Collab:Pax Nova bids

From OpenGeofiction

This page is a consolidated place to manage the administrative process for OpenGeofiction cities to be able to host OGF's premier international sporting competition, held every four years (in years evenly divisible by 4). At the moment, games are only assigned retroactively, which means that only games before 2024 are available. One is held in February; another one takes place in August. To accommodate this general schedule, winter and summer bids will generally be located in the same hemisphere, although summer games located in equatorial/tropical areas may be held in either February or August depending on the winter city for that year.

About the Games

The current consensus is that the global, international Pax Nova Games games began in 1960 as a celebration of international peace and diplomacy following the end of the "Great War", hence the name "Pax Nova" ("new peace"). Prior to 1960, regions and/or continents also hosted sporting competitions for nations that share a region or continent. Some of these regional/continental games continue to modern times, likely in "off years" of the primary international games.


A select committee has been formed to oversee officially awarding games to applicant cities. Any mapper who owns a territory in OGF is eligible to apply to be a host city. The committee is composed of four mappers: wangi, Toadwart, Lithium-ion, and TheMayor.

Hosting 101

Hosting one of these events are an honor, and it is important that the mapping of these sites is of a high quality that befits such an international honor. The following is an overview of the necessary things to map and to consider when mapping the games in your city. The committee will use this to determine if your entry is complete enough to become canon, and it's essential that the games maintain consistency, so please read all of it, and refer to it while you're mapping.

Host City

For the venues consider the climatic conditions. Main factors are the latitude and the altitude. In each year divisible by 4, a summer event and a winter event are held. One is held in February, another one in August. Depending on the hemisphere of the host city, the appropriate date is chosen. As a consequence, both are likely to be held in the same hemisphere.

The summer games should have a summery weather so try to avoid being too close to the pole or too high and consider the hemisphere whose turn it is. Low latitudes in the "wrong" hemisphere may still hold the event in the winter months. The winter games should have a wintry weather, so high latitudes or altitudes are favourable here. The hemisphere and the timing of the event are even more relevant. To hold winter games in the summer months, you would need a even higher latitudes or altitudes, areas which are unlikely to have the appropriate infrastructure. Something else to consider is the age of your city and its periods of modernization.

Sport Venues

You may use a venue for more than one event, but think through the timing of the games which events can be held in shared venues and how much time it takes to rebuild it. Try to strike a balance between re-using venues and building new ones. Also consider that pre-existing stadiums or other venues may be able to serve as venues. In addition, please use international standards for the size of the fields of play in the venues.


For the summer games consider these sports/disciplines:

  • Athletics
  • Sports with a dedicated field/pitch:
    • Football (Soccer)
    • Field Hockey
    • Tennis
    • Beach Volleyball
    • Baseball
  • Water Sports
    • Swimming
    • Rowing, Canoe, Sailing etc...
  • Inside Sports:
    • Volleyball
    • Martial Arts
    • Shooting
    • Gymnastics
  • Equestrian
  • For a complete list of sports, see [here] Remember that some sports are recent inclusions or re-inclusions.


For the Winter games consider these sports/disciplines:

  1. Cross-Country Skiing
    • Biathlon pictogram.svg Biathlon
    • Cross country skiing pictogram.svg Cross-country skiing
    • Nordic combined pictogram.svg Nordic combined
  2. Curling
    • Curling pictogram.svg Curling
  3. Downhill Skiing
    • Alpine skiing pictogram.svg Downhill skiing
    • Snowboarding pictogram.svg Snowboarding
    • Freestyle skiing pictogram.svg Freestyle skiing
    • Ski jumping pictogram.svg Ski jumping
  4. Ice Hockey
    • Ice hockey pictogram.svg Ice hockey
  5. Skating
    • Figure skating pictogram.svg Figure skating
    • Short track speed skating pictogram.svg Short track speed skating
    • Speed skating pictogram.svg Speed skating
  6. Sleigh
    • Bobsleigh pictogram.svg Bobsleigh
    • Skeleton pictogram.svg Skeleton
    • Luge pictogram.svg Luge

That means you need…

  • a cross country skiing arena
    • a loop with a number of extensions, allowing for a loop length of 1500m, 2000m, 2500m, 3000m and 4000m (for instance a 1500m loop with a 500m extension and two 1000m extensions), two penalty loops adding 75m and 150m and a shooting range
  • a ski jump hill
  • an alpine donwhill piste
  • a medal plaza
  • an opening/closing arena
  • one or more ice hockey indoor venues
  • a figure skating venue
  • a track skating venue
  • a curling venue


Consider building new public transport to the main game venues or building the venues next to existing infrastructure. Rerouting buses and trams may be an option. Consider parking and highway access.

You further need accommodation for participants, officials and tourists. The "athletes' village" is usually reused as residential after the games.

Venues are often gathered together, and many games will have a central grouping of Venues located close to the Village.

Here's a list of non-sporting venues to include:

  • Hotel Accommodation for officials outside of the village (using existing hotels is acceptable)
  • Food Court/Other food focused area
  • Medals Plaza (Optional)
  • Translation Center
  • Press Center
  • Broadcast Center
  • Doping Centers
  • Central Clinic (should be in a central location and be large enough to provide many services)
  • IT Office
  • Electric Network (Generators, etc)
  • Geolympic Village (Very Important)
    • The village should be divided into an operation section, a residential section, and a central plaza.
    • Please include more amenities than just residential buildings.

2021 Map-off

Following contemporary discussions in summer 2021, as well as timed with the real-world international sporting event (you know the one), the OGF community made a concerted effort to create a singular list of Pax Nova Games hosts.

The idea was to have a more or less consistent list of cities which held the games, backed by a reasonable amount of mapping. For that reason this edition of the map-off was international games-themed. It couldn't be easier: Map venues. Summer or Winter games, both count.

Just check the RW games from the time you plan to map and see what infrastructure is needed. Usually a big stadium as the centerpiece, a village for the athletes and some more locations for other sports, like tennis courts, water venues, ski jumps, alpine pistes, etc. You also need some public and private transport infrastructure. This is further detailed down in the rest of the page.

While the official map-off has been completed, any "vacant" event year listed below is still available. If you are interested in making a bid for one of these vacant events, please use the "Discussion" tab to ask questions. This page will continued to be monitored by the sporting committee.

Selection Process

For the first round of awarding games, all bids had to be submitted no later than 8 August 2021. While all past summer bids have been assigned, the committee is still accepting submitted bids for vacant winter games, as well as bids for all regional games. To submit a bid, add it to the list below with a status of submitted.

To maintain fairness and to allow all mappers, current and future, the opportunity to work on a successful bid, all future summer bids must be from collaborative projects. These bids will be announced in advance, rather than after bids have been submitted. For mappers who would like to host international games in their nation, winter bids and all regional game bids are still available to bid on; the committee will review bids on a rolling basis and update the official canon as appropriate.

Games will be awarded using the following process:

  • First Review: After 8 Aug 2021, the committee reviewed all submitted bids for completeness and to ensure each bid has a level of quality that would befit the international stature required to host the games. Of the four committee members, three must agree that the bid is sufficient to move on to the next step.
  • Community Vote: For conflicting bids, a community vote was held that allowed OGF mappers to rate individual bids on a 1-5 scale.
  • Primary Ranking and Assignment: With Composite Scores in hand, for years with multiple bids, the bid with the highest composite score would earn the official awarding of the games for that year. For conflicting years (e.g., a year with a Northern summer games and a Southern winter games) the higher Composite Score of the two would determine the hemisphere for that year.
  • Secondary Ranking and Assignment: For non-winning bids that still passed the First Review, the committee will reach out to each bidder and offer alternate options to complete the schedule. First preference would be for adjacent vacant years, followed by vacant years within a 20-year window of the preferred bid. If no reasonable vacant years can be identified, the committee will offer the mapper an opportunity to host a regional/continental games instead, or the committee will identify potential changes to the bid to reasonably accommodate a different year. Note: Years are considered vacant if no bid is Submitted or Grandfathered at the time of the selection process. A year that has only "Drafted" or "Potential" bids is considered vacant.
  • Long-Term Bids: Once this process has been completed, a list of "vacant" years and games will be posted to the wiki. Mappers will be able to submit bids for any vacant year or improve a previous failed bid to request to host. The committee will reconvene as needed to review the bids, using the same review process established in the First Review step to determine a bid's suitability.

Official Games

Following the review of the initial set of bids, the committee is happy to announce that all grandfathered and submitted bids were considered acceptable. Bids that were uncontested were automatically assigned their preferred year; for contested years, the committee will solicit ratings on the affected bids from the OGF community to help determine the winning bid. Bids that were not top-ranked would be offered a vacant year, or the opportunity to bid on regional games instead.

Year Series Season City Country Hemisphere Mapper Bid Status Notes
2024 XVII Summer Gobras City GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya Northern community bid Accepted Gobras City will also host the 1996 Pan-Uletha Games.
2020 XVI Summer Kirchenburg Lentian flag.svg Lentia Northern Friedrich Kirchen Accepted Uncontested
2016 XV Summer Quentinsburgh FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Equatorial Ernestpkirby Accepted Legacy bid; previously accepted
2016 XV Winter Noveh Mehsto Template:Neo Delta Southern Deltanz Pending Uncontested; original grandfathered bid was for 2018. Awaiting final approval of year by host mapper.
2012 XIV Summer New Tyrrin Esheinflag.png Eshein Northern Ifgus Accepted Bid rated 3.43 by the OGF community
2008 XIII Summer Tarott Kalm flag.svg Kalm Northern Joschi81 Accepted Uncontested
2004 XII Summer Trevers ParoyFlag.png Paroy Equatorial PortCal Accepted Bid rated 4.22 by the OGF community
2000 XI Summer Lake City Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan, Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Southern TheMayor Accepted Uncontested
2000 XI Winter Yorakēa Template:Anglesbury and Youcesterland Southern Toadwart Accepted Uncontested
1996 X Winter Cook Springs ClamashFlag.png Clamash, Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Southern Glauber Accepted Uncontested 1992 winter bid; moved to 1996 based on result of 1992 summer conflicting bids.
1992 IX Summer Säntjana Karolia national flag.png Karolia Northern Sarepava Accepted Bid rated 3.35 by the OGF community
1988 VIII Summer Xiongjing Bai flag.png Bai Empire Northern Zhenkang Accepted Bid rated 4.35 by the OGF community
1984 VII Summer Pyingshum Kojo flag ddtuga.png Kojo Northern Leowezy Accepted Uncontested
1980 VI Summer İskenderiya Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti Northern Rustem Pasha Approved Runner-up to 2004 bid. Bid rated 3.48 by the OGF community.
1976 V Summer Fayaan City Template:Fayaan Northern Fayaan Accepted Uncontested
1972 IV Summer reserved alternate year
1968 III Summer reserved alternate year
1964 II Summer Minneuka Mennowa Flag revised.svg Mennowa, Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Southern Alessa and Leowezy Accepted Uncontested
1960 I Summer Saviso Vodeo Flag.png Vodeo Equatorial ParAvion Accepted Uncontested
1960 I Winter Kingstown Drapeau Agawaskway.svg Agawaskway,2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca
Ouanatchkan,2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca
Southern Kingstown Team
(Coordinator: varnel_maiser), diamantschiff for skiing sites in Ouanatchkan.
Accepted Uncontested. Originally approved for Sainte Margaux, FSA; relocated to Kingstown, Deodeca following Deodeca's establishment and the relocation of mapping from Ste. Margaux.
TBD III or IV Summer Rivador FQ Bixelkoven proposal3.png Valony Northern Le Mathou Pending Runner-up to 2012 bid. Bid rated 3.22 by the OGF community. Awaiting final approval of year by host mapper; top priority for vacant year games.
TBD III or IV Summer Freistat Mergania flag.png Mergania Northern mstr Pending Runner-up to 1988 bid. Bid rated 1.52 by the OGF community. Awaiting final approval of year by host mapper; second priority for vacant year games.

Current Bids

The table below summarizes current bids or bid intentions. Mappers are encouraged to add completed bids to this table, marked as submitted (ready to be reviewed by the committee). For bids that are currently being assembled, mappers are welcome to add drafted (a mapper is currently assembling a bid but is not yet ready to submit their bid to the committee) or potential (a mapper is showing their intent to submit a bid but is not ready to enter a bid draft yet) bids to the second table below. Submitted bids must include links to a sandbox bid page. For bids that are not year-specific, please put a range of dates in italics in the "year" column (e.g., 2000-2020).

