
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Passitania State of Passitania

Capital: Madawan
Population: 5,562,340 (2020)

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Passitania is a state in the Massodeya Valley of the Federal States. Passitania borders Gnaerey and Michisaukee to the north, AR120-08 to the east, New Carnaby and AR120-37 to the south, and Wauseka to the west. The topography of Passitania is dominated in the east by the Asphale Mountains with narrow river valleys and gorges. The Molson River and Beveronto River are the two most dominant rivers in the state, converging in the capital of Madawan. In the west, the state is primarily flat meadows and timberland with occasional rolling hills.

Madawan is the capital and largest metropolitan area of Passitania while Catterick is the largest city.


Community Noun project 4864.svg
Geography of Passitania
ContinentArchanta (Astrasia)
RegionMassodeya Valley
Population5,562,340 (2020)
• Total70497.43 km2
27219.21 sq mi
Time zoneWUT+10:00

Passitania is situated in the heart of the Massodeya Valley between the Asphale Mountains in the east and the flat plains in the west. The state is bordered by the state of AR120-08 in the east, with the state border roughly following ridges and rivers. In the south, the state primarily borders AR120-37, however, a small border with New Carnaby exists entirely over Lake Washarniad. In the west, Passitania borders Wauseka with the border entirely made up of (Unnamed River). In the north, Passitania primarily borders the county of Gnaerey, and borders Michisaukee to the northeast with the Molson River making up a sizeable portion of the border.

Eastern Passitania is defined by large forested mountains and valleys, with lush deciduous and evergreen forests making up a majority of the land in the region. Mountains such as Anna Peak, Mount Molson, and Mount Storm rise well above 3,000 m (above 10,000 feet) in elevation and are full of underground minerals such as iron ore and coal. The headwaters of the major Molson River and (Unnamed River) are located within these towering mountains, with numerous rapids and waterfalls being located as these rivers wind down through the valleys.

In the southeast, the large alpine Lake Onawanda is fed by the Elyria and Sadawuska Rivers, surrounded by large evergreen forests and emptying out through the Onawanda River into the Molson River farther north. Similarly, Lake Carly flows north-northwest via the Beveronto River and is joined by the Haliburton River, Cascade River, and Green River before flowing into the north-center of Passitania and meeting the Molson River.

The Molson River flows westward through the lush Rabana Valley. Plentiful rainfall and large underwater reservoirs create swaths of arable land, dominated by orchards in the higher elevations and leading to farms of corn, wheat, and soybeans in the western regions of the valley. Between the Midland Creek and Beveronto River joining the Molson River is the highest upstream point which ships can travel along the Molson River, allowing maritime trade deep into the heartland of Passitania.

In the far north, the region is dominated by rolling hills which continue throughout the center of Passitania, including the metropolitan areas of Willowbrook and Madawan. These hills persist along the northern reaches of Passitania, westward to near the (Unnamed River) on the Gnaerey border.

The southwest consists primarily of large, flat, arable plains, primarily used for corn, soybeans, and cattle grazing. The (Unnamed River) in the far west is joined by several tributaries, eventually flowing into the Alormen River.



Major Cities

City Name County City Population Total Area in mi. (km) Population density per mi. (km) Map Note
Catterick Largest city in Passitania
Madawan Stover Couty Madawan Capital of Passitania
Beveronto County
Willowbrook Willow County
Minomo County

Minor Cities

City Name County City Population Total Area in mi. (km) Population density per mi. (km) Map Note
Anacostia Stover County Part of the Madawan metropolitan area
Grundy Angela County Part of the Madawan metropolitan area
Onawanda Onawanda County Onawanda Part of the Onawanda Lake metropolitan area
Powell Bay Sadawuska County Powell Bay Part of the Onawanda Lake metropolitan area
Onawanda County
Saint Brookings Brooke County Part of the Madawan metropolitan area
Sorensby Cascade County
Spruce Hill Kennetall County
Taramec Kennetall County Part of the Madawan metropolitan area


Government icon (black).svg
Government of Passitania
Representative democracy
Head of state
• Governor
• Lieutenant Governor
LegislaturePassitania House of Delegates
JudiciaryAppellate Court of Passitania

National Government

In the 2023 presidential election, Passitania was awarded 14 electoral votes out of the 551 total votes in the FSA. Similar to other states in the Massodeya Valley, Passitania regularly votes for the right-wing party in the FSA, although there is significant third-party support, particularly in and around the Asphale Mountains.

