Collab:Federal States/International relations

From OpenGeofiction

Diplomatic Presence

Country in FSA Abroad Notes
Allendea-Flag.png Allendea Huntington-CD (embassy)
Flag of Antharia.svg Antharia Huntington-CD (embassy)
Flag of Ardencia.svg Ardencia
Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona Huntington CD (Embassy)
Template:Belphenia Huntington-CD (embassy)
2 Brasonia.png Brasonia Campo Verde-RV (embassy)
2 Cariocas.png Cariocas Huntington-CD (embassy) Ytakolo'mý-YM (embassy)
Template:Commonwealth of Central Archanta []
Cygagon Huntington-CD (embassy) []
Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti Tarsinar (embassy)
2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca
Drabantia flag.png Drabantia Huntington-CD (embassy)
Flag with question mark.svg Drull Huntington-CD (embassy) []
Template:Duncanheim Kattenden (embassy)
Esheinflag.png Eshein Noy Tyrrin (embassy)
FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Quentinsburgh (embassy)
UL14b flag.png Geklinia-Dregolesia Huntington-CD (embassy) Dobrzanka (embassy)
GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya []
2 Goytakanya.png Goytakanya Huntington-CD (mission) []
Flag of Guai.svg Guai
Flag of Helvetiania.jpg Helvetiania Huntington-CD (embassy) Gentsch (embassy)
Template:Holmic Federation
Iscu.png Iscu Huntington-CD (embassy) Port Holy (embassy) Iscu and the FSA share a joint airbase used as a stop and launch point for FSA planes
Izaland flag.png Izaland Huntington-CD (embassy)
Jundah (consulate)
Sainðaul (embassy)
Warohan (consulate)
Khaiwoon flag.png Khaiwoon Huntington-CD (embassy) []
Kojo flag ddtuga.png Kojo Huntington-CD (embassy) Pyingshum (embassy) Acknowledged
Template:Kuehong Huntington-CD (embassy)
Latflag.png Latina []
Flag-le.png Leresso Huntington-CD (embassy) []
2 Luslandia.png Luslandia Huntington-CD (embassy) Alcântara-CN (embassy)
Template:Lustria Huntington-CD (embassy)
MauretiaFlag-new.svg Mauretia Huntington-CD (embassy) Iola (embassy)
Flag with question mark.svg Mecyna Phoenix (embassy)
Mergania flag.png Mergania
2 Novakia.png Novakia Huntington-CD (embassy) Slovech (embassy)
Ohemian Imperial Flag Large.png Ohemia

Non-existent yet

Template:Pasalia Huntington-CD (embassy) []
Flag with question mark.svg Rhododactylia []
Template:Rogolnika Huntington-CD (embassy) []
Template:Suya Ahn Huntington-CD (embassy) Dura Ahn (embassy)
Template:Tavauru Huntington-CD (embassy) Faiai'ita (embassy)
Telkarnatha flag.png Telkarnatha Huntington-CD (embassy) []
Flag with question mark.svg Ullanyé
  • Huntington-CD (embassy)
  • Stanton-NC (consulate general)
Etatono (embassy)
Vodeo Flag.png Vodeo Huntington-CD (embassy) []

Lost territories (to be updated and managed)

Adaria Huntington-CD (embassy) Nichiuri (embassy)
Albalad Siriun Haez (embassy)
Bloregia Huntington-CD (embassy) []
Hoppon Huntington-CD (embassy) Approved
Kuggyong Huntington-CD (embassy) Approved
Lutecia Huntington-CD (embassy) Aparderien(embassy)
Naexma []
Tengappei Huntington-CD (embassy)
Zylanda Huntington-CD (embassy) []

International Organizations

Offices Notes
Assembly of Nations
South-West Astrasian Economic Alliance (SWAEA)

City Consulates

State mappers are welcome to offer locations in their states for consulates. Foreign nations should limit the number of their consulates in the Federal States to a realistic number based on the foreign country's size, population, and development level. Do not add unmapped consulates; many consulates will be small and may be mapped as a node representing a single office or part of an office building rather than a standalone facility. Consulates are not permitted for nations that do not have an embassy in Huntington. In all cases, please contact the state mapper(s) before placing a consulate.

City State Current Consulates New Consulates Permitted Notes
Stanton Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby Emb-green.png Most consulates are located near the Stanton Opera House near Midtown Square.
Jundah Template:Tauhon Emb-green.png Most consulates are located in the Downtown West neighborhood.
Warwick Penquisset Flag.jpg Penquisset Emb-green.png Locate on Corsait or Hope Avs, near Downtown/Willinsbyrne Sq
Lake City Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan Emb-yellow.png Nations interested in opening a consulate in Lake City should contact TheMayor to arrange a site.
Wallawaukee Template:Seneppi Emb-yellow.png Nations interested in opening a consulate in Wallawaukee should contact Ernestpcosby to arrange a site.
San Bruno 4 FSA OrangeCoast.png Orange Coast Emb-yellow.png Nations interested in opening a consulate in San Bruno should contact BMSOUZA to arrange a site.
Dennison and Redonda Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra Emb-green.png Can be located between the FS-60 and FS-80 in Dennison, nor northwest Redonda. Cultural/economic and other diplomatic offices more likely
Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Project Pages
Collaborative Projects States: Alormen Flag.jpg AlormenCospericaEustaciaUnknown Flag.png MichisaukeeNew CarnabyWM flag.png West Massodeya
Territories: Flag of Arecales.png ArecalesHuntington
Protectorates: PiscipulaFlag.png Piscipula
Natural Environment National ParksNatural features
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Neighboring projects: Flag of Ardencia.svg ArdenciaBlu e Verde (Strisce).svg Astrasia2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca