Collab:Federal States/Important persons

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Artists and writers

  • Fred Bronson - jazz musician (born 1914; died 1953 in Stanton, New Carnaby).
  • Addison Ellis Drake - influential colonial-era writer and theologian (born 1638 in Ingrea, died 1701 in Divinity's Grace, Culpepper).
  • Jack Mitchell - popular country and western artist (born 1923 in Elvira, SA, died 1961 in Meyersburg, Fellshire)
  • Dean Polk - one of the best selling country artists of all time (born 1954 in Casper, Ogdalen, died 2014 in Adamsville)
  • Baker Kurilova - performer and spiritualist, popular in the 1880s and 90s. Murdered in her home by persons unknown 11th December 1902. (ruadh)

Business leaders

  • Leonora Grants (b. 1835, lived Ohunkagan, Makaska), lumber baron, financier, philanthropist
  • Claudette Sanders (1839-1936) was the first woman in Zakahigan to obtain a business license. After being denied a business license for 14 consecutive years, Sanders was finally approved at the age of 39. In 1878, Sanders opened a restaurant in Maquadena; and this restaurant is the oldest operating in Zakahigan.

Explorers and pioneers

  • Père Benoît Le Becq (b. 1788, lived Makaska), controversial colonial-era trader and enslaver ("caretaker") of natives
  • Joseph-Louis-Hippolyte Pinault (1794-1859), Ardencian born trader, explorer and entrepreneur, at one point owned most of Pinault County, later named after him.
  • William Thomas (1764-1832), explored the Western Lakes in the late 1700s, including the Stone-Thomas River basin in Minnonigan.
  • Sauganash (c. 1770s-c.1820s), a Native Archantan who helped the settlers of southern Minnonigan before he was wrongly accused of the Fort Drummond Fire. Escaped an angry mob under the cover of darkness and is believed to have canoed to Barba Island before joining other tribes in AR120-57.
  • Henry Adams (b. 1689 in Eustacia, died 1776 in Ogdalen) back-country explorer in the Ogdalen Area, namesake of Fort Adams and by extension Adamsville
  • Reginald Eugene Tryon (1901-1974) was a controversial environmentalist who served as director of the Zakahigan Department of Natural Resources. While in office, Tryon claimed that Native and Black peoples were the cause of environmental pollution.

Military persons

  • John McPearson (1833 - 1904), admiral
  • Louis Huntington (First Revolution), General
  • Eliange Mongrain (c. First Revolution), Military
  • Lovell Braxton, cavalry general in the 19th century
  • Lt. General James P. Nickerson, 20th century military officer, namesake of Fort Nickerson in Sierra
  • General James McHugh, 20th century General in FS War, namesake of Ft. McHugh.
  • Gerald Hoggan (b. 1726 in Otisport, FL - 1804), first Admiral of the FS Navy
  • General Arthur T Carrington - leading figure in the Army of the Alormen Republic. (ruadh)


For the chief executive, please see Collab:Federal States/Government.

Regional politicians

  • Marvin MacBeth (AKA Roan Stallion) (b. 1878, lived southern Makaska), native rights activist and later state representative and governor in 1920s
  • Jennifer Jacobson (1933- ), early freeway revolt advocate; currently advocates for urban freeway renewal, Complete Streets, and walkable neighborhoods. Current vice secretary of the Minnonigan Department of Transportation and 2021 Lake City mayoral candidate.
  • Alexandre Williams (1618-1695), first governor of the colony of Culpepper, and founder of the city of Hearthsbridge.
  • Alvin Stewart (1933-2017) was an LGBT-rights activist and lawyer from Bixoheni, Zakahigan. Stewart's activism was credited when the Zakahigan Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriages in 2003. Stewart was also a sociology lecturer at Reserve Southwestern University.
  • Thomas J. Randolph (1709-1792) Served as the first governor of Wilthamshire for 3 terms, from 1771 to 1783.


Religious Figures

  • Elijah Ellis (1610-1679), founder of the city of Divinity's Grace in Culpepper, religious dissenter and co-founder of the Egalitarian Church, and founder of what would become Ellis University.
  • Walker Foster (1924-1973) prominent pastor from Adamsville, Ogdalen, and civil rights leader
  • Susan Carlton (1938-2022) was one of the first female priests in the country, obtaining her title in 1972.
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