplane silhouette.svg 33.1806°S, 142.6472°E ❌ No
Stanton Belleville Airport Stanton Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby SBE D 1 Airplane silhouette.svg 40.4998°S, 159.7464°E ❌ No
Stanton International Airport Stanton Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby STI G 4 157 Airplane silhouette.svg 40.0204°S, 159.5894°E ❌ No
Fiorino International Airport Stanton Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby STN R 3 69 Airplane silhouette.svg 40.3279°S, 159.504°E ❌ No
Vilsack-Stith Municipal Airport Vilsack Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra VSM D 1 Airplane silhouette.svg 33.5444°S, 143.4638°E ❌ No
Wahanta-Clifford International Airport Wahanta ClamashFlag.png Clamash WAH R 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 34.9502°S, 137.6708°E ❌ No
Waltmore Airport Waltmore Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby WAL R 2 Airplane silhouette.svg 40.9839°S, 158.58°E ❌ No

General Aviation Airports

General Aviation (GA) airports are small, public airports that do not have regularly-scheduled commercial air service. While private aircraft can also use commercial airports, GA airports are more common for private individuals, commercial or civil services like farming maintenance or firefighting, and organizations that own or lease private aircraft.

Each GA airport should still have a 4-letter identifying code; however, there is not yet a national consensus on a consistent lettering scheme for GA airports. A listing of GA airports will be established once ANACA code formats are established. GA airports do not use the international three-letter codes.


Air Freedoms

With a robust domestic aviation industry including numerous FSA-based international carriers, the Federal States allows global "3rd Freedom" access to international airlines only. For all domestic flights or connections that begin and end within the Federal States, a domestic carrier must be used, with codesharing agreements permitted. International airlines are welcome to fly between the FSA and their home nation, but "4th Freedom" flights that originate or terminate in a third country are not permitted.

Domestic Airlines

Airline Logo Headquarters Callsign WAAT Flight Code Alliance Primary Hubs Secondary Hubs Target Market(s)
Apex Airlines ApexAirlinesLogo.png Los Reyes, Tempache flag.png Tempache Apex XR Los Reyes Valdez International Airport Wahanta-Clifford International Airport
Foley-Fillmore International Airport
Domestic and international
Ardentic Airlines Stanton, Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby Ardentic OA
CL-Air Finch Hill, Flag of Iroquesia.png Iroquesia Lakes CL Finch Hill International Airport Miller-Justice M. Wescott Regional Airport Domestic
Federal Airlines Fedair logo.png Stanton, Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby FedAir FA OneSky Stanton International Airport
Jundah-Stuart International Airport
Lake City International Airport
Fiorino International Airport
Gobras City International Worldport
Domestic and international
flySmart Dennison, Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra SMAR FS WorldStar Dennison International Airport]]
Foley-Fillmore International Airport
Minneuka International Airport
Huntington Regional Airport
PenqAir Warwick, Penquisset Flag.jpg Penquisset Benjamin K. Hedstrom International Airport
SkyRide Airlines SkyRide.png Lake City, Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan SkyRide SR None Gunnison International Airport Cape Stockton International Airport Budget
Southern Airlines Southern.png Lake City, Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan Essay SA Four Corners Lake City International Airport Domestic and international
Tauhon Airlines Jundah, Template:Tauhon Jundah TA Jundah-Stuart Intercontinental Airport
Union Airways Orterrado, Flag of Laine.png Laine Unair UN WorldStar Orterrado- Feldline International Airport Orterrado- Alvia International Airport
WestAir Stuart, Template:Tauhon West FW Jundah-Stuart Intercontinental Airport

International Airlines

Airline Nation Alliance FSA Destinations International Destinations
Air Plevia Flag of Plevia.svg Plevia OneSky Lake City International Airport
Stanton International Airport
AirTamor Template:Tamor Lake City International Airport Incubel
AOAir Template:Aorangëa Stanton International Airport Otāngia-Naora Airport
Fawltryncham Airport
Whangiora Airport
Duncanheim Royal Airlines Duncanheim Stanton-Fiorino International Airport
Lake City International Airport
Kattenden Bakarsbond International Airport
FreedemiAir FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia OneSky Jundah-Stuart Intercontinental Airport
Lake City International Airport
Quentinsburgh-Sean Bond International Airport
Guai Airways Flag of Guai.svg Guai Geolliance Stanton International Airport
Jundah-Stuart Intercontinental Airport
Vai International Airport
Izaland Airlines Izaland flag.png Izaland WorldStar Minneuka International Airport
Burton-New Atwick International Airport
Lake City International Airport
Stanton International Airport
Jundah-Stuart Intercontinental Airport
Sainðaul Asunahama International Airport
Warohan Takarun International Airport
Makkeriya International Airport
Uletha Eastern Airways Izaland flag.png Izaland OneSky Minneuka International Airport
Lake City International Airport
Stanton International Airport
Andreapolis International Airport
Sainðaul Asunahama International Airport
Warohan Takarun International Airport
Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Project Pages
Collaborative Projects States: Alormen Flag.jpg AlormenCospericaEustaciaUnknown Flag.png MichisaukeeNew CarnabyWM flag.png West Massodeya
Territories: Flag of Arecales.png ArecalesHuntington
Protectorates: PiscipulaFlag.png Piscipula
Natural Environment National ParksNatural features
Commerce FranchisesIndustries
Infrastructure GovernmentMilitaryTransportation
Worldbuilding HistoryImportant personsInternational relationsNon-governmental organizationsSportsState profiles
Project Communication Main project pageDiscord (request access)Federal States Forum (archive)Newcomers GuideArchives
Neighboring projects: Flag of Ardencia.svg ArdenciaBlu e Verde (Strisce).svg Astrasia2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca