Federal States

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Flag of Federal States Federal States of Archanta

Capital: Huntington
Motto: Semper Libertas

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The Federal States of Archanta (abbreviated as FSA), more commonly known as the Federal States (abbreviated as FS), is a large country primarily located in southern Archanta. The country is a federal republic of 57 states, an administratively independent capital district, and some overseas territories. All 57 states and the capital district are part of a contiguous mainland in southern Archanta that reaches from the Asperic Ocean to the Ardentic Ocean. The Federal States borders Deodeca to its southwest, Ardencia and Astrasia to the south, Unesia and Randalia to the northeast, and Piscipula and Cambria to the north. At 1.3 million square miles (3.5 million square kilometers), it is one of the largest countries in the world. The capital is Huntington, and its largest metropolitan areas include Stanton and Esperanza.


Open Book icon.svg
History of the Federal States of Archanta
Before independence(before 1757)
• Early exploration and missionary work1500s–1700s
• Early colonization by Ulethan powers1600s–1800s
Independence(after 1757)
• Valonnais Concessions1790s
• Acquisition of Alormen1840
• Clamash Purchase1842

The land of the Federal States was first traversed and settled by various Archantan peoples prior to Ulethan discovery. Discovery was first made by Ingrea, Valonne, and Castellan—countries whose linguistic, cultural, and religious influences left prominent lasting legacies. The Ingerish, in particular, started major colonization efforts on the eastern coast. Aided by relative isolation and distance from Ingrea proper, the colonies developed its own culture and political desires. After an armed conflict to be free from the Ingerish crown, the eastern colonies became an independent country in 1757. The new states chose a federal-republic form of government, allowing for a notable degree of state autonomy within the larger, unified country. This origin solidified the dominant Ingerish language, political structure, and many cultural and socio-political elements of Federal States society.

Over the next few decades after independence, the Federal States quickly expanded westward across the Asphale Mountains and to the Alormen River. New states were admitted as settlement increased. Indigenous Archantan peoples were often driven out or consigned to dedicated lands during this expansion period. By the 1790s, the Federal States was gradually acquiring land opposite the Alormen River from Valonne's nominal holdings from roughly the Kinnowa River southward. By 1810, states were being admitted into the federal union west of the Alormen River. The Federal States continued to expand north and west, this time with acquisitions from Castellanese colonies in the northwest, an independent Alormen (which itself had partially been under Castellanese control), and the valuable valley of the Clamash Purchase from Ingrea's Deodeca colonies. With massive expansion, numerous natural resources, and longstanding peace with external powers, the Federal States emerged as a major economic and military power in the twentieth century.


Community Noun project 4864.svg
Geography of the Federal States of Archanta
ContinentArchanta (Southern)
• Total3,487,000 km2
1,346,000 sq mi
Select major riversAlormen, Carnaby, Massodeya
Time zoneWUT+9, +10


The Federal States, on the highest level, is divided into numerous states and a capital district, along with several overseas territories. Each subdivision holds administrative jurisdiction over a defined territory, and the federal government devolves certain responsibilities to the governments of the subdivisions. Every state is further divided into counties (or county equivalents), districts, regions, and municipalities. The administration and status Native Archantan lands varies from state to state, but are not recognized by the federal government as equal subdivisions to states.

Each state and the capital district sends a set number of representatives to the Congress of the Federal States, based on population. Overseas territories such as Arecales do not have representatives in the Senate, but can send non-voting observer delegates to the General Assembly.

State Overseas Territory Capital District
Subdivisions of the Federal States
Name Code Capital City Largest City Population Total Area in mi² (km²) Land Area in mi² (km²) Map
Alormen Flag.jpg Alormen AL Alamar Andreapolis 17,500,000 159,309 (412,608) 147,686 (382,504) Map
Flag of Apawiland.png Apawiland AW Silverdale Silverdale 362,486 7,856 (20,345) Map
Flag of Arecales.png Arecales AR Arecales Town Arecales Town 20,567 (53,268) 759 (1,967) Map
AR120-17 Astrantia flag 1a.png Astrantia AS Hope Harbor Newport 6,278 (16,261) 3,933 (10,185) Map
Template:Huntington CP 352 (919) Map
ClamashFlag.png Clamash CL Clifford Wahanta 2,059,342 38,431 (99,536) 37,641 (97,489) Map
Cosperica CO Sta. Maria de la Esperanza 113,274 (293,377) 97,743 (253,152) Map
Flag of Des Plaines.png Des Plaines DP Steeletown Steeletown 2,607,104 19,736 (51,117) 19,736 (51,117) Map
Unknown Flag.png East Massodeya EM Casparis 35,889 (92,952) Map
Eustacia EU Hazelboro Hazelboro 29,288 (75,855) ** Map
Gnaerey GY South Minneuka South Minneuka 22,960 (59,467) Map
Template:Hyde HY Worthington Worthington 1,432,784 4,102 (10,624) ** Map
Illuvia Flag V2.svg Illuvia IL Armot Armot 3,312,047 15,821(40,977) Map
Flag of Iroquesia.png Iroquesia IR Finch Hill Finch Hill 13,280 (34,396) 12,254 (31,738) Map
Flag of Laine.png Laine LN Halison Orterrado 8,946 (23,169) ** Map
Luciano Flag Makaska 01.png Makaska MK Marksville Ohunkagan 4,000,000 12,477 (32,316) 6,842 (17,721) Map
Mennowa Flag revised.svg Mennowa ME Fort Constable Minneuka 44,329 (114,812) 44,203 (114,485) Map
Unknown Flag.png Michisaukee MC Darsons Massodeya City 39,122 (101,326) Map
Minnonigan Flag.png Minnonigan MN Thomasford Lake City 6,038,442 18,444 (47,769) 16,646 (43,114) Map
Unknown Flag.png New Carnaby NC Waltmore Stanton 35,724 (92,526) ** Map
Template:Nahuwa Atoll NH 893 (2,286) ** Map
File:Flag of Oakley.png Oakley OA Fallport Hartport 3,000,000 2,574 (6,666) 2,174 (5,626) Map
Ogdalenflag.png Ogdalen OG Adamsville Adamsville 2,500,000 Map
Opelika OP Cumberland Richardsport 2,439,051 12,903 (33,420) 10,835 (28,062) Map
4 FSA OrangeCoast.png Orange Coast OC Bronson City San Bruno 5,452 (14,121) 4,194 (10,863) Map
Flag of Passamaqueets.png Passamaqueets PA Wincheford Burton 3,500,000 2340.78 (6062.60) 1631.79 (4226.31) Map
Passitania-flag.png Passitania PS Madawan Catterick 5,562,340 27,219 (70,498) Map
Penquisset Flag.jpg Penquisset PQ Newburyport Warwick 6,643,201 3,015 (7,810) ** Map
New Riopoderos flag.png Riopoderos RS Colurona Swansonville 2,874,000 29,138 (75,466) Map
Ruppacke RP Hammond Dunchurch 6,986 (18,095) 6,274 (16,248) Map
Seneppi SN Personsboro Wallawaukee 4,072,877 19,068 (49,385) ** Map
Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra SA Elvira Dennison 3,700,000 52,480 (135,921) Map
Template:Tauhon TA Jundah 10,489,220 29,204 (75,638) 25,346 (65,646) Map
Tempache flag.png Tempache TM San Pablo Los Reyes 6,796,240 37,135 (96,180) 32,977 (85,409) Map
FlagTennewa.png Tennewa TE Chottane Barstone 1,779,491 ** Map
WM flag.png West Massodeya WM Caldwell City Caldwell City 46,926 (121,538) Map
Whitestoneflag.png Whitestone WH Eveleigh Eveleigh 1,138,278 3,231 (8,368) 2,536 (6,569) Map
WisecotaFlag.png Wisecota WI 13,825 (35,807) ** Map
WY State flag.svg Wychelle WY Cheviot Nenova 960,000 17,743 (45,955) Map
Minara-Flag.png Zakahigan ZH Plainsburgh Maquadena 20,938 (54,229) ** Map

Government and Politics

Government icon (black).svg
Government of the Federal States of Archanta
Presidential Federal Republic
Head of state
• President(elected in 2023)
• Vice-President(elected in 2023)
LegislatureCongress of the Federal States
• Upper houseSenate of the Federal States
• Lower houseGeneral Assembly of the Federal States
JudiciaryHigh Court of the Federal States

The Federal States of Archanta has a national government that is a presidential constitutional federal republic. There are three separate, independent branches of the government: legislative, executive, and judicial. As a whole, it is an indirect democracy, meaning delegates are elected into government offices to vote on bills that become law instead of holding public referenda. The actions each part of the government is permitted to make is governed by the Constitution of the Federal States. It has been amended several times, to accommodate various social, political, and economic changes in the world and the country. The constitution distributes the responsibilities of governance to each branch and level of government.

The bodies making up each branch of the Federal States federal government are:

  • Legislative: The bicameral Congress of the Federal States, comprised of the General Assembly and Senate, creates bills that become Federal Laws and amends or removes Federal Laws that already exist.
  • Executive: The President is the Head of State, as well as Commander-in-Chief of the Federal States Military. The President executes and enforces Federal Laws, and to that end appoints their cabinet, as well as the heads of various government agencies. On lower levels of government, this branch is fulfilled by State Governors, their cabinets, and agencies. Policing forces on all levels of government also fall under the Executive Branch.
  • Judicial: The High Court has the highest judicial jurisdiction of the Federal States, and it determines the practical interpretation of Federal Law. The High Court also has the power to determine the constitutionality, and thus the legality, of certain Federal Laws. On lower levels of government, the states have their own highest courts, who may interpret State Law similarly.

The Senate of the Federal States is the upper house, and the General Assembly of the Federal States is the lower house of a bicameral national legislature (collectively, the Congress). Seats in the upper house is uniform for every state, based on equal representation. Seats in the lower house are allotted to states based on population. Each Federal State is divided into a number of electoral districts, divided by population, that elects members of Congress. All congressional representatives are elected by popular vote. As executive, the President has the power to appoint judges to the High Court of the Federal States (subject to review by Congress), and Congress has the power to remove judges who are deemed unfit for service in the High Court. The executive is independent of the legislature, elected separately, and constrained by the constitution in power.

In accordance with the domestic federalism, the responsibilities of governance are devolved in part to state levels, and states further devolve some to local levels. Each of these levels has their own legislative, executive, and judicial branch that parallels the national model (three equal branches of government, checks and balances, and a strong but constrained and independent executive). The influencing of one branch of government on another is prohibited by the constitution, to preserve the checks and balances it establishes.

Foreign Relations

The Federal States has an established system of foreign relations. It hosts numerous embassies of nations around the world in Huntington, and maintains embassies in many countries around the world. Several countries have additional consulates elsewhere throughout the Federal States.

Diplomatic Missions of the Federal States
Missions of the Federal States in other countries Missions of other countries in the Federal States
Country (Represented in) Mission Type Location Country (Represented by) Mission Type Location
Aden New Flag.png Aden N/A N/A Aden New Flag.png Aden Embassy Huntington
Allendea-Flag.png Allendea Embassy Catamia Allendea-Flag.png Allendea Embassy Huntington
Flag of Ambrosia.jpg Ambrosia Embassy Port Ambroise Flag of Ambrosia.jpg Ambrosia N/A N/A
Anrovia Embassy Anrovia City Anrovia N/A N/A
Flag of Antharia.svg Antharia Embassy Borrodin Flag of Antharia.svg Antharia Embassy Huntington
Flag of Ardencia.svg Ardencia Embassy Saint-Armand Flag of Ardencia.svg Ardencia Embassy Huntington
Consulate Belmont Consulate Maquadena
Astrasian Confederacy Consulate General Sainte-Inès Astrasian Confederacy N/A N/A
Bai flag.png Bai Empire N/A N/A Bai flag.png Bai Empire Embassy Huntington
BNV flag.png Banuvia N/A N/A BNV flag.png Banuvia Embassy Huntington
Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona Embassy Carante Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona Embassy Huntington
Consulate General Barzona City
Beldonia Embassy Domje Beldonia N/A N/A
Belgravia Embassy Slovech Belgravia Embassy Huntington
Belphenia N/A N/A Belphenia Embassy Huntington
2 Brasonia.png Brasonia Embassy Campo Verde 2 Brasonia.png Brasonia Embassy Huntington
Consulate General San Bruno
Consulate Wallawaukee
Broceliande N/A N/A Broceliande Embassy Huntington
Bromley Flag Update August 2021.png Bromley Embassy Bromley City Bromley Flag Update August 2021.png Bromley Embassy Huntington
DrapeauCAB.svg Cabelia Embassy Boncharté FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Embassy Huntington
2 Cariocas.png Cariocas Embassy Ytakolo'my 2 Cariocas.png Cariocas Embassy Huntington
Republic of Cinasia.png Cinasia Embassy Yu-King Republic of Cinasia.png Cinasia Embassy Huntington
Consulate General Tamón
Commonwealth of Central Archanta Embassy Bambusho Commonwealth of Central Archanta Embassy Huntington
Consulate General Port Lagbard
Cygagon N/A N/A Cygagon Embassy Huntington
Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti Consulate Neril Flag of Demirhan Empire.png Demirhanlı Devleti Embassy Huntington
2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca Embassy Stradworth 2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca Consulate General Lake City
Consulate General Glenburn
Consulate General Kingstown
Consulate General Liernase
Consulate General New Reydon
Drabantia flag.png Drabantia N/A N/A Drabantia flag.png Drabantia Embassy Huntington
Flag with question mark.svg Drull N/A N/A Flag with question mark.svg Drull Embassy Huntington
Esheinflag.png Eshein Embassy New Tyrrin Esheinflag.png Eshein Embassy Huntington
FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Embassy Quentinsburgh FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia Embassy Huntington
Consulate Wallawaukee
Geare Embassy Bellavance Geare Embassy Huntington
UL14b flag.png Geklinia-Dregolesia Embassy Dobranka UL14b flag.png Geklinia-Dregolesia Embassy Huntington
GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya N/A N/A GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya Embassy Huntington
Flag of Guai.svg Guai Embassy Pirindi Flag of Guai.svg Guai Embassy Huntington
Consulate General Jundah
Flag of Helvetiania.jpg Helvetiania Embassy Gentsch Flag of Helvetiania.jpg Helvetiania Embassy Huntington
Izaland flag.png Izaland N/A N/A Izaland flag.png Izaland Embassy Huntington
Consulate Jundah
Jambukhand Embassy Antarim Jambukhand N/A N/A
Flag of Kalisanjo.png Kalisänjo Embassy Sediharaja Flag of Kalisanjo.png Kalisänjo N/A N/A
FlagKofuku.jpg Kofuku Embassy Bako-Huz FlagKofuku.jpg Kofuku Embassy Huntington
Kojo flag ddtuga.png Kojo Embassy Pyingshum Kojo flag ddtuga.png Kojo Embassy Huntington
Kuehong N/A N/A Kuehong Embassy Huntington
Kwinatu Embassy Matsaamabeli Kwinatu N/A N/A
Latflag.png Latina N/A N/A Latflag.png Latina Embassy Huntington
Flag-le.png Leresso N/A N/A Flag-le.png Leresso Embassy Huntington
2 Luslandia.png Luslandia Embassy Alcântara 2 Luslandia.png Luslandia Embassy Huntington
LayrFlag.svg Layr N/A N/A LayrFlag.svg Layr Embassy Huntington
Flag with question mark.svg Majesia Embassy Majapura Flag with question mark.svg Majesia N/A N/A
Mallyorianflag.png Mallyore N/A N/A Mallyorianflag.png Mallyore Embassy Huntington
MauretiaFlag-new.svg Mauretia Embassy Iola MauretiaFlag-new.svg Mauretia N/A N/A
Mazan Flag.png Mazan N/A N/A Mazan Flag.png Mazan Embassy Huntington
Mecyna Embassy Phoenix Mecyna Embassy Huntington
Mergania flag.png Mergania Embassy Freistat Mergania flag.png Mergania Embassy Huntington
Flag of New Ingerland.png New Ingrea Embassy Kingsbury Flag of New Ingerland.png New Ingrea N/A N/A
ParoyFlag.png Paroy N/A N/A ParoyFlag.png Paroy Embassy Huntington
FlagQennes.png Qennes Embassy Arta FlagQennes.png Qennes N/A N/A
Rainbow's End Liaison Office Port Geddington Rainbow's End N/A N/A
Rhododactylia Embassy Rose City Rhododactylia Embassy Huntington
Consulate Gyvetown
Rogolnika Embassy Ergolanyum Rogolnika N/A N/A
San Marcos N/A N/A San Marcos Embassy Huntington
Silland country flag.png Silland N/A N/A Silland country flag.png Silland Embassy Huntington
Consulate Silverdale
Flag of Suria.png Suria Embassy Triglav Flag of Suria.png Suria Embassy Huntington
Liaison Office Mokosh
Tamor Embassy Incubel Tamor N/A N/A
Tavauru N/A N/A Tavauru Embassy Huntington
Telkarnatha flag.png Telkarnatha N/A N/A Telkarnatha flag.png Telkarnatha Embassy Huntington
Teotiyolcan-flag.png Teotiyolcan N/A N/A Teotiyolcan-flag.png Teotiyolcan Embassy Huntington
Flag of Tigeria.png Tigeria N/A N/A Flag of Tigeria.png Tigeria Embassy Huntington
Union of Anglesbury and Youcesterland Embassy Whangiora Union of Anglesbury and Youcesterland N/A N/A
Vodeo Flag.png Vodeo Embassy Saviso Vodeo Flag.png Vodeo Embassy Huntington
Wallea Embassy San Martín Wallea N/A N/A
Yuethon Consulate General Shiu Yuet Yuethon N/A N/A