State Government

County Government

Passitania is divided into (num) counties. Each county sends delegates to the Passitania House of Delegates and has their own county-specific legislature, known as the XX Board of Representatives, where XX is the name of the county.

List of Counties in Passitania
County Name County Seat Largest City Population Total Area in mi. (km) Land Area in mi. (km) Water Area in mi. (km) Map
Accoplacco County 253.71 (657.11) Map
Angela County Grundy 474.50 (1,229.00) Map
Ashburne County 238.81 (618.52) Map
Asphale County 170.32 (441.14) Map
Beveronto County Madawan*, 224.15 (580.55) Map
Brokenburr County 345.59 (895.07) Map
Brooke County Saint Brookings 373.05 (966.19) Map
Carly County 200.17 (518.44) Map
Carrove County 274.03 (709.73) Map
Cascade County Sorensby 265.41 (687.41) Map
Chaplain County 110.79 (286.94) Map
Confluence County 161.56 (418.44) Map
Decondapa County 366.66 (949.65) Map
Dermott County 235.51 (609.96) Map
Fordyce County 179.15 (463,99) Map
Forest Hills County 523.17 (1,355.01) Map
Gorman County 301.09 (779.81) Map
Great Wilderness County 576.90 (1,494.16) Map
Green County 245.10 (634.80) Map
Grove County 397.02 (1,028.28) Map
Haliburton County 230.40 (596.74) Map
Harbinger County 266.06 (689.10) Map
Highland County 439.76 (1,138.98) Map
Kennetall County Spruce Hill 122.70 (317.79) Map
Lake County 270.58 (700.79) Map
Laurel County 261.07 (676.16) Map
Longtail County 331.96 (859.76) Map
Massodeya County 352.43 (912.80) Map
Michisaukee County 430.60 (1,115.24) Map
Minomo County Willowbrook*, 220.43 (570.91) Map
Mockingbird County 222.01 (574.99) Map
Modessit County 252.39 (653.68) Map
Molson County 280.78 (727.21) Map
Nialee County 254.60 (659.42) Map
Onawanda County Onawanda 243.48 (630.60) Map
Pacultapaco County 317.04 (821.12) Map
Parshels County 390.60 (1,011.65) Map
Pearson County 381.11 (987.07) Map
Rabana County 387.11 (1,002.60) Map
Riverbend County 315.96 (818.34) Map
Rockboro County 398.88 (1,033.09) Map
Sadawuska County 339.91 (880.36) Map
Santanathe County 221.83 (574.55) Map
Salter County 182.98 (473.92) Map
Scanlan County 246.72 (639.00) Map
Stover County Madawan 212.20 (549.60) Map
Toothaker County 223.45 (578.75) Map
Union County 167.30 (433.30) Map
Wallatock County 171.14 (443.25) Map
Wildwood County Highcloud Crossroads 476.51 (1,234.15) Map
Willow County Willowbrook 453.19 (1,173.35) Map
Wintermount County 387.72 (1,004.24) Map

*Contains a portion of this city

Local Government



Major highways in Passitania are under the authority of the Passitania Department of Transportation (PassDOT). Nationwide motorways are under the authority of the Federal States Defense and Commerce Motorway Network and follow the rules of that department. Primary state highways are numbered 1-10, and secondary state highways are numbered 11-100. Tertiary state highways are numbered 101-999, with the last two numbers matching the two numbers on the state highway they connect to (State Route XYZ would connect to State Route YZ). Numbered highways are colloquially referred to as "Route X", "Highway X", or "State Road X", where X is the number of the highway. On maps, they are typically denoted as PS-X.

