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This page lists all OGF languages and their corresponding 'real world' language (where one exists). Please use blue background to indicate languages which are identical with languages in the real world or with some minor difference (only one per real world language!)

Language Countries where spoken Language
(real world description)
Country of Origin Language Group Notes
Áardiqqut Ruoguovvás,Norðurland Conlang in the sillimi group mimicking aspects of Kallalisut and Inuktitut Ruoguovvás Karoic-Ugric Spoken as a regional language in Jiehkkiednuuddit in Ruoguovvás as well as Sillimfólkafylki in Norðurland
Adarian Adaria Mix of Spanish, Catalan, and Japanese. Written in Japanese kana. Adaria Castellanese Creole Used in Adaria as vehicular language between states. Only spoken as a native language in bigger cities where inter-state marriage is common.
Aeránanue Airannia An a priori conlang project by Taka Airannia Antarephian
Aloran Alora related to Filipino and Pidgin Alora Asperic/Asanic Language is Unique to the Aloran people
Altazorian Ardisphere Luciano's creation: mixing North and South American Native Languages (Dakota, P'urep'echa, Mapudungun, Nahuatl) Ardisphere Archantan Indigenous Native Language of a people of the Gwynian peninsula. Spoken in communities in Southern and Central Ardisphere.
Antharian Until 1980 Antharia and Aurenia Unique Latin-derived language, similar to Romanian and French, having Slavic, Greek and Turkish influences. - created by Stjur Antharia Uletarephian/Romantish Dead language, superseded by Franquese and Romanish.
Axay Chara Uletarephian/Syrillangan
Aŭstro Aŭstrasuno Tero Based on Esperanto. Probably somewhere in Uletha, evolved in partial isolation. Uletarephian/Proto-Ulethan Official language in Aŭstrasuno Tero.
Babelic Tigeria Based on Hebrew and uses Chinese characters, later transliterated to English. Semetic
Bai Babelic 百语 (bai-yu) Bai Empire, Kuehong, Cinasia, Sin Se, Tigeria Chinese (main dialect is Mandarin) Bai Empire Huayanic Mainly spoken in Northern Archanta with plenty of derivative dialects.
Bade (Ba-dé) Kuehong conlang created by Ūdilugbulgidħū. With more Vietic-like influences on the language. Kuehong Axian-Ardentic Native Language spoken only in Lake Dura area of Kuehong by the tribe of Ba-dé. Endangered (c1000 speakers)
Barzonian (Barzuna) Barzona Incorporates elements from Spanish, Catalan, and other Iberian/Romance languages into the language Uletarephian/Romantish Official language in Barzona
Beha Vodeo No links to real-world languages Vodeo Vodean One of Vodeo's three official languages.
Belgravian Belgravia, Brasonia, Luslandia Portuguese and Slavic dialects mixed Belgravia TBD Official language in Belgravia.
Bofobundan (بفبلالا bofolala) Commonia, West Commonia, Ardisphere Luciano's creation: random invented elements with borrowings from Farsi, Tagalog, Korean. Written using "Parsan" alphabet (Farsi). Unknown Archantan Indigenous Native Language of the Bofobunda people, with immigrant populations in several countries.
Brasonian Brasonia, Cariocas, Luslandia Brazillian Portuguese Brasonia Uletarephian/Romantish Official language in Cariocas and Brasonia. Spoken in Luslandia too.
Cambric Ardisphere, Tircambry Welsh (Celtic) Tircambry Uletarephian/Caeltig (Brethanic branch) Also known as Cambraeg, related to early Proto-Ulethan languages.
Caruque Ardisphere Luciano's creation: essentially based on Karuk Language (Native Californian Language in Algonkian language group) Ardisphere Archantan Indigenous Native Language of a people of the Gwynian peninsula. Spoken in communities in Northeastern Ardisphere.
Castellanese (Castilian) Widely spoken around the world. Ardisphere, Castellán, San Marcos, Takora, Tárrases, Vega, Castilea Archantea Form of Spanish / Spanish Castellán Uletarephian/Romantish Official language of Ardisphere, Castellán; known as Castilian in Vega and Castilea Archantea; also known natively as casteñol
Catanese Adaria Form of Catalan language / Catalan Castellán Uletarephian/Romantish Spoken by people in Canàlia (State of Adaria)
Četketomsijede Ruoguovvás Conlang of the Sillimi group mimicking aspects of Nganasan Ruoguovvás Karoic-Ugric Official language of Četket in Ruoguovvás
Drabantian Drabantia Czech Drabantia Uletarephian/Syrillangan
Edetanese Castilea Archantea A unique language based on Catalan, Spanish, Latin, Occitan and Aragonese Castilea Archantea Uletarephian/Romantish?
Eelandese Eelanti Finnish Eelanti Uletarephian/Karoic-Ugric Only spoken in Eelanti
Eganian Rhododactylia, Egani, Niscavo, Vatofarê Greek Egani Uletarephian/Hellanisian
Eshen Eshein Partly English and German Eshein Uletarephian/Gaermanic Also known as Eshenska
Estianish Estiany (Estianish name: Ísztianország) Hungarian Uletarephian/Uletho-Ugric
Etallic Vodeo No links to real-world languages Vodeo Vodean Regional language spoken in parts of western Vodeo, particularly Rutania.
Florescentian Brasonia, Cariocas, Carpathia, Florescenta, Luslandia, South Astrasian Federation, Islatramma Portuguese TBD Uletarephian/Romantish Official language in Florescenta.
Franquese Antharia (only Quartia region), Ardencia, Ardisphere, Broceliande, Lorredion, Paroy French Franqueterre Uletarephian/Romantish
Lechian Ardencia (partially), Lechia, Ruoguovvás based on Polish Lechia Uletarephian/Gaermanic or Uletarephian/Syrillangan?
Garlian Garlis based on Romanian and Latin Garlis Uletarephian/Romantish Official language of Garlis, also spoken by minorities in eastern Kalm and southwestern Ísztianország.
Gaskúšillimigiella Ruoguovvás Pitä Sami Ruoguovvás Karoic-Ugric Regional language of Gaskús of Ruoguovvás
Glastian Glaster No links to real world Glaster Isolate Mostly extinct and unspoken in either countries.
Gobrasi languages Alora, Gobrassanya, Khaiwoon Unique languages inspired by random influences, with some vaguely southeast Asian elements Gobrassanya Asperic/Asanic Languages evolved from various Gobrasi peoples Including Maranese/Gorrawa, Pohalanese, Yanti, Colquit, etc.
Gohangukian (고한국어 go-han-guk-eo) Ardisphere, Commonia, Gobrassanya, Orinoco, Bai Empire Korean Gohanguk Isolate Significant minority language in Ardisphere. Official language of Ardispherian federal subject Colonia Coreana (CC).
Grinzian Grinzez vague Asian characteristics Grinzez Axian-Ardentic
Grisean Grey Coast No links Grey Coast Antarephian language isolate Official language of Grey Coast
Hikvang Valaga Indigenous language spoken by native tribes Valaga Isolate
Ingerish Widely spoken around the world English Ingerland Uletarephian/Gaermanic This language serves as the official language of many countries. (aka Inglish)
Iscuan Iscu Conlang Iscu Asperic (Sometime considered an isolate) Only spoken on Kadla Atoll in Iscu
Plevian Ispelia, Plevia based on Italian / Italian Plevia Uletarephian/Romantish
Itanese Aerágny, Allendea, Yrasẽmatetã Guaraní Yrasẽmatetã Itapá Itanese is one of the official languages of the Federated Kingdoms of Yrasẽmatetã and a minority language in Aerágny and Allendea.
Izaki Izaland almost original conlang based on Japanese (phonetics, part of vocaboulary) and Finnish (phonetics, partially grammar) Izaland Isolate Spoken in Izaland, minor language in Kojo, Belphenia
Jiemiesillimigiella Ruoguovvás & Norðurland Northern Sámi Ruoguovvás Karoic-Ugric By far the most widely spoken language in the Sillimi language group
Karolian Karolia, Meridonia An indigenous language based on Estonian with some Finnish and Hungarian tones Karolia Uletarephian/Karoic-Ugric Language that developed in near-isolation in central Archanta
Kalmish Kalm German Kalm Uletarephian/Gaermanic
Khaiwoonese Khaiwoon vaguely Asian-inspired, no real world basis Khaiwoon Asperic/Asanic Closely related to some native Gobrasi languages in Gobrassanya, particularly in the southeast.
Kiolari Rogolnika Conlang created by Boge Rogolnika Archantan Indigenous Co-official language of Ingerish in Rogolnika
Kojolese Kojo Conlang by Leowezy; Based on Pyilser, with strong Hopponese influence since 17th century Kojo, especially around today's Pyingshum Kimo-Axian language family (language isolate), considered a creole by a few linguists Official language of Kojo
Ilkova Kovatany Malagasy Kovatany Asperic/Asanic Official language of Kovatany ~100,000 speakers.
Kuehongese (Tiếng Quê
Kuehong Vietnamese (uses both Quốc Ngữ and simplified Chinese script (a reference to Chữ Nôm)) Kuehong Axian-Ardentic Mainly spoken around Kuehong.
Kyori Karolia Dialect of Karolian with distinctive features based on Hungarian and Sami languages. Karolia Uletarephian/Karoic-Ugric
Lallans Ionadàlba Scots Ionadàlba Uletarephian/Caeltig Official language of Ionadàlba; 2 dialects
Latinian Latina A Spanish creole unique to Latina Uletarephian/Romantish
Lentian Ambrosia (Leonia province), Denghio, Fayaan, Lentia, Utterland, Vega (Nederlandia province), Verbruggen and Mokelulu Dutch Lentia and Utterland Uletarephian/Gaermanic High Astrasian is a daughter language of Lentian
Litvanian Litvania A unspecified mix of Polish, Slovak and sometimes Czech. Litvania Syrillangan
Livnian Zalivnia Serbian Zalivnia Uletharepian/Syrillangan (Slevic)
Lonica Ardisphere Luciano's creation: random elements, borrowing from Mayan, Mapudungun Ardisphere Archantan Indigenous Native Language of a people of the Gwynian peninsula. Spoken in communities in Northern and Central Ardisphere.
Lonoese Lonowai (Gobrassanya) vaguely Polynesian inspired, no real world basis Lonowai Asperic/Islandic
Luslandese Luslandia, Cariocas Portuguese dialect based on Florescentian. Luslandia Uletarephian/Romantish Official language in Luslandia.
Mallyorian Mallyore Croatian Mallyore Uletharepian/Syrillangan (Slevic) Official language in Mallyore.
Maurit Mauretia Fictional Romance language with Semitic and Berber substrata Mauretia From sister family to Uletarephian/Romantish and with significant Semetic substrata
Mayanse Balam-Utz Based on Mayan languages (Maya, Lacandon, Criollo, Spanish.) Balam-Utz Liberan Indigenous Unique to this region of Uletha
Mazanic (المظاني) Mazan, Aden, Castellán, Pretany, Egani, Unesia, Almahrus Arabic Mazan Semetic
(Bahasa Mejayi بهاس ملايي/بهاس ماج)
Lorotoban, Wallea, Mathani, Commonwealth of Central Archanta Malay Asperic
Mergan Mergany, Synergetische Union Mergan language is based on German, with some new words from nordic languages such as Swedish. Mergany Uletarephian/Gaermanic Native language of Mergan people and spoken in neighboring countries of [[Mergany] (for example Synergetische Union); Eastern Ulethan variety of Kalmish.
Myrcian Official language of Myrcia Similar to Old English Myrcia Uletarephian/Gaermanic (closely related to Ingerish and Scandic) Ingerish is now the de facto language in urban Myrcia but Myrcian still widely spoken and used officially.
Meridonian Meridonia, Karolia Similar to Románš language Meridonian Uletarephian/Romantish
Monolitzhen Kofuku Not real world basis Kofuku A native language of Kofuku mountains that is divided in two dialects.
Mordvin Chara Turka dialect Uletarephian/Syrillangan
Nakhewizic Apawiland, Federal States of Archanta Based off Sioux, some Utian. Apawiland, Federal States of Archanta Language isolate Regional language of Apawiland.
Nærs Norðurland Based on nordic languages (influenced by Icelandic, Norwegian, danish, Swedish) Norðurland Uletarephian/Gaermanic Recognized as national language, mostly spoken in Suður-Nærsland]].
New Scandic Ostermark based on Swedish with Danish Ø and Æ / Swedish Scandmark Uletarephian/Gaermanic National language.
Nihonish Belphenia, Hoppon, Tengappei Japanese–English mix Belphenia, Hoppon Official language in Belphenia
Niulutic Niulutan Riu No real world basis, with some influences of Sinhalian and Hindi. Niulutan Riu Persephian
Norlensk Norðurland Icelandic Norðurland Uletarephian/Gaermanic National language
Niwanese/Ninwanese (任和语) Bai Empire Japanese OGF Japanese homeland (Ninwa) Placeholder name for a Japanese language
Ohemian Ohemia, Lonnica, ... No real world elements, with very slight Eastern European inspirations Ohemian Jolantian/Ohemic
Onnutuan Onnutu vaguely Polynesian inspired, no real world basis Onnutu Asperic/Islandic
Paxlinga Paxtar
Rakhoda Makaska, Federal States Sioux (Dakota dialect) Archantan Indigenous
Ree Reeland Similar to German/Dutch, with Greek and fictional (proto-Ree) words Ree island Uletarephian/Gaermanic Originated from proto-Ree, a native language with Greek influences, mixed with the language of Gaermanic immigrants.
Roantian Roantra Roantra
Romanish Antharia, Iviron, Niscavo, Glagol, Suria Romanian Antharia Uletarephian/Romantish includes the following dialects:
Románš Karolia, Ardisphere Based on Romanian and other minority Romance languages in Eastern Europe such as Friulan Uletarephian/Romantish Minority language in Karolia, its former colonies and the Ardisphere
Romantian Pretany Based on Latin (Classical language) Pretany Uletarephian
Sawiri (Sagüirí) Sagüira Arabic transcribed with Spanish spelling rules Sagüira Isolate Language is Unique to the Sawiri people
Sanain Sãikyel Direct descendant of Proto-Indo-European Sãikyel Uletarephian, not classifiable into a subfamily. Spoken in Sãikyel and by immigrants abroad
Sandrin Vodeo No links to real-world languages Vodeo Vodean Regional language spoken in Sandrina and parts of Avalon, New Rutland, and Trinity.
Sathrian Sathria, Egani Sathria
Suolitsillimigiella Ruoguovvás Conlang in the sillimi group, similair to Jiemiesillimigiella but with several distinguishing aspects Ruoguovvás Karoic-Ugric
Svennish Ruoguovvás Swedish Ruoguovvás Uletarephian/Gaermanic
Suraté Midistland Kannada Midistland Shía/Rugenia
Surian Sur Republic (Suria) Russian Sur Republic (Suria) Uletarephian/Syrillangan
Suurisana Viljanni Finnish
Tanayo Tanay Language inspired by many Filipino and Malay dialects. Tanay Asperic/Asanic Official language of Tanay
Teps Karolia, Arataran Distinctive dialect of Karolian with Romantisch influences Karolia Uletarephian/Karoic-Ugric
Thirranic Thirran No links Thirran, Grey Coast Antarephian language isolate Official language of Thirran, regional language in Grey Coast. Dialects may vary.
Torian Vodeo No links to real-world languages Vodeo Vodean Regional language spoken in Vadiorare.
Tupi-Guarani Cariocas Indigenous Islandic Cariocas Asperic/Islandic Several dialects exist
Wystrian Wyster, Glaster no morphologic relation to earth-languages Wyster