The Federal States is heavily involved in international politics, and its international presence is not limited to participation in the Assembly of Nations.


Q159810 noun 509351 ccParkjisun economy.svg
Economy of the Federal States of Archanta
Mixed economy
CurrencyFederal States Dollar ($)
HDI (2025)Increase 0.93
very high

The Federal States is a highly advanced and well-developed economy, featuring a high level of globalization in trade.


Science and Technology







The people of the Federal States speak a wide array of languages, though the official language and language of governance on the federal level is Ingerish. Individual states may provide services for languages such as Valonian, Castellanese, various indigenous Archantan languages, and others in a semi-official capacity. A majority of the population of the Federal States is able to converse in Ingerish, and an even larger majority can speak Ingerish, Castellanese, or Valonian. The Valonian-speaking regions of the Federal States are mostly situated in regions near Ardencia and Astrasia. Castellanese-speaking regions are generally found in northwestern states. In some areas of the country, pre-Ulethan Archantan languages are spoken by subsets of the populace.




The Federal States maintains a vast network of highways crossing the country, allowing its citizens and businesses to cover great distances in shorter amounts of time. The Federal States Defense and Commerce Motorway Network is a nationwide system of motorways and the centerpiece of its roadway network. These high-speed, limited-access roads connect all regions and most states from coast to coast and border to border.





See Also
