
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Passamaqueets Passamaqueets

Capital: Burton
Population: 3,500,000 (2023)
Motto: "Libertatis et aequalitatis"

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Passamaqueets (/ˌpæsəməˈkɪts/; Pass-uh-ma-KEETS), officially the Commonwealth of Passamaqueets, is a state located in the Cradle Peninsula, located in southeastern Federal States. It borders the Ardentic Ocean and New Carnaby to its north and east, Oakley and Astrantia to its west, and Hyde to its South. Passamaqueets is the smallest state by land area in the constituent Federal States. With a population of 3,563,095 in the latest 2024 census, barely more than the last, it is the most populated state in the peninsula and the Xth most populous state in the country.

Passamaqueets Colony (?) was founded in 16XX, with the arrival of Y in Z, modern day W. The name originated from the Passamaqueet equivalent of "Land of the fish". In the early 18th century, the settlement of Burton was founded in the mouth of the Orange river in the Atwick Sound. At the end of the 18th century, Burton became known as the starting point of the industrial revolution in the Federal States....

Burton is the most populous city and capital of Passamaqueets.

Flag of the FSA.svg Political divisions of the Federal States
States Alcortez • Alormen Flag.jpg Alormen(c)Flag of Apawiland.png ApawilandAR120-17 Astrantia flag 1a.png AstrantiaAtascaderaClamashFlag.png Clamash • Cosperica(c)East Massodeya • Eustacia(c) • Gnaerey • HydeIlluvia Flag V2.svg IlluviaFlag of Iroquesia.png IroquesiaFlag of Laine.png LaineLuciano Flag Makaska 01.png MakaskaMennowa Flag revised.svg MennowaUnknown Flag.png Michisaukee(c)Minnonigan Flag.png MinnoniganUnknown Flag.png New Carnaby(c)OakleyOgdalenflag.png OgdalenNew-flag-opelika.png Opelika4 FSA OrangeCoast.png Orange CoastFlag of Passamaqueets.png PassamaqueetsPassitania-flag.png PassitaniaPenquisset Flag.jpg Penquisset • Ponquin • New Riopoderos flag.png Riopoderos • Ruppacke • Seneppi • Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra • Tauhon • Tempache flag.png TempacheFlagTennewa.png TennewaWausekaWM flag.png West Massodeya(c)Whitestoneflag.png WhitestoneWisecotaFlag.png WisecotaWY State flag.svg WychelleMinara-Flag.png Zakahigan
Capital District Huntington(c)
Overseas Territories Flag of Arecales.png Arecales(c)Hartford Islands • Nahuwa Atoll