Madawan Colorways

In the city of Madawan, PassDOT created a series of toll roads reaching various parts of Stover County, Beveronto County, and Kennetall County. These toll roads are intended to alleviate traffic in and around the Madawan metropolitan area, and all tolls are open-road with the Mass-Pass.

Federal States Motorways

Federal States Motorways in the state of Passitania
Route Number South/East Terminus North/West Terminus Length in mi. (km) Counties Served Cities Served Notes
22Fsa shield blank.png
AR120-08 border near
30Fsa shield blank.png
FS-30 near Grundy
Highland County, Santanathe County, Onawanda County, Gorman County, Fordyce County, Dermott County, Angela County , Onawanda, Grundy Corridor planning east of Onawanda, west of Camptown underway
30Fsa shield blank.png
Michisaukee border near Linden Wauseka border near Catterick Forest Hills County, Wintermount County, Angela County, Dermott County, Stover County, Beveronto County, Brooke County, Pearson County Grundy, Madawan, Beveronto City, Saint Brookings, Spotswood, Catterick Corridor planning east of Anacostia, west of Beveronto City underway
36Fsa shield blank.png
near Wauseka border near Catterick Catterick Preliminary corridor planning underway
40Fsa shield blank.png
41Fsa shield blank.png
FS-41 near Taramec
Gnaerey border near Spruce Hill Kennetall County Taramec, Spruce Hill
41Fsa shield blank.png
AR120-37 border near Michisaukee border near Willowbrook Accoplacco County, , Brooke County, Beveronto County, Stover County, Kennetall County, Ashburne County, Molson County, Willow County, Minomo County Beveronto City, Madawan, Molson City, Taramec, Willowbrook Corridor planning south of Beveronto City underway
45Fsa shield blank.png
AR120-37 border near Gnaerey border near Wallage , Spotswood, Preliminary corridor planning underway
51Fsa shield blank.png
Gnaerey border near Catterick Wauseka border near Cautaukee , Catterick Preliminary corridor planning underway
341Fsa shield blank.png
41Fsa shield blank.png
FS-41 near Gardenton
near Stover County, Beveronto County Madawan Corridor planning west of Bealey Avenue underway
430Fsa shield blank.png
30Fsa shield blank.png

FS-30 near Anacostia

30Fsa shield blank.png

FS-30 near Beveronto City

74.48 (119.86) Angela County, Stover County, Carrove County, Beveronto County, Union County, Kennetall County, Ashburne County Anacostia, Beveronto City Route only partially finished. Serves as the Madawan Beltway.
441Fsa shield blank.png
41Fsa shield blank.png
FS-41 near Molson City
near Stover County, Kennetall County Molson City, Madawan Corridor planning west of Confluence Street underway
522Fsa shield blank.png
22Fsa shield blank.png

FS-22 near Onawanda

near Onawanda County Onawanda Corridor planning west of Broad Street underway

State Highways

Example of a Passitania State Highway shield. The blue and gold colors are from the flag, and the state outline is in the background. The hexagon design around the numbers is to pay homage to the FSA highway sign design.

Passitania State Highways operate from numbers 000-999. Highways 1-10 are the most major of these highways, and typically traverse large distances or important corridors within the state. Highways 11-100 are considered secondary state highways, and traverse less important corridors or serve as arteries throughout towns. Highways 101-999 are considered tertiary highways, and traverse within city centers or minor corridors. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as PS-15, the historic parkway throughout Angela County, Stover County, and Beveronto County. Route numbers in Passitania tend to keep the same alignment as neighboring states (e.g., State Route 9 in Gnaerey is the same road as State Route 9 in Passitania).

State highways are maintained by the Passitania Department of Transportation and are created by a proposal in the Passitania House of Delegates. Primary and secondary state highway routing takes ecological concerns and economic need into concern, as well as minimizing impact to people living and natural features along the route, which is decided on by the state legislature.

Authority over tertiary routes (with the exception of PS-914) rests with the individual counties, and routing is decided on by a council of the affected counties instead of the state legislature.

City-specific roads such as the Madawan Colorways are at the discretion of the town themselves, and these must be approved by the state legislature to be constructed.