Bids and Availability

Only add completed bids to this table. Potential bids, or bids under construction/development, can be listed in the following section.

Year Series Season Status Hemisphere City Country Mapper Bid Status Notes
2024 XVII Summer Not Available Awarded to Gobras City, GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
2020 XVI Summer Not Available Awarded to Kirchenburg, Lentian flag.svg Lentia
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
2016 XV Summer Not Available Awarded to Quentinsburgh, FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia
Winter Not Available Reserved as option for Noveh Mehsto, Template:Neo Delta
2012 XIV Summer Not Available Awarded to New Tyrrin, Esheinflag.png Eshein
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
2008 XIII Summer Not Available Awarded to Tarott, Kalm flag.svg Kalm
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
2004 XII Summer Not Available Awarded to Trevers, ParoyFlag.png Paroy
Winter Available Either add additional bids here
2000 XI Summer Not Available Awarded to Lake City, Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan, Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States
Winter Not Available Awarded to Yorakēa, Template:Aorangēa
1996 X Summer Submitted Southern Bako-Huz, FlagKofuku.jpg Kofuku
Winter Not available Awarded to Cook Springs, ClamashFlag.png Clamash, Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States
1992 IX Summer Not available Awarded to Säntjana, Karolia national flag.png Karolia
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
1988 VIII Summer Not available Awarded to Xiongjing, Bai flag.png Bai Empire
Winter Available Southern add additional bids here
1984 VII Summer Not available Awarded to Pyingshum, Kojo flag ddtuga.png Kojo
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
1980 VI Summer Not available Awarded to İskenderiya, Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
1976 V Summer Not available Awarded to Fayaan City, Template:Fayaan
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
1972 IV Summer Not available Reserved for compensatory pick
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
1968 III Summer Not available Reserved for compensatory pick
Winter Available Northern add additional bids here
1964 II Summer Not available Awarded to Minneuka, Mennowa Flag revised.svg Mennowa, Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States
Winter Available Southern add additional bids here
1960 I Summer Not available Awarded to Saviso, Vodeo Flag.png Vodeo
Winter Not available Awarded to Kingstown, 2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca

Potential and Other Bids

Year Season City Country Continent Mapper Bid Status Notes
2028 Summer Soprasser Ohemian Imperial Flag Large.png Ohemia Uletha Joebro Potential Mapping in progress
2024 Winter Uodgieńyca UL14b flag.png Geklinia-Dregolesia West Uletha Mie Potential Mapping underway
2020 Winter Sannupuri Izaland flag.png Izaland Uletha Izaland Terramorphing Committee Potential Mapping to start soon (June 2023)
2016 Winter Överdalen Silland country flag.png Silland Uletha Liadrien Drafted Proposal being worked on, finishing mapping
2012 Southern Silverdale/San Daniel Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Archanta iiEarth and Brunanter Drafted Skiing area mapped, indoor sports venue under progress. Bumped from 2012 due to northern summer games.
1996 Summer Gobras City Gobrassanya Uletha community bid Approved Original 1996 bid is for Pan-Ulethan Games; Gobras City is also awarded the 2024 Geolympic games
1996 Summer Nautecove Canterra flag.png Canterra Uletha Awesomeboy123 Potential Mapping has started, more detailed work may begin soon.
1996 Summer Bako-Huz FlagKofuku.jpg Kofuku Antarephia Huachachi Submitted
1984 Winter TBD Flag of Plevia.svg Plevia Uletha Izaland Terramorphing Committee and Mtejku22 Potential In discussion phase
1980 Winter Cauwaih/Flumebury Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Archanta Fluffr_Nuttr and Zytik Potential Mapping underway. Bumped from 1980 due to northern games.
1976 Winter Jåhre Silland country flag.png Silland Uletha Liadrien Potential Mapping underway (prioritised under 2014 bid)
1964 Winter Dennison Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Archanta brunanter Drafted Mapping underway, organized in draft page
1932 Summer Pirindi Flag of Guai.svg Guai Antarephia Aiki Grandfathered

Gallery of Bid Logos