List of Passitania State Highways
Route Number South/East Terminus North/West Terminus Length in mi. (km) Counties Served Cities Served Notes
PS-1 Michisaukee border near Willowbrook Minomo County, Willow County Willowbrook Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-4 Onawanda County Onawanda Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-5 Michisaukee border near Confluence (MC) Michisaukee County Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-8 Stover County, Kennetall County, Ashburne County Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-9 Gnaerey border near Tarlin Beveronto County, Stover County, Kennetall County, Union County Madawan Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-14 Beveronto County, Kennetall County Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-15 Stover County, Beveronto County Anacostia, Madawan Historic parkway through Madawan
PS-22 AR120-08 border near Last Chance Michisaukee border near Nanshon 41.26 (66.40) Wildwood County, Grove County
PS-33 PS-78 near Onawanda Onawanda County Onawanda Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-48 Laurel County Charlottesburg Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-52 Kennetall County, Stover County, Beveronto County Molson City, Madawan, Amber Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-71 Beveronto County, Stover County, Kennetall County Madawan, Beveronto City Preliminary corridor planning undereway
PS-76 Stover County, Beveronto County Madawan, Amber Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-78 Onawanda County, Sadawuska County Onawanda, Powell Bay Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-79 (West) Michisaukee border near Confluence (MC) Michisaukee County Discontiguous
PS-79 (East) Michisaukee border near Redsnow Grove County, Great Wilderness County
PS-109 Timberland Avenue in Madawan Stover County, Beveronto County Madawan Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-171 PS-9/PS-71 near Madawan Stover County Madawan Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-522 PS-48 near Charlottesburg PS-22 near Highcloud Crossroads 33.35 (53.67) Wildwood County, Great Wilderness County, Laurel County Charlottesburg Nicknamed "Serpent's Tail" for curviness
PS-633 PS-78 near Powell Bay Sadawuska County Powell Bay Preliminary corridor planning underway
PS-914 Spears Bend Stover County, Beveronto County Madawan Preliminary corridor planning underway


Flag of Passitania


Passitania's flag has two blue triangles, representing the two important rivers in the state: the Molson River in the center and the (Unnamed River) in the west. The two white triangles of the flag represent the land split down the center by the Molson and Beveronto Rivers, with the flat plains in the west differing greatly from the hills and mountains in the east. Centered in the top of the flag is a red star, representing the state as part of the Federal States. The five yellow diamonds represent the five large population centers of Passitania unified into one state, those being Catterick, Spotswood, Madawan, Willowbrook, and Onawanda.

Flag of the FSA.svg Political divisions of the Federal States
States Alcortez • Alormen Flag.jpg Alormen(c)Flag of Apawiland.png ApawilandAR120-17 Astrantia flag 1a.png AstrantiaAtascaderaClamashFlag.png Clamash • Cosperica(c)East Massodeya • Eustacia(c) • Gnaerey • HydeIlluvia Flag V2.svg IlluviaFlag of Iroquesia.png IroquesiaFlag of Laine.png LaineLuciano Flag Makaska 01.png MakaskaMennowa Flag revised.svg MennowaUnknown Flag.png Michisaukee(c)Minnonigan Flag.png MinnoniganUnknown Flag.png New Carnaby(c)OakleyOgdalenflag.png OgdalenNew-flag-opelika.png Opelika4 FSA OrangeCoast.png Orange CoastFlag of Passamaqueets.png PassamaqueetsPassitania-flag.png PassitaniaPenquisset Flag.jpg Penquisset • Ponquin • New Riopoderos flag.png Riopoderos • Ruppacke • Seneppi • Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra • Tauhon • Tempache flag.png TempacheFlagTennewa.png TennewaWausekaWM flag.png West Massodeya(c)Whitestoneflag.png WhitestoneWisecotaFlag.png WisecotaWY State flag.svg WychelleMinara-Flag.png Zakahigan
Capital District Huntington(c)
Overseas Territories Flag of Arecales.png Arecales(c)Hartford Islands • Nahuwa Atoll